5 Reasons Why No One Is Buying Your Offer (& What To Do About It)

Before we dive in, can I be real with you for a minute?

I tossed and turned over whether or not to go with the title for this episode, because – to be honest – it feels a little harsh.

But it’s only a little harsh, because (real talk!) there will be times when it's true.

And maybe it’s not that NO ONE at all is buying your offers – you might have a few sales here and there.

But I feel like most successful business owners will have had, at some point, an offer that just didn’t quite land. Maybe several.

And that’s okay. It doesn’t make you wrong. It doesn’t mean anything about YOU as a person or a business owner. It doesn’t mean that it's a sign from the Universe that you should quit your business. And it certainly doesn’t mean you’ve failed.

It just means that there’s an opportunity here to go back to the drawing board, make some changes or craft something new, something even better.

And that’s the good news! Because there’s always something you can do about it.

So today I am sharing five reasons WHY your offers might be missing the mark, and what you can do about it.

Let’s get to it...


1) You are NOT prioritising your soulmate clients

What I see all the time is spiritual business owners creating their offers on a whim when inspiration hits or when they get a download straight from Source or Spirit, or whatever you want to call it.

Now this might sound controversial for me to say as a SPIRITUAL business coach, but hear me out.

It’s not that we don’t want to be guided by our intuition or those downloads that are coming through thick and fast from Source. Of course we do!

As those downloads are coming through, we want to be tuning in, allowing it to flow and taking note…

But it’s not the ONLY piece of the puzzle.

Your offers are here to SERVE your soulmate clients.

And as such, you need to be prioritising them and their needs and desires.

Your soulmate clients MUST be at the centre of every offer you create in your business.

So when inspiration hits or those downloads come through from Source – the next step isn’t, ‘okay, let’s go’.

The next step is…’okay, this is feeling really good and really aligned for ME – now, how does it serve my soulmate clients?’

Because here’s the thing – not every download you have will be for your business. And the way to determine whether or not that’s the case, is to place your soulmate client at the centre of ALL your offers.

Does this serve your soulmate client?

If so, great! Let’s continue.

If not, then okay, what next? 

Maybe there is something in there you can tweak or change or position differently to ensure the offer doe serve your soulmate clients. 

Or maybe this is a download that is meant for you in a different way – maybe it serves you in your life outside of your business, or maybe it's an idea you can park and come back to later on.

But despite any urge you might feel to rush through and make it happen...you need to always, always, always come back to your soulmate client and place them at the centre FIRST.

Otherwise the offer won’t land and then it's not serving anyone.

You’re here to serve and support your clients, so you need to prioritise them.

2) You are trying to please everyone

This is one that will be tough for the people pleasers out there! I see you. I feel you!

Because it is most of us on some level, right? It is human nature to want others to like us.

But the reality is that they won’t! And as business owners, we have to get on board with that notion. 

Because any people pleasing tendencies are only going to hold you back from creating really great offers for your people.

Not everyone will like you, not everyone will like your offers...and that’s okay.

In fact, let’s reframe it, shall we?

Not everyone will like you or your offers...and that’s a really great thing!

Because it means your soulmate clients will love you and your offers MORE. 

So it's time to stop trying to please everyone and start creating your offers for a specific group of people – your soulmate clients.

Who is your soulmate client?

And, how does your offer serve them?


3) You are NOT providing a solution to your soulmate client’s “problem”

And I know, I know...we all hate the word “problem” in the spiritual space.

But I kinda want to call bullshit on this.

Because, while I agree that language is important, I also think it's important to recognise that problems exist – and that’s okay!

Actually, again it can be more than okay, it can be a very good thing. It means there’s an opportunity for growth!

And the “problem” that you “solve” for your clients can often be as simple as… they don’t know how to do something that you know how to do.

Perhaps you have skills they don’t yet have.

Perhaps you have knowledge that they don’t yet have.

So there’s no need to see our clients’ “problems” as a negative or a bad thing. Let’s, instead, see them as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Your offer needs to solve your client’s problems.

Your offer needs to provide your clients with something that they want and need.

And you need to be explicit in that! You need to create your offer in a way that does that.

For example, if you’re an energy healer – your soulmate clients might be coming to you because they feel drained or exhausted or overwhelmed right now, and the service you provide supports them to come out of their session feeling more calm, rested and energised.

In this example, the “problem” your clients are experiencing are those feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm, and the solution you are providing is a service that helps them feel more calm, rested or energised.

So, where are your soulmate clients at right now? And how is your offer helping them get to where they desire to be? 

