The Secret To Building a Successful Multi Passionate Business with Fionnuala Doherty

One of the questions I’m asked all the time is – how do I bring all of my different services and offers together cohesively without confusing my audience?

Spiritual business owners are often multi-passionate and have more than one thing going on… 

You might be a healer AND a psychic

Or an acupuncturist AND a coach

Or a yoga teacher AND an artist. 

Maybe you have a line of products too? 

Or maybe all of the above plus more?

I remember when I first added in coaching services to what was predominantly a candle and product-based business at the time. I was worried that it would be confusing for my people. 

And it definitely took a bit of time, some key strategic decisions and some mindset work to bring it all together without feeling like my brain was going to explode. But it is possible!

And today’s podcast guest is here to share the secret to building a successful multi-passionate business – among many other things...

Let me officially introduce you to Fionnuala Doherty

Fionnuala Doherty is a mindset and purpose coach, yoga teacher, retreat space holder and reiki practitioner.

She supports big hearted expats to take action on their infinite potential and purpose. Using her signature framework, The Infinnite Method, she supports these women to create the life they dreamed of when they first moved away from home.

Fionnuala has supported women to uncover the career of their dreams, find soul friends and community, and truly own their limitless potential.

And she has built an incredibly successful business that brings together her coaching, yoga and reiki healing in a way that feels so seamless and aligned. Absolutely no confusion in sight for her or her people.

In this chat today, Fionnuala shares how she does it – she spills all her juicy secrets to building a successful multi-passionate business. 

It’s such a juicy, jam packed conversation! 

And one that can really be summed up as a giant permission slip to not be afraid to do business your way, to follow your own path and to honour your own timeline.

If you’re a multi-passionate business owner – this one's for you!

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire

  • The mindset, strategy and intuitive practices Fionnuala used to build a successful multi-passionate business 

  • The importance of bringing together both intuition and strategy in business 

  • The power of weaving spiritual practices and ritual into your daily life

Connect with Fionnuala


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