Spiritual Practices To Make 2022 Your Best Year In Business

Happy happy new year, beautiful human! 

I hope you had a restful, joyful holiday break and you spent it EXACTLY the way you wanted to spend it. 

I am SO excited for today’s episode because I am sharing with you the spiritual practices to make 2022 your best year in business!

We are going to set you up with some delicious practices that are going to really support you as we enter this new year.

I wanted to share this because it’s one of the things I like to do when I set my yearly goals and intentions... 

I like to ask myself: ‘What resources do I need to make those goals happen?’

The practices I’m sharing today are part of that. They are going to support you to energetically elevate into the person you need to be in order to bring your big beautiful vision and goals for 2022 to life.  

So let’s get into it! The first practice is...

  1. Create your energetic standards for your business in 2022

Energetic standards is a term that I first heard last year and I fell in LOVE with it.

When I say “energetic standards'' what I’m referring to are the beliefs that you hold to be true. The standards that you expect.

You hold these energetic standards as TRUE for you, beyond any shred of doubt – there is no grey area, there’s no “oh but what if”, there’s no exceptions. These standards are true for you. Period.

And you can create these standards. You can choose these standards. And you can hold the vision for them.

In fact, that is your job. Your job is to create them and then hold them as true for you. Even when you haven’t seen the results yet. Even when it isn’t happening on your timeline. You hold these energetic standards as true for you, no matter what.

To give you some examples of energetic standards…

The more I look after myself, the more my business thrives.

The more fun I have, the more clients I attract.

The more ease I create, the more my business grows.

The more I rest, the more money I make.

So, how do you create your own?

Looking at what you want to achieve this year, what you want to bring to life and how you want to feel… ask yourself: What are the energetic standards that are going to support you MOST?

Write them down. Set them as reminders in your phone. Put them on a sticky note on your computer.

Because you don’t just create these once at the start of the year and then that’s it. The magic is in the consistency. Consistently and continuously choosing these energetic standards for yourself. Continuing to hold them as true for you. Feeling into them. Leaning into them. Acting on them.

And also changing them as you need to too. Because as you move through this year, things will change, you will change, your business will change. That’s the beauty of growth, right? And as such, your energetic standards will change too.

This is POWERFUL stuff.

So your first action today is to spend some time feeling into what those energetic standards are for you right now. Write them down and place them where you’ll see them everyday, so you have that prompt to check in with how you are showing up and holding that energetic standard as true for you.

That’s your first practice to set you up for the year – to create your energetic standards for your business in 2022.

2. Set your word for the year

I love this yearly practice!

It’s been something I’ve been doing for quite a few years now and if you listened to the previous episode of the podcast where I shared my biggest business lessons from 2021 (episode 43), you will know that my word for 2021 was GROUNDED and my word for 2020 was ELEVATION – and both served me really well in many ways.

Now this might be a practice you’re already familiar with, but if you’re not, let me chat about how you go about setting your word for the year.

In my experience, sometimes the word might just land for you. I remember the word ELEVATION just landed for me on the summer solstice of 2019. It hit me as I was talking to someone, literally falling out of my mouth as I said, “2020 is my year of elevation.”

Other times it might feel like you’re choosing it more consciously. And the word GROUNDED was definitely like that for me last year. I consciously chose that as a word that encapsulated my goal and vision for 2021.

It really doesn’t matter how you go about it – whether you choose it more consciously or whether it lands for you while you’re driving or in the shower or having a conversation with someone. It will be the PERFECT word for you, no matter what.

Your word for the year acts like an anchor point. It’s a word that you can anchor your intentions into. Every decision, every action, every move you make has that energy behind it.

It’s a really beautiful practice to bring intentionality into your year. And if you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll know how much I love intentionality. When you do things and act from a place of intention, you literally can’t go wrong.

Now if you already have a word for 2022, amazing! If you don’t have a word for the year yet, trust that it will land for you soon. And if you’ve never done this before...I encourage you to give it a go. What is the word that will act as your anchor point for 2022?

My word for this year is EXPANSION.

And I won’t lie, I resisted this word at first because I’ve actually had it before and it almost felt like I wasn’t allowed to have it again.

EXPANSION was my word of the year in 2018. It was the year right after I went full time in my business, so it was a year of big growth for me personally and in the business. It was also the year I got married AND fell pregnant with Noah, so I literally expanded physically, our family expanded. All the things. It was the perfect word for that year in every way!

And every time I’ve asked my intuition, “okay what is our word for 2022?” – EXPANSION is the word that keeps coming through. I even tried to come up with alternatives that captured a similar essence...what about limitless? What about growth? And each time, it was just like, nup, its expansion.

