The 3 Essential Elements Of A Successful Spiritual Business

Today I’m sharing with you my signature formula that I use both in my business and with all of my clients to support them to build their businesses in a really sustainable, easeful and soulful way.

This is THE framework that built my business... the 3 Essential Elements Of A Successful Spiritual Business.

Let’s first define “successful”...

Success is whatever it looks like for you. Only you get to define your success.

My version of success will look different to yours. Yours will look different to the next person. 

And it will probably change over time. What success looks like for me right now, in this season of my life as a mum to a toddler… will look different to what it’ll look like for me in 10 years time. 

And that’s okay – it’s a good thing!

Because success is a feeling. We live in a society that loves to tell us what “success” looks like. 

You looks like owning the house, and the car, and having 2.4 children who go to this certain school, and the high flying job that pays you a million dollars, etc. etc. We’ve all heard a version of this story, right? 

This is the patriarchy at work, and we’re not here for that. We’re here to redefine success on our own terms.

So when I say...the 3 essential elements of a successful spiritual business. That is, successful as defined by you and you alone.


Some background on the way to a successful spiritual business

Before I started my business, I trained as a reiki healer. And one of the things you learn when you become a Reiki Master is that it’s not just about being a “master” of reiki. 

It’s also about stepping onto the path of Mastership in your life… meaning you take your learnings and healing power with you into everything you do.

So from the very beginning of my business, my healing practice was woven into everything I created. And the same with my passion for all things divine feminine and Goddess spirituality.

These have been woven into my offerings and my approach from the get-go.

At the same time, I have also always been an incredibly practical human, a type-A personality, a (now recovering) perfectionist. So my approach has always been to combine the intuitive with the practical.

What I’ve learnt over the last 4 years working with women in my capacity as a life coach, a business coach, a healer and a sacred space holder – AND through building my own business – is that a sustainable, successful spiritual business requires a combination of SOUL, MINDSET and STRATEGY.

These are the 3 pillars, the 3 essential elements of a successful spiritual business. 

It doesn’t matter where you are in your business...if you’re just starting out or are 10 years in, if you’re earning $1000 a month or $10,000 or $50,000… these 3 things are always the same.

Today I want to dive a little deeper into each and share why they are important and how they work together to help you take your spiritual business to the next level.

Element 1 - Soul

As a spiritual heart-centred business owner – this is where it starts and ends.

It’s usually WHY we started our business in the first place – because we KNEW we were destined for something more. We KNEW we had a mission, a calling on this Earth to do something meaningful with our time here.

Of course, you don’t have to be doing your soul work through a business, you can be living your soul’s mission in whatever work you do.

But in my experience, spiritual business owners are ALWAYS in business for a deeper reason that has to do with their soul calling.

This is the reason SOUL is the first of the 3 pillars in my signature formula.

It is about staying deeply connected to your WHY – to your soul’s mission, your higher calling, your higher purpose, your dharma, whatever you want to call it.

It’s about being grounded in your WHY and always being connected with the SOUL of your business.

Because your business has a SOUL. It has its own energy, and you – as the business owner, as the CEO – it’s your job to ground that energy and bring it into the world. To take the 5D and bring it into the 3D.

And the only way to do that in a sustainable, easeful way – is to stay deeply connected with the SOUL of your business.

By staying in alignment with your higher purpose and your ‘why’, you can show up fully as the leader you are and share your unique magic with the world.

So, how do you actually connect with the soul of your business?

You make it a regular practice to drop in, connect with your heart and energetically connect in with the soul of your business.

Your business will guide you, she always will. It’s about trusting and honouring your business, and making decisions and showing up for your business from a really grounded place.

If you’re wondering how you can start to integrate this into your spiritual business right now – I encourage you to spend a couple of minutes energetically connecting in with the soul of your business and asking the question: “what do you most need from me right now?”

I like to think of this as sitting in ceremony with your business. Make it a regular practice. 


Element 2 - Mindset

This is a biggie. As my wonderful coach Ellie Swift often says, mindset is 80-90% of the game in business. 

And she’s not wrong. 

I’m a big believer that being a business owner is one of the biggest personal development journeys you’ll ever experience. It certainly has been for me!

And it’s not surprising, right? As I said, we are here – as spiritual business owners – because we have felt called to this work. We pour our heart and SOUL into everything we create. Our success is not just about us, it’s about the impact we want to have on the world – the impact that we know we’re HERE to have.

