Making Money In Your Business Gets To Be Easy

This week I am diving into one of my favourite topics...MONEY!

Specifically, how and why making money in your business gets to be easy.

Because it does! Making money doesn’t have to feel hard. Nothing in your business has to feel hard.

But as humans, we love making things harder than they have to be. Or rather, our ego or inner critic loves making things harder than they have to be. 

It often comes down to this limiting belief that I know so many of us share, that success requires hard work or that making money requires hard work...and if we’re not working hard for it, if it doesn’t feel hard, then we don’t deserve it. We think there is something wrong if it feels “too easy”.

So today I’m sharing three key things you can do to allow making money in your business to be easy.

These are three practical things that will support you to let go of any stories you might have around money making being hard…

And help you to create a new story for yourself around making money in your business – one where it gets to be easy, it gets to feel easy. And there is nothing wrong with that – in fact, it is so right.

So let’s dive in...


1) Stop overcomplicating things

In the same way that we love to make things harder than they have to be, we also have a tendency to overcomplicate things. 

And in the online business world of funnels and lead magnets and launch runways and value ladders – things can get pretty complicated, pretty damn quickly.

This tendency to overcomplicate everything is a super sneaky way that our ego or inner critic leads us down the path of self sabotage without us even realising it.

Because we talk ourselves into thinking that it has to be THIS certain way. That it needs to have all of these confusing or convoluted moving parts for it to work. Or so that we seem professional. Or because that means we’re the “real deal”.

But it's just simply not true.

In fact, it's counterintuitive because making things more complicated than they need to be just puts up more barriers – both energetically and practically. 

And when it comes to making money in our business, we want to be removing barriers – not adding them in.

So some questions for you to consider here:

  • Where might you be overcomplicating things or making them harder than they have to be?

  • Is there an easier way?

  • How can you make this easier?

  • Where can you simplify?

Making money gets to be easy! So it’s time to stop overcomplicating things.


2) Let go of perfectionism

Where are all my recovering perfectionists at? 

I will be the first person to put my hand up and say that perfectionism has slowed me down in so many ways over the years.

Perfectionism is another thinly veiled tool of the ego or inner critic that keeps us stuck. 

It goes hand in hand with procrastination – because we want everything to be “perfect” before we do anything. And so we tinker a bit here, we tweak a few things there, and around and around we go in this repetitive pattern because “perfect” doesn’t exist.

We do this in our businesses in both big and small ways.

It can be as small as not sharing the social media post that has been sitting in your drafts for the last week because the wording is not quite right just yet OR because the image doesn’t look perfect in your feed. 

And when it comes to making money, perfectionism can hold us back from receiving it – because we want everything to be “perfect” before we take on a new client or before we launch a new offer. 

We literally block ourselves from receiving and making money. And in this way, perfectionism can actually cost us money.

So it’s time to let perfectionism go.

But how do you do that?

One word for you – MINDSET. 

Letting go of perfectionism is about letting go of the limiting beliefs that underpin it.

Perfectionism is like the peak of the iceberg, so to speak. It’s the behaviour that you see on the outside, but it's the result of so much more going on under the surface.

So it's about doing the mindset work to understand what is going on underneath the surface.

What are those limiting beliefs and mindset blocks that mean you are striving for perfection?

It might come down to external validation, seeking approval from others, wanting everyone to like you and approve of you. All of these people-pleasing tendencies are so common. 

So what is it that is underpinning that perfectionism? 

And then, how can you reframe those limiting beliefs and create a new story for yourself where perfection isn’t the goal?

Because we don’t have time to allow our perfectionist tendencies to hold us back from making money in our business, from serving our clients, from showing up and sharing our magic. 

We need to let go of any of that perfection in order to step fully into our power and our light, to share what we’re here to share and to make money in a way that feels easy.


3) Remove the barriers to money flowing in 

Okay, I’ve got a question for easy is it for someone to pay you? 

How easy is it for someone to find out what you do, book your service, sign up to your offer, and pay you for it?

Is it clear, simple and easy for someone to pay you?

Because if it's not, it’s time to start removing those barriers.

And that doesn’t mean you don’t have any barriers at all. 

For example, you might be a coach that offers discovery calls before offering someone a place in your program. The key here is making their next steps clear, simple and easy. The first step might be that they book that discovery call AND then they are given their payment options. Is that process clear, simple and easy?

How often do you go to someone’s sales page and you’ve gotta go searching for the “buy now” or “sign up” button that is hidden down the bottom of the page or maybe in really hard to read font?

Make it easy! Make it clear!

If you have people booking in for sessions online – does your online booking system have a payment integration? That way there is ONE step for people to book in and pay you at the same time. You don’t have to follow up with separate invoices and chase payments, and your people don’t have to try and find that email you sent them last week with all the info.

People want to pay you for your services and products. Make it easy for them to do so.

Now this obviously has some really practical benefits because it literally makes it easier for people to pay you. 

But this also works on an energetic level. Because as you are removing those physical barriers, you are also removing those energetic ones too. You are clearing the way for more money to flow to you more easily and effortlessly. 

One of my favourite money affirmations is “Money flows easily and effortlessly to me, always.”

Try saying it to yourself: “Money flows easily and effortlessly to me, always.”

How does that feel?

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The next step...

Now if you loved today’s episode, you’re going to love my new free PDF guide ‘5 Ways to Make More Money In Your Spiritual Business’

In this free guide, I share 5 super practical ways to make MORE money in your business...with, of course, the focus being on keeping it simple and allowing it to be EASY. 

These are all things that you can implement quickly, so that you can start to see more money flowing in sooner rather than later. 

And I also share some of my favourite money affirmations in there too – you’re gonna love it! Head on over and download it now here.


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