2022 In Review: What Worked, What Didn't & What I'm Doing Differently In 2023

So here we are at the end of another big beautiful year. 

And it has been a BIG one! 

At least for me anyway, particularly the second half of this year – having a baby, packing up and selling our house, it’s been a lot! And we are in for some more big changes coming into next year with moving our family of 4 to the coast. 

And I know for many of you it's also been a big year!

In this final episode of the year, I want to take a moment to celebrate and reflect on the year that was 2022 – what worked, what didn’t and what I’m doing differently in 2023. 

I’d also love to encourage you to do the same.

Building in time for celebration and reflection in both life and biz is so important because it’s so easy to just move onto the next thing, the next year, without taking the time to acknowledge what was, reflect on your learnings and celebrate your wins.

When you make the time to do this, there are two main benefits…

  1. Reflecting on your learnings means you can take those forward with you and leave behind what isn’t serving you anymore. You can shake off that stagnant old energy that you might not even know is hanging around and get really clear about how you want to move forward.

  2. Celebrating your wins puts you in an attitude of gratitude and the energy of abundance. We know that what we focus on multiplies, so ending the year in this way is setting you up for success in 2023.

So as you’re listening to me share my highlights, lowlights and everything in between in this episode today – I encourage you to take note of what comes up for you and carve out some time to do this exercise yourself.

  • What are you celebrating? 

  • What are the challenges you’ve learnt the most from? 

  • What are you leaving behind in 2022? 

  • And what are you taking with you into 2023?

If there is one thing that I want you to take away from this episode today it's to put this into action – take the time to celebrate, reflect and get really intentional about closing out this year before stepping into the new one.

So let’s kick off with my reflections on 2022…

My word for this year has been EXPANSION and I won’t lie, it was a word that I resisted when it first landed for me back in December last year. 

Why? Because I’ve actually had it as my word of the year before.

Expansion was also my word for the year in 2018 – which was my first full time year in the business and also the year we got married and found out we were pregnant with Noah. Lots of expansive vibes! Ha!

But when it landed again last December, it was just before we found out we were pregnant again after a year of trying to conceive and at the time, I kept thinking, “is this word just coming through because I really want to manifest another pregnancy?” Well, no – it was likely coming through because we were already pregnant

So expansion was definitely the flavour of the year! I *literally* expanded as I grew a small human, our family expanded and with all of that, the business expanded and my capacity to hold more as a mama and a business owner expanded.

The last couple of months have also been a whirlwind as we’ve expanded into our next level vision for our family preparing to move to the coast at the end of this year. 

Expansion really was the perfect word for the year that was 2022 for me in life and business.

So, what worked, what didn’t and what am I doing differently in 2023?

This time last year I shared that 2021 was one of the most stretchy, challenging years I’d ever had. 

I had been stretched to my edges like never before, and I had spent a lot of the year feeling like things were hard, mostly due to the challenges we faced trying to conceive.

So finding out we were pregnant right before Christmas meant that I ended 2021 feeling much more hopeful and positive. That and I had finally done something proactive to shift my mindset and energy!

After months of trying to do it on my own, I invested in outside support to help me – which meant that I was able to end 2021 and start 2022 in a much better frame of mind.

The takeaways for me here?

Mindset and energy are everything. Investing in support is always a good idea. Do it sooner rather than later. Don’t wait until things have felt hard for months before seeking out and investing in support.

The highlights for me in 2022 have been…

Having a baby and becoming a family of 4 – this has to be the biggest highlight, of course.

I also had the most beautiful maternity leave which really solidified for me just how far I’ve come in business – to have built a business that supports me in this season of life as a mama of 2 is such a dream.

I’ve shared about maternity leave on the podcast before – you can listen in here:
Episode 83
Episode 75
Episode 74

And finally, the highlight of the last part of this year has been preparing for our move to the coast, which is something that my husband Matt and I have been dreaming of for the last couple of years, and it’s now becoming a reality. So finding out that Matt had secured a job was a big highlight for us!

Something else that had a profound impact on me this year was my pregnancy. Obviously birthing another human and becoming a mama of 2 was significant and life-changing in all the ways. But my actual pregnancy highlighted something that I’d been neglecting for a little while – my health.

So what came out of all this for me was a commitment to and investment in my physical health and wellbeing – something which up until this year has not really been on my radar.

So far, postpartum, that has looked like going to yoga each week, which has been good for me physically and mentally, seeing a women's health physio who has supported me with my pelvic floor and created a plan for me to slowly ease back into running, and taking my herbs and vitamins as prescribed by my naturopath.

The takeaway for me here? 

Physical health is so important and I can’t afford to neglect it. My goal is to be the healthiest, fittest, most vital version of me in 2023. I want to get to peak optimum health. I want more energy. I want to be stronger, fitter and healthier, from the inside out. That’s my commitment!

Business-wise, what am I doing differently in 2023?

I think the biggest thing is acknowledging that I’m not in a season of big business growth right now.

My focus for next year is in coaching my clients in the Spiritual Business Mistressmind and doubling down on my focus being there. 

And to be honest, that’s it. I’ve got a live round of the Spiritual Biz Academy coming up in March for women in the early stages of business and some new ideas still percolating at this stage – if they happen, then I’m seeing those as a bonus.

I’m in a season of grounding and sustaining at the moment. I've built this beautiful business that supports this season of life and I’m damn well going to enjoy it.

It feels so good to acknowledge that this is it for me right now and to have made that a really intentional decision for 2023 – that I’m not gunning for big growth this year but rather really grounding into what I’ve already created.

I think there’s a tendency in the online business space to always be scaling and growing, and if you’re not “quantum leaping” in your business then there must be something wrong. 

Well, I call bullshit.

Yes, there’s obviously a time and space for growing and scaling your business. But there’s also time and space for not, and it takes courage to go, you know what, my goal is to sustain right now.

The takeaway for me here? 

Don’t strive for growth just for the sake of growth. Get really honest with yourself about where you’re at and what your goals are. Make a really intentional decision about what 2023 looks like for you growth-wise.

Are you in a season of calling in big growth in 2023? 

Or like me, are you looking at grounding into and sustaining what you’ve got? 

Making that decision BEFORE you start planning for the new year is going to be so supportive because your plans are going to look very different depending on which way you want to go.

And something I want to normalise is having support in your business through ALL seasons. 

Often we only make investments in our business when we’re looking to grow BUT support is important even when we’re not in a season of big growth. 

Having a business coach isn’t just about growth. It’s about becoming a better business owner, implementing better systems and processes, creating epic programs and experiences for my clients, upleveling my mindset and energy. 

So even though I’m not striving for big growth in 2023, I will still be investing in coaching. That’s one thing that I’m not doing differently. 

So no matter where you’re at on your business journey – if you’re looking to grow and scale your business OR double down on where you’re at, having a business coach will support you.

And if you’d like that business coach to be me – there’s 2 ways I can support you in 2023.

If you’re new to business and want to build a sustainable business from the get-go and land your first paying clients – the Spiritual Business Academy is for you. 

When you sign up now, you get instant access to the course content so you can binge watch as you please and move through at your own pace AND full access to the next live round in March including 3 weeks of coaching support and 2 live calls with me.

If you’ve been in business a while, worked with some clients and want to grow to $5-10k months in an intuitive, soulful, sustainable way – the Spiritual Business Mistressmind is for you. 

This is a 6 month high level mastermind with 1:1 and group coaching support. Applications are now open for April 2023.


Connect To Your Business Vision & Grow Your Income In 2023 [Guided Meditation]


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