A Goddess Mid Year Business Review

We have officially crossed the threshold into the second half of the year and, more than usual, I have felt a really BIG shift in energy. Maybe you have too?

For me I’ve had this real urge and desire to reset and refresh everything in my world. To clean out, cleanse, let go and shift all the crap that has been feeling stagnant for a little while – both energetically and physically.

I literally rearranged the furniture in my office last week – and it felt so good!

So in light of these shifting energies, I wanted to share with you my process for reflecting on the past 6 months in life and business. This is something that not only makes sense practically and strategically right now, but also (and perhaps more importantly!) so much sense energetically.

I’m calling it “A Goddess Mid Year Business Review” because this is more than just your standard mid-yearly business audit where you look at all your facts and figures and make some decisions about plans moving forward.

Yes – looking at your facts and figures is a part of it. 

But this is really about bringing more feminine energy into an otherwise quite masculine process.

How can we bring in more feminine, intuitive, embodied energy to this process?

This is an invitation for you to call in more fun, magic and pleasure – all those delicious things that the feminine helps us tap into.

So grab your pen and let’s dive in…


Create Your Sacred Space

The first step is to create a sacred space to dive into this work.

This is something I do whenever I’m sitting down to commune with my business in some way – whether that’s planning or creating or making a decision.

You want to create a space that allows you to drop in and connect with yourself and your business in a really deep and magical way.

This is all about tapping into your feminine energy and following what feels good for you.

Often for me it can be as simple as making myself a cup of tea, lighting a candle and maybe rolling on one of my goddess oils. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple is often best.

So, what feels beautiful and nourishing for you?

Energetically Connect With Yourself & Your Business

Before diving into any questions or looking at any figures, the next step is to take a moment and really connect in with yourself and your business.

Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, place your hand on your heart (if that feels good for you!) and allow yourself to drop in and tune inwards. And then energetically invite the soul of your business into the space with you...

Because your business has its own energy, its own wisdom.

And when we’re doing any kind of planning or review process, we want to make sure we’re inviting our businesses to the party. 

As you’re doing this, I encourage you to energetically stay in that space with your eyes closed for as long as you need. Bask in your own inner world. Bask in the energy of your business. Feel how good it feels.


Goddess Mid Year Review Questions

Now that you’ve activated your feminine energy and invited your business to the table, it’s time to dive into some questions.

Today I have 6 questions (well, 6 groups of questions) for you to consider.

1. What has felt REALLY good for you in the first half of this year?

Let’s start with the big picture…

What have you achieved?

What big wins are you celebrating?

What are you MOST proud of?

And then on a smaller day-to-day scale…

What practices have felt really good?

What rituals have felt really good?

What things in your life and business have just really supported you and helped you to feel more abundant, more easeful, more expansive?

2. On the flipside – what hasn’t felt so great so far this year?

On a big picture scale, there might have been some disappointments, some challenges or some experiences that weren’t great.

Take a moment to note down those things. Acknowledge those feelings as 100% valid.

And then when it comes to the day to day, there also might just be some things that are just feeling a bit off for you right now. Perhaps some habits that you’ve fallen into or some things that you’d like to change.

For example: I know that I haven’t been as mindful of my eating and sleep habits recently. There has been more than a few days where I’ve skipped breakfast or lunch entirely, and I’ve fallen into the habit of going to bed quite late – and both of these things are really not serving me for obvious reasons.

So, what hasn’t felt great? What is no longer serving you?

Now that you’ve answered these first two questions – you will have a list of things that felt good and a list of things that didn’t feel so good. The next two questions are related...

3. What are you releasing and leaving behind in the first half of the year?

This will probably be that list of things that didn’t feel so good.

4. What are you taking with you into the second half of the year?

This is your opportunity to flesh out those things that have felt really good, those things that have felt supportive.

You can also include any of your learnings. So looking at any disappointments or challenges you might have had – what are the learnings you are taking away from that? 

Let’s leave all the heavy emotions that might be attached to that experience behind, but take with us the learnings, the insights, the “aha” moments that have happened as a result.

5. How do you want to feel in the second half of the year?

Now we get into the really juicy stuff. This is your opportunity to really feel into the expansive energy of the second half of the year.

If you close your eyes and allow your heart to expand out into the next 6 months – how does it feel?

What words come up for you?

What gives you the tingles from head to toe?

What is your intuition guiding you towards?

What is your business calling you to?

As you’re sitting in that expansive space, how does it feel? So delicious, if you ask me.

6. What upgrades do you need to make on a mindset and energetic level?

This is about the energy and the mindset that your life and business requires of you to expand into the next 6 months in the way you are feeling called to.

What energetic and mindset upgrades do you need to make?

Planning & Action Steps

It is time now to lean into your masculine and do your planning.

Now that you know how you want to feel in your life and business...what does that actually look like practically? What then are the tangible goals? The numbers, the dollars, the facts, the figures.

And then, what are the actions that fall out from there?

That’s how we bring a beautiful balance between the feminine and the masculine to this process. 

We lean into our feminine to do all the inner feeling work and then lean into our masculine to set tangible, practical goals and map out the action steps.

I love it! And I hope you do too.

I hope this practice today has supported you to make this process of looking back on the first half of the year a whole lot more enjoyable. Everything in our business can be made to feel more magic and abundant and fun, when we have that as our intention.

I hope that this has helped you to feel a bit lighter, to shake up any of that stagnant energy and to get you excited for what the second half of this year holds.

For me, the shift in energy that I am feeling at this mid-point of the year... it feels so expansive, so abundant, so full of possibility!

Beaming you all the love and good vibes for the second half of the year. Let’s do this!

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