The One Thing You Need To Step Into Your Personal Power

Today I am going to be sharing the ONE thing you need to step into your personal power.

But before we get there I want to chat about what I mean by the words “personal power” and share THREE things that might be blocking you from accessing it right now. Three things you might not even be consciously aware of.

So what do I mean by personal power?

Us humans, especially women, have an interesting relationship with the word “power”. It can bring up images of politicians, dictators, bullies, the imbalance of power that exists in the world, inequities. And when we think of power in that sense, it doesn’t sit well. As spiritual, heart-centred, loving beings – it’s not something that aligns with our values and we don’t want anything to do with it. I get it.

But that is not the kind of power I’m talking about here.

Your personal power is the innate power you have within you as a sovereign human being. 

The force you have within yourself that gives you strength. 

Your personal power is something you can tap into at any time. 

It’s not something you earn, it’s not something you have to do anything for, it just is. 

It is innate, it is your birthright, it is yours simply for being YOU.

However, sometimes we can get in our own way. We give our power away and we end up feeling powerLESS. We block ourselves from accessing this innate power that is within us.

So how might you be blocking yourself from accessing your personal power? I’ve got THREE things I want to share...


Block #1: Leaky boundaries

How often do you say ‘yes’ to something that you’d really rather say ‘no’ to?

You say ‘yes’ because you think you “have to” or that you “should”.

You say ‘yes’ because you think that’s the nice or the “right” thing to do.

You say ‘yes’ because you want people to like you.

You say ‘yes’ because you don’t want to disappoint.

You say ‘yes’ because your inner mean girl is doing backflips at the idea of saying ‘no.’

You put everyone else’s needs before your own.

And you end up with leaky boundaries.

This leads to your personal power leaking out all over the place.

Sometimes, when you try to put boundaries in place, if you haven’t done the inner work to back it up, holes appear pretty damn quickly.

And then you’re back saying ‘yes’ to things you really don’t want to.

And then, what happens?

You end up feeling drained and resentful.

You get run down and you make yourself sick.

And you get years down the track and wonder how you ended up here.

You thought you were doing the “right” thing. You thought you were helping everyone else.

But you weren’t doing it from a place of personal power.

When you have healthy and firm boundaries in place, you are operating from a place of personal power.

You show up for yourself and others from that place of personal power.

You have more impact.

You feel more fulfilled.

You have more passion, more purpose in life.

But it starts with healthy and firm boundaries.

Block #2: Perfectionism

Perfectionism can be a huge block that we’re not even aware of!

Some people even wear their perfectionist badge with pride! And I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say that I am a recovering perfectionist. It’s something that I’m working on everyday.

Perfectionism holds you back from being in your personal power. 

Because when you’re labouring over every last detail being perfect, you end up stuck in a holding pattern.

Always waiting, waiting, waiting to get things absolutely perfect before taking action.

Perfectionists talk themselves into thinking they’re being productive, or they will have a story that it has to be *this* way for a variety of reasons.

The problem is that this is just your inner mean girl or your inner critic in different clothes.

Our idea of perfection is based on the expectations of others and society, or what we perceive those expectations to be.

So we morph and shift and adjust and try to squeeze ourselves into this box of what we think is perfect...

...but it’s actually BS.

There’s no such thing as perfect.

You can’t please everyone and everything.

All you’ll end up doing is getting out of alignment with yourself – and this certainly isn’t coming from a place of personal power.


Block #3: Lack of self trust

This is a biggie.

A lack of self trust can hold us back from so many things...

  • Making decisions

  • Following through

  • Coping with change

  • Learning new things

One of the biggest things I see is women not trusting themselves to be able to deal and handle things when they arise.

Instead, they spend their time planning for the worst, worrying about the future, ALWAYS on the lookout for something to go wrong.

And you know what happens when you expect something to go wrong?

It often does go wrong.

I’m not saying things won’t ever go “wrong”, but what if you just trusted yourself to handle it and deal with it when it does?

What if you trusted your intuition?

Even if it doesn’t make “sense”.

Even if it isn’t the “logical” or “rational” choice.

When you fully trust yourself, you can let go of any anxiety about the future and you can relax into the present moment.

And the present moment is where your inner goddess lives.

It is where you can access your inner joy.

The present moment is where you can experience the beauty and pleasures of life.

When you fully trust yourself, you can tune into your intuition and make decisions from that space – a space of intuition, flow and deep self trust.

Without that self trust, you will be making decisions based on fear, self doubt and worry about the future.

How are you supposed to step into your power if you don’t trust yourself?

So, in summary:

  1. Leaky boundaries

  2. Perfectionism

  3. Lack of self trust

These are 3 things that can block us from accessing our personal power.

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What helps us move out of this space and into our divine power?

Two words for you – SELF WORTH.

When we do the inner work to truly believe and know that we are WORTHY, everything changes.

Your fears, your limiting beliefs, your inner critic – these all keep you playing small. They keep you stuck, and keep you from knowing and deeply embodying your worth.

Because you’ve been worthy all along. It’s a process of remembering.

Self worth is the cornerstone of all my work, and it is the major underlying theme of what I teach in my signature 6 week program – Feminine Fire (which is currently open for enrolment!)

When you have a strong sense of self worth, you have the confidence and strength to set healthy, firm boundaries and maintain them.

When you have a strong sense of self worth, you are able to let go of perfectionism, because it’s not about pleasing others but instead pleasing yourself.

When you have a strong sense of self worth, you trust yourself deeply, you trust your intuition and you are more in flow.

Cultivating a strong sense of self worth is the ONE thing that will help you shift all of those things that are blocking you from accessing your personal power.

This is what I teach inside Feminine Fire – how to uplevel your self worth, connect deeply with your soul purpose and ignite your feminine fire.

Because you are SO unbelievably worthy of living an incredibly fulfilling life – a life where you operate from a place of personal power.

Personal power gives you agency, it supports you to step up and take responsibility for being the creator of your own life.

You have the power within you – but it's up to you to do the inner work to access that power and exercise it in your life.

No one else can do that for you.

But you can seek support to help you on your journey.

And if that’s something you want to explore – I encourage you to come and have a look at my Feminine Fire program. It is 6 weeks of sisterhood, soul growth, mindset work and practical magic with me as your coach and a community of like-minded, like-hearted women ready to rise right alongside you.

You will walk away with the tools, practices and knowledge to navigate life from a place of deep self trust, self worth and purpose.

It is an absolute delight to be bringing this program back for the fourth time. I am so excited for the women who have already said ‘YES’ to this experience – some of whom have come through the journey before and are back for more, to take this journey again in a different season of life. Because there’s always more to learn, always more growth to be had, always more ways to unlock your personal power.

Head on over here for more information

I want you to walk away from this episode today with the knowledge that everything you need is already within you. 

Your personal power is innate. 

You don’t have to do anything or prove anything to anyone to “earn” it. 

You have access to your personal power at all times. 

All you have to do is get out of your own way.


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