So EXPANSION it is. And now that I’ve surrendered to it, I’m really freakin’ excited for what 2022 will hold for me with that word as my anchor point.

Now it’s your turn…what is your word of the year? What is 2022 the year of, for you?

Please come and let me know! These are some of my favourite conversations to have at the start of every year. I’m a sucker for a sticky beak behind the scenes.

And we know that when we claim our desires out loud and proud, we are making a big, bold statement to the Universe. So come and share your word of the year with me over on instagram and let’s make it happen, please and thank you Universe.

So that’s practice number 2 – set your word for the year.


3. Embody the energy of receiving

Embodying the energy of receiving is about fully stepping into a space where you are open to receiving.

As humans (and women specifically) we have a tendency to close ourselves off to receiving because it is safer to be in the position of the giver as opposed to the receiver. When you are giving, you are in control of what that looks like.

Compare that to when you are receiving – that’s a whole lot more vulnerable. You’re opening yourself up to the unknown. And, as we know, the unknown can be scary. 

As women, we think we give, give, give because that’s what society expects of us. Women are the givers of life, the nurturers, etc. We have to put everyone’s needs before our own.

And while that is true, we also have to take a step back,look at our responsibility in this and face the fact that we often enjoy giving because it provides us with that element of control.

When we are giving, we are in the driver’s seat. When we are receiving, we take a backseat and open ourselves up for others to be in the driver's seat, for others to give to us, for the Universe to give to us.

We have to let go of control in order to receive. And that’s vulnerable, that’s unknown, that’s scary. So instead of being open to receive we decide to stay in control, to continue to be exclusively in the role of the giver and to shut ourselves off from receiving.

Sound familiar? You can’t see me but I’m raising my eyebrows at you.

To embody the energy of receiving is to open yourself up to receive whatever it is the Universe has in store for you. When you’re in that space of receivership – the opportunities and possibilities are endless. What you are open to receive is limitless. It’s expansive. It’s exciting.

But to embody that energy, to be in receivership is to be vulnerable and open.

And it takes practice, because we don’t feel comfortable in that space of vulnerability. So what I want you to do is practice receiving any chance you get.

Someone pays you a compliment. Receive it. Say thank you. Don’t deflect and say, “oh I don’t know about that” or “do you really think so?” When someone pays you a compliment, receive it and simply say “thank you”.

Your partner offers to do something for you. Your kids offer to do something for you. Your friend offers to do something for you. Receive it. Say “that’d be great thanks, I so appreciate you!”

Your friend offers to pay for your coffee when you’re out. Receive it.

You picking up what I’m putting down here? Practice receiving in ALL areas of your life.

When you do this, you are literally recalibrating your energy to the energy of receiving. And then this will flow into your business. You’ll be more open to receiving clients, receiving money, receiving the full impact of the work you are putting out into the world.

So that’s your next action item – practice receiving in all the ways. Because that will mean you are embodying the energy of receiving which is our third practice today.

The fourth and final practice I want to share with you today is to…

4. Hold space for your vision

And this has two aspects to it.

The first is trust. Like I was talking about before with the energetic standards. Trusting that your vision is already true for you. No grey areas. No exceptions. Your vision is yours.

And your job is to hold space for that vision to land when it is destined to land. Not on your timeline. Your job is to hold the vision for as long as you need to hold it for, not a second longer, not a second shorter. Fully trusting that your vision is yours.

The second aspect to holding space for your vision is grounding your vision through inspired action. And when I say inspired action what I’m talking about are actions that bring you closer to your vision.

For example, that might be cleansing and clearing to make space for your vision. Letting go of things emotionally and physically that aren’t aligned with who you need to be to bring that vision into the world. 

Or it might be setting some new boundaries in life and business, having a conversation with your partner about what life will look like once this vision lands.

Or it might be investing in your growth and learning, or hiring a business coach, or outsourcing tasks.

The question to ask yourself is… what does your vision require you to do? 

Holding space for your vision requires these two things – TRUST and consistent inspired ACTION.

So those are the four practices to make 2022 your best year in business:

  1. Create your energetic standards for business in 2022

  2. Set your word for the year (and then come and share it with me)

  3. Embody the energy of receiving

  4. Hold space for your vision

Thank you for tuning in today! It’s my hope that you walk away feeling inspired to put these practices into actions straight away. Because that’s when the magic happens! It’s one thing to read a blog (or listen to a podcast episode) and a whole other thing to actually put what you’ve learnt into practice.


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