4) You are NOT doing market research

Too often I see spiritual business owners making assumptions about what their soulmate clients want and need.

But here’s a secret for you…

You don’t have to sit around guessing at what your people want.

You can ask them.

This is called market research.

And I think perhaps the hesitation or resistance to doing market research comes from this place of ‘I’m the business owner and I should have all the answers myself.’

But that’s obviously total BS. You don’t have to have all the answers yourself.

And asking your people what they want – makes you a better business owner.

So what can market research look like?

It can look like getting on the phone with someone who fits your soulmate client profile, and asking them a series of questions. Questions that help you understand them and their needs better.

It can look like polling your community on socials, having conversations in Instagram DMs, or asking your email list to reply to you with the answer to a question.

And once you’re more established and having conversations with your clients and community each and every week – you can use those conversations to gather information. Take note of where they are at – what issues or challenges they are facing right now? Are there common themes? Is there a question you get asked ALL the time?

All of this is information you can use to get a better understanding of where your people are at and how you can support them best.


5) You are focused on the features of your offer, rather than the benefits

This happens when you create an offer and start with the number of sessions you want to include, or the number of modules, or how long your one-off session is going to be...

As opposed to starting with – ‘this the outcome my clients want’ or ‘this is what my clients want to learn’ or ‘this is how my clients want to feel when they walk away’ – and the features flow from there.

Yes, obviously we do need to make a decision on the features and what’s included.

But we want that decision to be based on the outcome and benefits you are providing through the offer.

Because the number of sessions is not what people care about.

Yes, we need to know it, but it's not the focus. It’s not the WHY behind the offer. 

The WHY behind the offer is the outcome, the results, the benefits.

To give you an example – let me share a bit about my free challenge coming up next week…

(Perhaps a little bit of a shameless plug, but there’s a point here, I promise!)

It’s called Create Your Profitable Spiritual Offer and I will be teaching you my simple three step process on how to create profitable spiritual offers in your business – offers that not only transform the lives of your clients, but that also bring in the cash.

In this example, the outcome, the result, the benefit – is that you walk away with practical, actionable next steps that you can take, and a process that you can rinse and repeat time and again in your business.

Now that you know WHY you want to do it…let me share the “features”…

What you need to know is that this free challenge is happening over 3 days, starting next Tuesday 21 September. 

All live sessions will be held at 11am AEST, replays will be available if you can’t join live and when you sign up, you’ll also receive a challenge workbook with everything you’ll need to start implementing in your business straight away.

You can sign up here!

The upshot here is that your people care less about the features and more about the benefits.

Start with the why – the outcome, the results, the benefits…

And then move onto the what, when and where.

Yes, this works when you’re marketing your offer! But it’s also super important when you’re creating your offer too. 

What are the benefits for your people?

Start there and you can’t go wrong.

What next?

First, let’s recap on those 5 reasons why your offer might be missing the mark…

  1. You are NOT prioritising your soulmate clients

  2. You are trying to please everyone

  3. You are NOT providing a solution to your soulmate client’s problem

  4. You are NOT doing market research and instead assuming you know what your soulmate clients want

  5. You are too focused on the features of your offer, rather than the benefits

Now if you’ve been nodding along to any of these as I’ve been sharing them...I want you to know that it's okay!

The good news is that ALL of these are easy “problems to solve”.

With just a few tweaks, a little shift in positioning and really thinking through your offers from the perspective of your soulmate clients – you can ensure that your offers are incredibly robust!

You want to have offers that you can confidently stand behind and say “YES, this offer supports my people! It yields results, it provides solutions, it is having the impact that I want and that my clients desire.” 

Win, win, win!

Now, I’ve already shared about my FREE Challenge coming up next week, but I want to take this opportunity to say that I would LOVE to have you with me.

Three days, three steps, and a process that you can take away and repeat in your business again and again.

This is for you if you want to make sure that not only are your offers creating the impact that you desire and changing the lives of your clients for the better...but that they are also profitable and making you money. Because as a business owner, making money is important. 

And what makes a spiritual offer PROFITABLE has nothing to do with how big your email list is, how many followers you have on Instagram or how much you spend on advertising…

It has everything to do with how you create the offer in the first place.

And that’s what I’ll be teaching you how to do inside this FREE 3 Day Challenge kicking off next week.

Head on over here to sign up.

It is my hope that today’s episode had helped you do a bit of an audit of your current offers and identify where you might need to make a few tweaks and changes to make your offers even better than they are right now. 

Don’t forget! The magic here is in the implementation. And if you want support with that implementation – sign up for my challenge next week!

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