What NOT To Do When Scaling Your Spiritual Business

Buckle up, babes! Because today we are talking all about scaling your spiritual business. Specifically, what NOT to do if that is what you’re focused on right now.

This episode could also have been titled “The Biggest Mistakes I See Spiritual Business Owners Make When Scaling Their Business” – because these are the things I see all the time! And all I want is for beautiful big hearted spiritual business owners, just like you, to build the incredible business that you so deserve.

This is for you if you’re in a big growth season of your business or if that is what you’re desiring right now.

So you want to scale your business and take your income to the next level? 

Before we dive into the “what not to do’s” – the first thing to be clear on here is that scaling your business is NOT about working more hours to make more income.

It’s about working smarter, not harder.

You want to be creating a business that supports you to make great money in your business without the hustle or overwhelm or burnout. We are not here for that!

Let’s dive into our first “what not to do”. Now this is going to sound really obvious, but…


1. You can’t just decide you want to scale and then hope for the best.

What I see SO often with clients when we first start working together is that they don’t actually know whether their current business model will support them to reach their income goal.

Yes – they have an income goal, or at least an idea of what they’d like to be earning.

And yes – they have offers in their business.

But they don’t know if those offers at their current pricing and current capacity will actually allow them to hit their goal.

Essentially, they’re not yet intimate with their numbers.

The good news is that, in the first instance, it's a relatively simple fix. You just need to run the numbers.

  • What are your current offers in your business?

  • What’s your capacity each month?

  • And what’s your pricing?

So for example, if you’re a healer or a psychic or anyone running single 1:1 sessions…

  • What's the price of a session?

  • How many sessions can you do in a month?

  • If you multiply those together you’ll have your earning potential for the month?

  • Does that equate to your income goal?

If so, great. If not, we’ve got some work to do.

And either way, know that in a 1:1 model like this – you’re going to hit an income ceiling at some point.

In this model, your only option to make more money is to increase your prices. But of course, that will still only get you so far.

No matter what, the point is that you won’t know any of that unless you get intimate with your numbers.

So this is often one of the first things I do with my clients – because having this information is what we then use to make strategic, intentional decisions about what their best next steps are.

I’ve got clients who are currently building out their 1:1 coaching offer and focused on filling their books right now, but they know they want to add in a 1:many offer down the track – they’re just not at that point yet.

And then I’ve got clients who are already fully booked in their 1:1, or moving away from 1:1 altogether, and are now focused on creating group offers.

But all of them could only make that decision because they knew their numbers.

When you want to scale your business, you can’t just set that goal and then hope for the best. You need to first understand where you’re at right now and then make a decision from there.

Which brings me to my next “what not to do”...

2. If you want to scale, you need to have a scalable business model.

Again obvious. But once you know your numbers, the decision you then need to make is about HOW to scale. Because what has gotten you to this point in your business, likely won’t get you to that next level.

I think it's worth noting at this point that you CAN definitely hit $5k or $10k months or have a 6-figure year with a 1:1 model only. If you have the capacity and your offer is priced accordingly, you can 100% build a 6-figure business with a 1:1 model. 

But as I mentioned before, if you’re in a 1:1 model – you’ll hit an income ceiling at some point where the only way to earn more is to work more. And we’ve already established that we’re not here for that!

Before you go and create anything NEW however, the first step I recommend is to raise your prices, especially if you haven’t raised them in a while and especially if you’re booked out and in demand.

Ask yourself: 

  • When was the last time you raised your prices?

  • How are those prices feeling for you now?

  • What would it mean for you to raise them by 10-20%?

We start with raising your prices because creating anything NEW is always going to take time.

And when we’re looking at how to make changes to scale our business, there can be a real desire to burn everything to the ground if we feel out of alignment in some way. Don’t do that!

Start with what you’ve got and raise your prices FIRST.

And then move on to creating your next offer or building out a 1:many offer.

So then, what does a scalable business model look like?

The most common approach to scaling is to go from a 1:1 model to a 1:many model.

But essentially it is a business model that supports you to reach MORE people with LESS time.

Other examples include an agency model, so if you’re someone who does “done for you” work like a VA or a graphic designer – that could also be an option.

Or if you are someone who really LOVES working 1:1 with clients – there are options out there to scale a 1:1 model by looking at a partnership model, for example.

But the most common way to think about scaling your business is to add in a 1:many offer, so that’s what I’ll chat to today.

Now you might already have one, and if that’s the case then your next steps might be to look at how you can expand it and make it more scalable.

Or maybe there's a next step you can take people on? If you have an online course for example, what happens once your people complete that? Is there a next level of working with you in a higher level 1:many offer?

There’s lots of different scalable offers you can have in your business. The most important thing is that you do have a business model that IS scalable.

