How To Know When You're Ready To Launch A Group Program

Group programs.

Perhaps you’ve been thinking about creating and launching one for a while now…

Or you already have one that you’ve launched once or twice – but it didn’t go exactly as you planned (or hoped!)

So you’re currently wondering – is a group program the right next move for you in your business?

Well that’s exactly what we’re going to dive into today on the Feminine Fire Podcast!

Three signs that launching a group program would be a GREAT next step for you.

But first I think it’s important to understand why you’d launch a group program? 

What are the benefits of running group programs to your business?

1. More time freedom: If you’re currently working 1:1 with clients and you want to scale, that might feel a little stressful for you right now when looking at a calendar already jam packed with 1:1s. When you have a group program, you can serve more people and create more income but with less time.

2. More income: When you work 1:1, at some point you will hit an income ceiling where the only way to make more money is to raise your prices. When you have a group program you effectively lift that income ceiling and open yourself up to greater income growth. Being able to serve more clients in the time you have means you can grow your income exponentially because you’re no longer trading time for money in the same way.

3. Greater impact: More clients = more impact. It’s as simple as that. And I know if you’re here listening to this podcast that you started your business for this reason – to help people and have an impact in the lives of your clients. Group programs open up the number of people you can serve at any one time which means you’ll be having a greater impact in the world.

4. More accessibility: Because of the way in which you are leveraging your time, the price for a group program will be less than what you charge for your 1:1 services, so by creating a group program you’re creating a more accessible way for people to access your support, knowledge and magic.

5. Better client experience and results: You might be thinking, “But Bec isn't 1:1 going to be the best way for clients to get results?” I don’t think that’s always the case. And here’s why – because in a group program, you are leveraging the transformative power of community. Not only do your clients get access to you and your work, but they also get to access the support and genius of others in the room. The magic that happens when like-minded, like-hearted, inspiring people get to experience a group program like this is second to none. 

So there are many reasons why creating a group program can be beneficial for your business… but are you ready to create one? 

Here are three signs that you are ready to launch a group program…

1. You are fully booked (or close to fully booked) with your 1:1 services

If you are fully booked or close to being fully booked for your 1:1 services then you’ve likely hit your income ceiling. In this situation, the only easy way to make more money is to raise your prices, but even then, you’ll still be at capacity.

So if this is you, it’s a great time to be looking at how adding in a group program to your business could allow you to leverage your time, reach more people and scale your income and impact.

If you’re fully booked, or close to it, people are obviously already paying you for your time and expertise. They want the transformation that you provide and they are willing to pay you for the results you help them get and the problems you solve for them.

And the fact is, there’s only so many people you can help when you’re trading time for money. You will be able to help way more people when you take the knowledge out of your brain and put it into a group  program.

2. You have a process or methodology that consistently gets results for your clients 

Do you have a tried and true process or methodology that you regularly take clients through that could be packaged up and taught in a group program? A process that you know solves a problem for your clients and is something highly desirable and gets them results?

Or do you have repetitive content & themes that continually come up with clients again and again?

If the answer is yes to either or both of these questions, then you’ve already got the foundations and building blocks of your group program. 

AND you’ve already got the evidence that your process works. You know these are things that your ideal soulmate clients want support with (because you’re already supporting them with it). It’s just a matter of packaging it up into a group program and getting it out there.

3. You actually want to create, run and hold space for a group program

This part is kinda important and often overlooked. 

Because here’s the thing… you don’t have to create a group program if you don’t want to. 

I think there can be this perception that if you’ve been working 1:1 with clients for a while, that you “should” add in a group program or that group programs are THE way to scale your business.

So you might feel like there’s this pressure to run group programs in order to be legit in the online business space but that’s just simply not true. There are always other ways!

If creating, running and holding space for clients in a group program is NOT your idea of a good time, then I wouldn’t be recommending you create one.

So you’ve gotta want to do it, first and foremost. This is important.

You want to launch a group program – now what?

Now if a group program HAS been hot on your heart for a little while and is definitely something you want to do – don’t be put off by any of the mindset stuff that might come up as you take this step.

I don’t think I’ve met anyone who hasn’t experienced some fear or doubts around creating, launching and holding space in a group program.

To point out the obvious – anytime you do anything new it pushes you outside your comfort zone and into the unknown, so of course, that’s a little scary and uncomfortable. You’re in business, you know this, you’ve been here before. Probably many times.

What I know to be true is that your desire and vision have to be bigger than any fears.

And know that feeling some fear around group programs is NOT a sign from your intuition to not move forward. If the idea of creating and running a group program excites you – that’s your intuition. Follow that and lean into that excitement.

Let me tell you about my first ever group program…

I started running groups early on in my business – firstly women’s circles and workshops, and then not too long after I started coaching, I created my first group program.

My first group program was called “Feminine Power: Manifesting Your Soul’s Desires in 2018”

It was a short week-long group container with 3 live sessions with me that I held in early Feb of 2018 to kick off the year with a bang.

And I remember thinking at the time:

“What if no one signs up?”

“What if only ONE person signs up?”

“What if they don’t like the experience or the content or a million other things?”

I had a lot of those fear-based, self doubt-y thoughts come up and here’s what I did (and what I still do when thoughts like this come up) I didn’t make myself wrong for it.

And I reminded myself of this: The reason that I have these thoughts is because I care – yes, I want it to be successful because that’s always nice little ego boost BUT mostly I care because: 

A) I know the work that I do is important and transformative and I want to have an impact AND 

B) I want to do a good job, I want to deliver the BEST service I can for my clients, I want them to get the results they desire and reach their goals.

So all of these fears and self doubts are simply coming up BECAUSE I care.

And then I reframe it:

“What if exactly the people who need this program right now sign up?”

“What if I could impact just ONE persons life in amazing way through this program?”

“What if someone has a lightbulb “aha” moment that changes their life as a result of this program?”

The one quote that I always love to remind myself and clients of all the time is one by Marianne Williamson and I’m paraphrasing here but it’s essentially “instead of asking: who am I to do this? Instead ask: who am I not to?”

In other words, get out of your own way because your magic and medicine is more important than your fear.

To round out that story, I think I had 5 women in that first ever group program with me. And even though I’m pretty sure I charged less than $100, I was honestly so chuffed. And I got some amazing feedback and one of the women went on to work with me 1:1. So it was definitely worthwhile, despite all that fear and self doubt.

And now – fast forward 5 years and my business is built on group programs and I’ve perfected a simple 3 step launch process that I use to consistently create 5 figure launches and bring in monthly recurring revenue in a way that isn’t stressful or overwhelming, even as a fulltime mama of 2 who works 10 hours a week.

If you told me 5 years ago that this would be my reality in business now, I’d probably have spat out my tea and then quickly asked HOW?

Sign up for my upcoming FREE masterclass – How To Launch A Group Program & Skyrocket Your Sales

I’ll be teaching you my simple three step launch process that I’ve perfected over the last 5 years that’s created epic results for me in my business so that YOU can create your own rinse and repeat launch strategy that you can use to finally launch your group program out into the world MINUS the overwhelm. 

You’ll learn the strategies that are working right now when it comes to launching in the online space so you can double down on these and make more sales during your launch.

If you want to launch a group program without the stress or overwhelm – this is the masterclass you need. 

There’ll be a limited time replay available so if you can’t join live on Wednesday 16th August – you’ll still be able to soak up all the goodness. 

To sign up, head on over to


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How I Created & Launched A New 5 Figure Group Program In Just 8 Weeks