The Questions I Ask My Business Coach

If you’ve ever thought to yourself…

“Can I really ask my business coach this question?”

You’re going to love today’s episode of the Feminine Fire podcast!

I thought it’d be fun to take you behind the scenes and give you an inside look at what working with a business coach really looks like.

If you’ve never worked with a business coach before, it might surprise you the kinds of things we can dive into in any given session.

I know I’ve had conversations with clients in the past where early on in our relationship, they’ve shared things that might be going on personally or even mindset-wise for them and they’ve said… “oh I didn’t know that I could ask you that?” or “I didn’t realise that you could support me with that”.

Now of course, every business coach is different and has their own unique blend of magic that they bring to their sessions with clients.

But I know most business coaches would agree that the support we provide our clients goes way beyond what could be put into the box labelled “BUSINESS”.

So today in this episode I am sharing with you the Questions I Ask My Business Coach.

I’ll be sharing real life questions that I’ve asked my business coach in the past. And I’ll also be giving you some examples from sessions with my clients too.

Now I should also take a moment to shout out to Ellie Swift – the incredible woman who has been my business coach for almost 2 years. As you will soon see, we have a lot of fun in our coaching sessions together.

I’ve grouped the questions or themes for today’s episode together into 3 different themes…

  • Strategy

  • Day-to-day of business

  • Mindset

And I’m going to go through each of these and give you some examples of what these conversations can look like.


1: Strategy 

When people think of business coaching, STRATEGY is often one of the first things that comes to mind.

And for good reason…it’s incredibly important!

I’m talking about big picture strategy – looking ahead to the next 6, 12, 24 months…

As well as strategy on a more micro scale for things like individual launches or the specific marketing strategy that I might be focusing on at any given time.

If I’ve got a launch coming up – I will often spend a whole session with my coach mapping out my entire launch strategy from beginning to end. This can look like:

  • Setting a launch goal

  • Deciding on the overarching theme for the launch

  • Pricing

  • Content ideas including what I’m going to be sharing on the podcast

  • Waitlist

  • Earlybird

  • Bonuses

  • And so on...

We map it all out and bring it all together really cohesively.

Other times we might chat through big strategic decisions…

For example, Ellie supported me through the decision to bring on my first team member, which, by the way, is still one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my business. 

She also supported me when I decided I wanted to create and launch THIS podcast – so thanks Ellie! The podcast was something that had been on my heart for a while and the strategy to make it happen was born from one of our coaching sessions.

With my clients I’ve supported them through decisions to:

  • Quit their 9-5 and go full time in their business

  • Create and launch new offerings

  • Raise their prices

  • And so much more

All of these are strategic decisions that are made so much easier with the support of a coach.

2: Day-to-day of Business

The day-to-day of business is where it comes in handy to have the ongoing support of a coach in some way – whether that’s on Voxer or email or inside a Facebook group or otherwise.

For instance, when I introduce Voxer support to my clients who’ve never used it before,  I describe it like having a “coach in your pocket” because you can literally send me a text or audio message anytime of the day or night, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

When it comes to the day-to-day of business, this is where the support can be really varied.

I will often reach out to Ellie whenever I have to put my big girl pants on and have difficult conversations in the business – which will always happen from time to time! And I have never been more grateful for the ongoing support of a coach than at times like this.

At the same time – we also have really freakin’ fun conversations too – like coming up with ideas for fun content to create.

For example, I recently created an Instagram reel titled “Basic Bitch Crystals” after a conversation with Ellie – which in my humble opinion, is both hilarious AND useful, and you should go check it out here.

And then other times I ask Ellie REALLY basic questions – things like, “I’ve got a podcast coming out next week on XYZ topic and I’ve got two possible titles, should I call it THIS or THIS?”

So BASIC! But instead of sitting in indecision and umming and ahhing over it for way longer than necessary – sometimes a second opinion from someone who isn’t so IN it, is exactly what you need.

And I have all of these conversations with my own clients too. 

Sometimes we’ll be troubleshooting tech issues – which side note, I may not always be able to support them with MYSELF but I am always ready with some recommended next steps. And other times we’ll be drafting out an email to send to clients OR brainstorming fun ways to show up during a launch.

Having a coach to support you on a day-to-day basis – it’s the actual best!


3: Mindset

Finally, MINDSET is a BIG piece of the pie.

This is where having a business coach is about WAYYYY more than just business.

As women-identifying, heart-centred business owners – let’s be real, business is never just business.

We’re here with a mission – a WHY that is bigger than just ourselves.

And when our heart and soul is poured into our business – it becomes a part of who we are. A part of our lives.

This is why they say that business is one of the biggest personal development journeys you’ll ever go on.

So mindset is a big part of the support I seek from my business coach AND the support I provide to my clients too.

This can look like working through very specific mindset blocks – chatting it through, reframing limiting beliefs and putting in place more supportive mindset practices going forward.

It can also look like being called out when those mindset blocks start presenting as stories. In fact, this is one of the biggest roles of a coach – accountability!

As someone being coached, I want to be held accountable to the mindset that’s going to be most supportive for me to reach my goals. I want my coach to call me out when she hears any of those old stories playing out. I want that reflected back to me so I can recognise it sooner and move through it faster.

It’s what my coach does for me, and it’s what I do for my clients.

And many times it’s just having someone to debrief with, to air frustrations and get out any of that pent up energy that being wobbly in your mindset can bring up.

There has been many times that I’ve sent Ellie a Voxer in tears. Sometimes it’s business related and sometimes it’s because I’ve had a really hard day as a human being (we all have those!).

Which brings me to those times when I’ve had clients say to me: “I don’t know if this is something I can share with you but this is what’s going on in my life right now…”

And my response is the same every time…

“I’m here for it ALL!”

I started my coaching career as a spiritual life and empowerment coach – not a business coach.

The business coaching came later. And, of course, I absolutely LOVE it!

But I also LOVE that I’ve got the skills to support my clients in their life as well.

Most of my clients are solopreneurs. They might have some support behind the scenes with a VA or a graphic designer or some other type of contractor – but for the most part, they’re a one woman show.

And while there are practices and strategies we can employ to compartmentalise life and business when we need to…

There is no way that LIFE doesn’t play into our businesses.

And I’m a big advocate for creating a business that supports us in our lives, not the other way around. So for me – this is a really important aspect of the support that I provide my clients AND the support I get from my own coach.

So there you have it. The three themes when it comes to the questions I ask my business coach – strategy, the day-to-day of business and mindset.

This is what it looks like to have a business coach in your life and business – someone to walk alongside you in every sense. From high level business strategy right down to deciding on the title of a single podcast episode and everything in between.

It is my hope that this episode has been useful for you whether you are already working with a coach, just starting to work with one or looking to work with one soon. 

I wanted to give you a behind the scenes look into what it looks like to actually work with a business coach… to share the kinds of questions you can ask and conversations you can see just how varied this support can be.

If you’re just starting to work with a business coach or looking to work with one soon – I suggest having this conversation up front and making the MOST out of the support that you are investing in.

If you’re already working with a coach – perhaps this has been a reminder of all the ways you can be supported in your business. Is there something you’d like support with but haven’t asked your coach for?

If you enjoyed today’s episode, if you took something valuable away from it – I would love to hear from you! The best place to find me is on instagram – I’m at @bec.cuzzillo – send me a DM, tag me in your stories, I would love to connect with you.

And don’t forget to subscribe and leave me a 5-star review – my aim for this podcast is for more spiritual business owners just like you to be out there in the world sharing their magic. And reviews is how we get the podcast out to those people.

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