We are so deeply invested in our business, what we’re here to do and who we’re here to serve. And when there’s that much emotion and feeling behind any endeavour, our EGO mind or our inner critic, has an absolute field day.

On top of that, we might also be coming out of the “spiritual closet” and wondering what everyone is going to think of us being “spiritual”?

And, of course, we are stepping into the unknown and outside of our comfort zone.

These are ALL things that bring up fear, self doubt and all of the mindset blocks under the sun. 

But here’s the thing about the ego… it’s just trying to keep us safe. 

The ego fears rejection because, ultimately, we all just want to be loved. It fears anything unknown, because as humans we crave certainty.

When we start to see the ego in that way, we can take a more compassionate approach.

Because we know better. We know that what is out there in the unknown is us living our mission and sharing our heart work with the world. 

When we see the ego with compassion...we can say “thanks, but no thanks” and we start to take back our power, rather than giving it away.

We are never going to rid ourselves of that ego voice. Fear is always going to come along for the ride, along with self doubt...but we are in the driver’s seat. We are steering the ship. We have the power. 

This is why MINDSET is such an important piece of the puzzle as a business owner. You’ve got to be in the driver’s seat, and the way you get there is by staying on top of your mindset.

What does staying on top of your mindset look like? 

It looks like regular mindset practices – journaling, affirmations, reframing – whatever works best for you!

As well as, leaning on external supports to help you move through your mindset blocks.

Often just having someone (a coach, a partner, a trusted friend) to help you work through challenges when they come up, who can reflect any negative self-talk back to you and help you recognise those stories that are playing on repeat – that will be enough to get the ball rolling.

Because, ultimately, you don’t want any of those pesky mindset blocks to stop you from sharing your heart work with the world!

Mastering your mindset allows you to confidently own your worth and step into your power, so that you can manifest incredible opportunities and create the business of your dreams.

Element 3 - Strategy

This is where practicality meets spirituality.

This is your game plan. The action steps that will help you achieve your goals and bring your dream business to life.

One of the most common things I see – and did in my own business for a long time – is spiritual business owners faffing about with no real strategy.

Trying things out, but not committing to them long enough to see if they will actually work. Sometimes they might not even have a clear goal and they’re not even really sure what they want from their business. 

In this case, there’s probably (definitely!) some mindset stuff that needs to be uncovered – and if that’s you right now, I want you to know there’s no shame here.

I’m a big believer that we have to go on the journey to get to where we need to be. There’s always learnings and takeaways from every experience.

For me, I faffed about for really the first couple of years in my business. I lacked direction. I felt torn in a few directions, always questioning what I wanted for my business and just had no strategy whatsoever. 

It’s because I didn’t have a clear goal… which is why staying grounded in the SOUL of your business is so important. It will literally help you make those decisions and get clear on what it is that you truly want.

And unsurprisingly, at that business didn’t grow very quickly. 

But once I got crystal clear on who I was and what I wanted for me and my business, once I knew where I was headed – I could create the very clear strategy to help me get there.

The word that I always come back to when it comes to strategy is INTENTIONALITY. 

Strategy helps you to be intentional in your business. 

When you’re intentional, you do everything with your end goal in mind. You have a STRATEGY.

So how do the 3 elements of a successful spiritual business come together?

When you are deeply grounded in the SOUL of your business and you are on top of your MINDSET, making really intentional decisions to help guide your business STRATEGICALLY becomes SO much easier. 

It’s like a deep breath of release. 

Like…’thank fuck, I trust my business, I trust myself, THIS is the right decision, THIS is the right next step, THIS is the strategy.’

And what I love about this is that it brings all of those elements together in a nice little bow. 

SOUL, MINDSET and STRATEGY – these are not things that work in silos, they work harmoniously together to help you take your spiritual business to the next level and to achieve success in your business... whatever that looks like for you.

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Join the FREE Scaling Your Spiritual Business Challenge

The Scaling Your Spiritual Business Challenge starts on Monday 8th March 2021.

Over 3 days, I will be teaching you the 3 step process to create a scalable model for your spiritual business. 

This is for you if you dream of having a 6 figure business, a business that earns you great money – without compromising on your spirituality, your authenticity and your values.

This process is what I used to scale my business...and what I now teach my clients. 

This challenge is completely FREE! So come on over and sign up to join me!


Scaling Rapidly and Intuitively with Allira Potter


Building An Authentic, Values-Based Business with Julie Parker