The Mindset You Need to Start Your Spiritual Business

When you ask, I listen…

And recently you told me you wanted to know about the MINDSET you need when starting your spiritual business and how to move from idea to action.

So that’s what I’m here to share with you today.

I’ll be sharing the 3 mindset shifts or mindset upgrades that will be MOST supportive for you as you’re starting out. 

In fact, they’ll be supportive for you no matter where you’re at on your business journey.

Because what I know to be true when it comes to mindset is that it’s all about the journey, not the destination. 

We don’t just do the mindset work once and that’s it, we’re set for life. This is a commitment for the long term. And one of the most important things you’ll do as a business owner as you build, grow and scale your spiritual business. 

Because I truly believe that owning a business will be one of the biggest personal development journeys you’ll ever go on.

The mindset blocks that come up for you when you’re starting out are likely to be the same ones that come up for you whenever you’re hitting a new level in your business. It’s just at a new level or on a bigger scale.

The good news is that if you make a commitment to prioritise your mindset – it gets easier for you to notice when those limiting beliefs or blocks are coming up, and then you can move through them faster because you have those tools in your toolbelt to call upon.

That’s why I’m going to be sharing these 3 mindset shifts with you today. These are the mindset shifts that I believe will support you MOST when you’re first starting out in your business.

Let’s dive in.


Mindset Shift Number 1 - Overcoming Fear of Judgment

This is a biggie. 

Because there is nothing more paralysing than worrying about what everyone in your life is going to think of you starting your business. Whether this be your parents, your high school friends or the barista at your local cafe. 

Worrying about what others think of you is SO paralysing.

This fear of judgment is an incredibly common fear that comes up for many business owners at the start of their journey, BUT for SPIRITUAL business owners…

This ALSO might be the first time you’re sharing your spiritual side with the world. So there’s an added layer to this fear.

And I get it. 

While spirituality has definitely entered more of the mainstream these days and it's becoming more and more accepted to carry crystals in your bra and consult your oracle cards under a full moon… depending on what circles you run in, it might still be perceived as “woo” or “crazy”.

But here’s the thing... you’re starting and building your business because you felt called to this work. There are people that you feel called to show up for and serve – people who need you and your magic.

And guess what, they’re NOT those people who you think might be judging you.

And you can’t allow that group of people (the judgey ones!) to stop you from showing up and serving your soulmate clients.

So if you feel this fear of judgement come up and start thinking thoughts like... “I can’t possibly do that because what will that person or this person think of me?” – take a deep breath and come back to your purpose for being in business, come back to WHO you’re here to serve and show up for them and them alone.

Mindset Shift Number 2 - Overcoming Fear of Failure

When you’re starting out OR when you’re doing anything new in your business, like launching a new program for the first time – that’s often when fear of failure can rear its head.

And we’ve all been there. 

‘What if I fail?’ 
’What if I don’t get any clients?’
’What if I don’t make any sales?’
’What if no one likes what I’ve got to say?’

What if, what if, what if...

We spiral down this path, tripping ourselves up before we’ve even started.

Fear of failure can also look like self doubt. 

Those thoughts that question your ability to be a successful business owner.

Questions like...

‘Can I really do this?’
’Do I know enough?’
’Will I really be able to make money in my business?’

Now here’s the thing about the fear of failure – it's a mechanism that our inner critic or our ego voice uses to keep us safe inside our comfort zone. 

Even if our comfort zone is being in a boring job that we don’t enjoy or a toxic work environment that sucks the life out of us – it’s “safe” because it's what we know…

When you start your own business – there’s a whole bunch of unknowns. You’re doing something new.

So firstly it’s important to recognise that fear of failure OR any fears or limiting beliefs that come up for you when you’re doing something new – it's the ego’s way of keeping you in our comfort zone. 

But that isn’t where the magic happens.


Remember – you’ve been called to this work! This is about having the confidence and self trust that you can do this. That you know enough to get started and that any skills or knowledge you need to take the next step, you can learn them.

You’re not in business to take the “easy, well trodden, that’s what everyone else is doing” road.

You’re in business to serve your soulmate clients and create a life for yourself that feels really good. 

So overcoming fear of failure is about doing what you need to do to start building that confidence and self trust that you’ve got this.

There’s 2 things that come up for me here…

1. Find some evidence that demonstrates you’re capable of doing something new and big and scary.

I find this incredibly supportive for both myself and my clients. 

