Doing The Money Mindset Work, But Still Not Creating Consistent Cash? Listen To This

Mindset is such a big part of the game of business. It’s mindset AND strategy – not one or the other, but both.

And when you have a goal of creating consistent cash, or any sort of money goal, you’ll likely be focusing on your MONEY MINDSET specifically – reading the books, doing your affirmations, journaling on your money blocks, listening to abundance meditations, etc. 

But despite doing “the work” – perhaps you’re yet to reach those elusive money goals?

You still haven’t found that place of consistency in your cash flow even though you’ve been working on your mindset.

And you’re left wondering – “I’m doing all the things so why isn’t it working? WHYYYY?”

Now this might be slightly controversial…but I think a lot of the time we go about mindset work all wrong. And I say “we” because I know I’ve done this too.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast – let’s talk about why you’re still not creating consistent cash even though you’re doing the money mindset work.

There are 2 different things happening here and I want to speak to both.

On the one hand – maybe your money mindset isn’t the biggest issue right now…

Maybe you’re looking for problems when there aren't any?

This happens when you’re rehashing the same shit over and over in your journal. And you’re using “doing the mindset work” as the excuse to NOT take action. Like, I’ll just sort out my mindset first before doing the thing. 

When what you actually need to do is take action, move forward. There’s only so much thinking you can do to shift your mindset. Journalling will only get you so far. 

What I find to be true is that the biggest mindset shifts come through action. The act of doing brings the mindset forward. Because often it requires facing your fears, stretching beyond your comfort zone, doing something new and maybe uncomfortable. That’s where the mindset magic really happens.

Journalling and some of these other practices are great for processing your thoughts & emotions and uncovering any blocks. But the way you shift them - is often through action and actually just going out there and doing the thing.

If I can give you a non business example here: let’s say you want to get good at running, you might have some mindset work to do around believing that it’s possible for you to be a runner, BUT you can’t just do the mindset work and get good at running. You have to actually go out there and practice running.

The same is true in business. Yes, there is more than likely some money mindset work that’s going to support you here. But you can’t expect to get good at making money if you don’t go out there and practice making money. It requires action too. 

And not just “busy” work, but actual needle moving action. The action that brings in clients & customers and makes sales – which is usually the action that you’ve been avoiding doing. 

So if you’re finding yourself “busy” with all these mindset practices but not actually getting anywhere, not seeing the results you want, not creating consistent cash – then it’s likely you need to shake things up a bit and get moving.

Because you can’t keep trying the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result.

So the question I pose to you here is – Is mindset actually the “problem” here? Or is it your lack of action?

On the other hand – maybe you’re not doing the ACTUAL mindset work you need to be doing?

You might be doing your abundance affirmations every morning and listening to your nightly hypnosis BUT ignoring the ACTUAL limiting belief or block that’s holding you back?

Ooft. I won’t lie, this can be a hard pill to swallow and can actually be really challenging to see for ourselves when we’re in it. It’s one of the reasons why I love having a coach that understands the importance of mindset work and knows how to support you with it.

Because sometimes you just need your own self talk reflected back to you so you can identify those blindspots. And I’m speaking from experience here. I’m not immune to this and neither are my clients. They are called blindspots for a reason, right?

What I see here so often is people thinking that the mindset that’s holding them back is one thing, when actually it’s another.

So for example, you might think it’s because you need to work on believing that it’s possible for you to make 6-figures – when actually the bigger mindset block is that:

  • “You don’t like selling”

  • or “Your audience aren’t buying right now”

  • or “You’re worried what everyone will think of you” 

If this is the case, my recommendation here is to have a conversation with your coach or hypnotherapist or healer, someone who has an understanding of mindset and can support you with this, and ask them to help you identify the blocks. 

Often all it takes is an honest conversation about WHY you believe you haven’t hit your goals yet and someone who can ask you the hard hitting questions to identify those pesky little mindset blocks that are so hard to see for ourselves.

Because if you’re going to invest your time in doing the mindset work, you wanna make sure it’s the “right” mindset work.

And don’t get me wrong – I am a big fan of mindset practices, of journaling and affirmations and hypnosis and EFT and the rest. But really, these practices will only “work” if:

  1. You’ve identified the actual thing holding you back

  2. You’re actually willing to let it go and change it 

  3. AND you’re actively working on shifting it – not just through mindset work but also through taking action and just doing the damn thing.

The final piece that I want to leave you here with is speaking to…z

Your expectations of what mindset work will do for you. 

What’s your endgame here with “doing the work”?

Because yes, you CAN 100% rewire your subconscious beliefs and create a more supportive mindset for yourself in the long term, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have negative thoughts ever again or that things won’t feel sticky for you in the future. 

I know we “talk” about mindset being an ongoing journey and process, but sometimes I think we hold onto this hope that it will be a one and done thing. But it's just not. 

In my experience, the “mindset work” equips us with the skills to move through stickiness with more ease, to help us identify those blocks that are coming up faster and to approach things with a more abundant, solutions-focused, “half glass full” kind of mindset.

So don’t make yourself wrong for experiencing mindset blocks or finding things challenging or sticky at times.

Don’t make yourself wrong for doing the mindset work and still not being where you want to be yet.

Sign up for Confident Consistent Cash

If you’re serious about creating consistent cash in your business this year and you know that both MINDSET and strategy are important – enrollment is currently open for Confident Consistent Cash.

I’ll work with you over 4 months to support you to become a confident business owner and to create cash consistently in your business, so you're never feeling like you're on that income rollercoaster again and you're really clear on how you can consistently grow your income.

This isn’t just an online course with no support, I’ll teach you everything you need to know to create consistent cash confidently in your business and I’ll support you over our time together to put it into practice and implement it in your business. 

I’ve created it in this way because that level of support is what I know is required to get the results you want. 

We kick off on Monday 27 May 2024, and we already have some incredible women in for this next round. 

If you’re in this with me, amazing, head on over to to find out more and sign up.


3 Truths You Need To Know About Consistent Cash


Creating Consistent Cash Through Strategy AND Soulful Biz Practices  with Claire Bradshaw