Okay, on to my third and final “what not to do”...

3. If you want to scale your business, you don’t have to do it alone.

Of course, you can. BUT in my experience you will scale your business faster and with more ease if you have support.

And I’m not just talking about business coaching here.

I’m talking about having support IN your business.

Often when you first start out, you’ll wear all the hats – you’re the CEO, the bookkeeper, the graphic designer, the website designer, the admin assistant, the content creator, all of the things.

But as you grow and scale, continuing to do it all without any support is going to hold you back.

When I first brought on someone to support me in the business, I didn’t even realise how much I needed it.

And you don’t want to get to a point where you’re hiring someone after you’ve already hit the point of overwhelm and you’re snowed in under a mountain of things to do.

Ideally you’re making that decision ahead of time. I’d start with the things that both take you a lot of time (that someone else in their zone of genius could do so much faster) AND that frustrate you to no end. This is going to free up your time so you can focus on growing your business.

It might be that you hire a VA or a social media manager? Or maybe you outsource some specific one off tasks like graphic design?

Or even that you bring in some support in your personal life? Things like childcare, cleaning, gardening. Even though this isn’t business support, it will give you back more TIME and that’s the most important thing.

And yes, of course, I do want to touch on business coaching here.

Because firstly, from my own experience, I only started scaling my business once I’d invested in a business coach. Prior to that I was out there on my own, trying different things and hoping they would stick.

Once I had the support of a coach to help me, first, get intimate with my numbers and then second, create a scalable business model – that’s when I really started to see some growth in my business.

And once I did, it didn’t take long! Maybe I would’ve got there on my own…but I’d been trying that for almost 4 years and it wasn’t getting me anywhere fast.

So please don’t be me and wait almost 4 years to invest in yourself and your business.

Something I’m hearing a lot right now is: “I feel like I need to go it on my own for a while” – which I have no problem with if that’s coming from a really empowered place. But I know that it’s often coming from a place where you feel like you “have” to do it on your own to prove something.

Let me tell you, there are no gold stars for doing it on your own. There is no such thing as “earning your business stripes”. Having a business coach does not mean you failed at business. That is just not a thing.

I have been working with my coach for almost 3 years now. And I will never not have a business coach.

So please don’t feel like you need to “go it on your own for a while” just for the sake of it. And as I said, please don’t be me and wait almost 4 years to invest in yourself and your business.

The upshot is, if you want to scale your business, consider investing in support on all sides – both in your business and on your business.

And if you are ALL IN on scaling your spiritual business in 2022 – then I’d love to tell you about the Spiritual Business Mistressmind which is currently open for enrolment!

The Mistressmind is an intimate 4 month mastermind coaching experience for women who are ready to scale their spiritual businesses to six figures and beyond

This is for you if…you have decided that 2022 is the year that you are all in on creating results in your business. No more mucking around. You’ve worked with clients, you’ve got some offers but it's time to uplevel. It’s time to scale – you’re ready for more income and more impact, but you want to do that in a way that aligns with your spirituality.

Over our 4 month journey, I will share with you the strategies, tools, resources and practices that I’ve used to build my business to six-figures, and supported many of my clients to do the same.

The Mistressmind is for you if you’ve got your foundations in place and now you’re ready to take your business to the next level. You’ve booked some clients, you’ve made some sales, you’re now desiring greater consistency, a steady flow of clients and the income to match.

That’s what I support you to do inside the Spiritual Business Mistressmind. This is where grounded, practical business strategy meets fully embodied feminine spirituality. If you want to grow and scale your business while staying aligned with your spirituality and soul purpose – I want you in this with me. 

We kick off in the first week of April. Its a four month experience combining both group coaching AND 1:1 coaching. You get 4 months with me as your coach – group coaching calls, private voice messaging support, copy review, resources, tools, templates, goddess activations, new moon workbooks, guest teachers and a private facebook group.

There’s also the option to upgrade to get more 1:1 time with me.

Click here to read all the juicy details

Earlybird enrolment is NOW OPEN and I have a very limited number of calls available in the next week. If you’re feeling the pull to this, I’d love to jump on a call and connect with you about it. Book your free 20 min call here.

And that is it for today’s episode of Feminine Fire.

To recap, the 3 things NOT to do when scaling your spiritual business

  1. Don’t just hope for the best – you need to get intimate with your numbers

  2. You can’t keep doing the same thing and hoping its gets you to the next level – you need to have a scalable business model

  3. You don't have to do it alone – invest in support on all sides


Spiritual Business Mistressmind – Doors Open!

The Spiritual Business Mistressmind is now open for enrolment! This is THE place for spiritual women ready to scale their business to six-figures and beyond. Join us here!


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