Can you think of a time that you did something new and succeeded? 
Something that was scary? 
Something that you didn’t think you’d be able to do?

And if you can’t think of an example from your own experience – can you find evidence in the people in your life? Or in the people you follow on social media? 

I’m telling you I didn’t know how to run a business when I started one. I learnt most of it as I went. 

No one is born knowing how to do all the things. 

If I can learn it, you can learn it. So take that as your evidence if you need and use it to challenge that self doubt when it comes up.

2. Sometimes you’ve just got to do the damn thing.

Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

It’s a cliche but it's a cliche for a reason.

This is about telling your inner critic where to go by taking action.

“Thanks but no thanks inner critic...I’m going to move through this fear by taking action.” 

So overcoming fear of failure is mindset shift number 2.


Mindset Shift Number 3 - Overcoming the Comparison Trap

In the age of social media, it can be SO easy to compare yourself to others who are further ahead along in their business journey, especially when you’re just starting out. 

This is what is called ‘comparisonitis’ or the comparison trap. Because it is a trap – a distraction. 

It’s something that (again!) the inner critic uses and holds on to as a reason for why you shouldn’t go out and do the thing that you really want to do.

And we all know by now what we think of the inner critic. 

This kind of BS is just not on. You’re in the driver's seat. So let’s put the inner critic in the backseat where it belongs.

Because it serves no one to compare your journey to someone else’s. 

Everyone started somewhere. 

At some point in time, we all started with zero clients and zero social media followers and zero email subscribers. And we all have different factors at play when it comes to how much time and energy and resources we have to invest in our business. 

So it makes no sense to compare ourselves to others.

The other thing that can happen if you fall into this trap is that you get distracted by all the shiny things. 

In my opinion, the fastest way to get results is to commit to a strategy and go all in on it for a period of time. Most things take time to bear fruit. 

When you start comparing yourself to others – you can get caught up in what everyone else is doing. 

‘That strategy is working for them, maybe I’ll try that.’
‘Ooooh, what about that thing that I see that person is doing? I’ll try that now.’

And instead of committing to your strategy and staying in your own lane, you end up chopping and changing and trying new things every 5 minutes and then wondering why you’re not seeing the results.

Now that doesn’t mean you can’t try out new strategies that you see yielding results for others in your field. 

But you don’t have to try it right now. Note it down and file it away as something you’d like to try at some point knowing that you can come back to it when the time is right. 

Stay focused. Stay in your own lane.

And if you feel yourself spiralling with those thoughts of comparison…

‘Look at how successful that person is...what’s wrong with me?’
‘I’m not as good as them, I’m not as capable as them, I’m not as smart as them.’
‘Why would someone work with me when they could work with them?’

If you end up in that space – again, take a deep breath and remember…

There is enough room for everyone. 

And no one has your unique brand of magic. 

There might be other people out there doing similar things but none of them are you. And your soulmate clients will resonate with you.

And as someone who has been called to this work – it’s your responsibility to show up, share your magic and serve your people. 

It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing.

The only thing you need to do is be who YOU are and do what you’re here to do in a way that is authentic and true for you.

And when you can embrace your authentic self and show up fully in service of your mission by sharing your unique magic, your unique medicine with the people who need it – that’s when the magic happens.

Not when you’re trying to be someone else because that’s who you think you need to be in order to be successful in business.

No more comparing. Agreed?

So there you have it – the 3 mindset shifts that will be MOST supportive for you as you’re starting your business.

What I want to leave you with today is this… 

MINDSET is key at every step on your business journey, at every level. 

Business strategies can be learned. But mindset is an ongoing commitment. 

Making mindset a priority from the outset will ultimately make your business journey a whole lot more easeful. 

That doesn’t mean that limiting beliefs won’t pop up or that you won’t ever find yourself comparing yourself to others. But it means you’ll have the tools and practices to support you to move through it easier. 

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Join my FREE Masterclass – What I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business

This free masterclass is coming up this Thursday 27th May and I would SO love for you to join me. 

I’ll be sharing the 5 things I wish I knew when I first started my business.

These are the exact steps I’d take and the order in which I’d take them, so you can consider this your roadmap to starting your spiritual business with ease and soul.

It will all be going down via a Zoom call and I’m so excited to see your face! 

Click here to sign up

And when you join live, you’ll also receive a PDF worksheet to jot down some notes so you’re ready to get moving on those action steps straight away.

It’s going to be a super practical masterclass with lots of simple to implement takeaways. I can’t wait!


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