Feeling Stuck? Listen to This

Today we are talking about how to get unstuck and uplevel your life.

This is something I’ve been thinking about A LOT recently. 

It’s a conversation I’ve been having with my clients, my friends, my husband, anyone who’ll talk to me about it.

I’m not someone who likes sitting still for too long. 

And I don’t love feeling stagnant or stuck. 

I mean, no one likes feeling that way right? It’s not fun.

But what I’ve witnessed when someone DOES feel stuck in some way…

...whether that’s stuck at a certain income level in their business, in a job they hate, or a relationship that isn’t aligned…

...is that they can sometimes spend a lot of time in that space because they don’t know HOW to move out of it.

So in today’s episode, I’m going to take you through two of the ways that this might be showing up for you and some practical steps that will help you get unstuck and start getting that energy moving again.

So let’s dive in…


How do you know if you are stuck?

It might be that you are already aware that you’re stuck at a certain level. 

And usually that’s because you have something that you’re working towards, you have a goal, you have a vision, but you’re not sure how to get there. 

The path isn’t clear. 

It might feel wildly impossible for you right now.

To give you an example of what this might look like in business – I see this both within myself and my clients when we might hit a certain income level. 

It’s like you hit this income ceiling and you’re stuck there. 

No matter what you do, you hit this plateau and you can’t seem to grow beyond there despite having the desire to do so.

Now income is just one example...this could also be with the number of clients in your program or the number of people in your community.

You’ve got a goal, but you just can’t quite get there.

As humans we love certainty, we love clarity and our rational brain really wants to know HOW we are going to make something happen before we take action. 

And if we can’t see HOW, if we can’t see the proof that it IS possible – taking the next step can be challenging.

This is where we really get to practice surrender and trust. 

Trust that what we desire, desires us. 

Trust that we have this vision for a reason. 

The only way to break through that ceiling and move beyond that plateau is to take the first step and start to move. 

That stuck energy will stay stuck unless we start to move it. 

We have to make the decision to take that first step, that next step. 

Whatever it is. Even if it's small.

So that’s the first way this might be showing up for you and one simple thing you can do to start to move through it. 

Alternatively, it might be that you have actually achieved your goals. 

You’ve reached a point where you are living the life that you set out to live, you’re hitting those business or career or life goals, but now that the dust has settled, you’ve landed here at this place and it's like, “is this it?”

Now the challenge here for you is to firstly bring awareness to this fact or give yourself permission to feel this way. 

Because our brain loves to rationalise, especially when we’ve had a set idea on something for a long time.

So if this is you, your brain might start to talk you out of it with thoughts like…

“Maybe my expectations are too high?”

“Who am I to want more than this, I should be grateful for what I have.”

“Maybe this IS as good as it gets.”

“Everyone else seems happy with it, maybe there’s something wrong with me.”

And you end up stuck in this place where yes, you’ve achieved what you’ve set out to achieve, you’ve ticked all those boxes but it’s all feeling a little empty or lacklustre and you’re not sure what to do about it. 

You’re not sure what you want just yet BUT you know that THIS isn’t it.

Acknowledging that is the first step.


The power of deciding

The next step is deciding. 

Deciding that you’re all in on creating a new reality for yourself. 

That even if you don’t know what that looks like exactly just yet – that it doesn’t matter. 

You are going to do what you need to do to create a life for yourself that feels meaningful and fun and magical and everything that is the opposite of empty and lacklustre for you.

This is about your version of what that looks like. Not anyone else’s. 

What is in alignment for you? 

What feels good for you? 

What is authentic to you?

In my experience, when my clients and I have created new opportunities and new realities for ourselves, it’s only been through looking BEYOND our current reality of what is possible.

We don’t know what we don’t know. 

The reason we end up striving for goals that are out of alignment is the same reason that we find ourselves stuck. 

It’s our conditioning, it’s the stories we’ve been told over and over again, the stories that we tell ourselves over and over again, the reality that we see for the people around us, the reality we see in our own lives. 

All of this reinforces our idea of what is possible for us. We don’t know what we don’t know.

So we’ve got to go beyond that if we want to get unstuck from this place that we are in, if we want to take ourselves and our lives and our businesses to the next level. 

We have to DECIDE that it’s happening.

And I want to come back to this idea of trust again – trusting that the desire is yours for a reason

Trusting that we don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step. 

Make the decision, take some action and let’s get the energy moving.

Because if we circle back to that question I asked at the top of the episode – what does it take to truly uplevel our lives?

THIS is where it starts...

How to take the next step and uplevel your life

First, acknowledging that we’re feeling stuck, that we’re in this place of stagnancy and that we want to change it. Even if we don’t know how or what that looks like, the desire is there.

And then second – deciding that it’s happening. 

Deciding that you’re all in on creating a new reality for yourself. 

Because it all flows from there – trusting, taking action and getting that energy moving again. 

No matter how the stuckness is showing up for you – you’ve got to get that energy moving.

This is what I want you to take away from this. 

That it’s possible for you to get unstuck. 

That if you’re feeling stuck and asking yourself “is this it?” – it most definitely is NOT. 

There is more out there for you. 

What you desire, desires you.

And from there, you get to play with what that expanded vision actually looks like for you…

...that’s when you can start to bring more clarity to that expanded vision and actually start calling it in for yourself.

And if you are ready to do that – then I want to remind you about my FREE live workshop later this week…

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Free Workshop: Expand Your Vision

This workshop is literally called Expand Your Vision and I am SO pumped for it! 

It’s happening this Thursday 5th August at 7.30pm AEST.

Together we are going to be dancing and playing in the energy of expansion. 

I’ll be taking you through a process to connect with your intuition to get crystal clear on your BIG expanded vision for your life.

I’ll be sharing the most important mindset and energetic shifts you need to make in order to expand your idea of what is possible for you, and helping you define what you want so you can get into energetic alignment with it and call it into the here and now.

If you’re in that space right now where you’re feeling stuck – it is time to get that energy moving again – make the decision, take that next step. 

You’ve got this. 

Find out more and sign up here

If you enjoyed today’s episode, if you took something valuable away from it – I would love to hear from you! The best place to find me is on instagram – I’m at @bec.cuzzillo – send me a DM, tag me in your stories, I would love to connect with you.

And don’t forget to subscribe and leave me a 5-star review – my aim for this podcast is for more spiritual business owners just like you to be out there in the world sharing their magic. And reviews is how we get the podcast out to those people.

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