3 Truths You Need To Know About Consistent Cash

As I’m deep in launch mode for my program Confident Consistent Cash…

I’ve been having lots of conversations about what it actually takes to create consistent cash in your business.

Because right now you might be experiencing some challenges when it comes to creating consistency in your cash flow and getting to that point where you have the freedom, security and flow that you desire. 

And what I’ve realised through these conversations is that there are some misconceptions around what’s required to create consistent cash in your business or maybe some misalignment around what you think is going to help you get there versus what actually will. 

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m sharing 3 truths you need to know about consistent cash. 

Let’s talk about what actually matters in this space.

Truth #1: Consistent cash requires an offer suite that supports monthly recurring revenue

One of the biggest reasons I see why people aren’t creating consistent cash in their business is because their offers just simply don’t support it. 

They want consistent cash but they’re only selling one-off sessions or low cost offers that don’t necessarily lead to something higher ticket OR that RELY on volume to successfully bring in consistent cash.

And here’s the thing – if you’re constantly relying on new clients coming in the door for your one-off sessions or if you find yourself always creating new ways for people to work with you in order for you to hit those consistent cash months, you’re likely bloody exhausted and on a one way train to burn out city without much to show for it.

I know this because I’ve been there. 

I remember 5 years ago, before I had kids, I was hustling hard but my income was very inconsistent. I loved what I was doing and I was good at it but I was making candles that I sold for between $30-50 a pop and my main coaching offering was a one-off 90 min session that I think I sold for $250. 

When you run the numbers on that, it just wasn’t an offer suite that was going to be making any sort of consistent income anytime soon. So my offers and business model needed a total overhaul – which is what I did after Noah was born and voila! consistent cash, yes please!

And NOW this is one of the first things I work on with my clients when they first come to work with me. We look at their offer suite and make sure it's geared for consistent cash and bringing in monthly recurring revenue.

Truth #2: Consistent cash requires pricing for profitability

Pricing is so important when it comes to creating consistent cash in your business and the fact is…too many spiritual business owners underprice themselves. 

I see this time and again in the industry. 

People selling card readings for $10 or healings for $30 – your time and expertise is worth more than that. And in terms of making money, it’s just not sustainable. You have to sell A LOT of those low cost offers in order to be making any kind of decent cash consistently and you likely don’t have the capacity to do the sheer number of readings or healings that you’d have to do to make that work. 

So you need to be pricing your offers properly so you’re bringing in consistent cash and actually making a profit that you can then reinvest back into your business and pay yourself at the same time.

And for most spiritual business owners that will require having higher priced offers that bring in a solid base of consistent income first, before other lower priced offers stack on top of that.

Because having higher priced offers in your offer suite means that you can hit your income goals with fewer sales, so you’re not relying on having a big audience or bringing in a huge volume of leads consistently. 

And it’s not that you can’t create consistent cash from a low ticket offer like a membership or a digital product BUT it requires VOLUME so a lot more time spent marketing to bring in those leads, probably paid ads and doing what you need to do to get your offer out in front of enough people in order for it to be viable. 

Higher ticket offers are higher touch but often require less marketing for the same level of income.

Truth #3: Consistent cash requires work & strategy

I think one of the biggest myths we’re being sold in the online space right now is how quick and easy it is to make money online. 

You’re being sold on the dream of “making money while you sip cocktails by the pool in Bali” and seeing claims like “I made $50k per month from a $37 digital product in my first 6 months of business”.

And it’s just simply not the reality or the FULL story. 

Really, when you look at it, these sexy claims are shared in this way as a sales tactic. And it’s not necessarily that they’re not true, it's that there is ALWAYS more context and nuance to the HOW. 

Those sales made while sipping cocktails may have been years in the making. That $37 digital product is likely the gateway to a much more expensive offer that creates the $50k per month. You’re very rarely seeing the full story and the full story is usually a lot less sexy.

Because the reality is…consistent cash requires work and strategy to make it happen.

And not a copy and paste strategy from what someone else is doing online. But a strategy that makes sense for you, your business and your current season of life. One that aligns with your goals and that you can stick to – this is really important. 

One of the biggest problems I see right now is people strategy hopping and not sticking with a strategy long enough for it to work. 

There’s just so much information out there on the internet that it's easy to find yourself chasing all the shiny objects that promise to be THE answer to getting more clients and making more sales – when really what you need to do is decide on a strategy that makes sense for you and then work it until it works.

Consistent cash requires work and it requires strategy. It’s not sipping cocktails by the pool in Bali while you make bank and don’t do any work. You can still very much have your cocktails and your pool in Bali and consistent cash – BUT it also requires work and strategy. 

Your LAST CHANCE to sign up for Confident Consistent Cash

So if you’re ready to put in the work to create consistent cash in your business – this is the FINAL week to join me inside Confident Consistent Cash

Over the next 4 months you’ll get to work to build your confidence and create consistent cash in your business – BUT it’ll be fun AND it won’t be complicated! 

I’m all for SIMPLE strategies that work and that’s what I teach you and support you with inside Confident Consistent Cash. 

We go through what YOU need to create consistent cash in your business so you have a clear roadmap that’s personalised to you. And I walk alongside for the 4 months to support you as you implement.

It’s going to be magic. We already have some incredible, incredible women in this round of the program. 

And I’d love for you to join us too if this is speaking to you – click here to find out more and sign up.


Trust, Productivity & Building A Business While Working A 9-5 with Lindsay Dollinger


Doing The Money Mindset Work, But Still Not Creating Consistent Cash? Listen To This