50th Episode Special: The Hot Seat with Bec Cuzzillo, Hosted By Beccy Freeman & Lilian Hii

Welcome to the 50th episode of the Feminine Fire podcast!

I seriously can’t believe that it’s our 50th episode. We are celebrating 1 year of the podcast this week!

And to mark the occasion we are doing something a little fun!

For this special episode, I’ve invited 2 of my Mistressminders, Beccy and Lilian, to take over the podcast and co-host today’s episode. I’m in the hot seat and they are asking the questions!

Questions that were submitted by you when I put the call out on socials, as well as some questions that Beccy & Lilian wanted to ask me.

I have no idea what order they’ll be asking me the questions and I purposefully didn’t allow myself any time to look over the ones that were pre submitted to keep it as raw and real as possible for you!

In this episode, we dive into my business journey so far and how my business has evolved over the years. We talk about how I navigate boundaries, work-life balance, mindset challenges, staying motivated and so much more.

This was such a fun episode to record! And I’m so grateful to Beccy & Lilian for jumping in and celebrating the 50th episode with me in this way.

Let me officially introduce you to Beccy…

Beccy is the founder of Breathe & Blossom. She is a registered counsellor, qualified health & lifestyle coach and candle maker. She supports women to transition through the seasons in their life, particularly in their journey from mother to wise woman, summer to autumn, first half to second half.

Using a unique blend of holistic therapeutic interventions and tools provided by Mother Nature, Beccy stands with, supports and guides her clients through this powerful period of change and realignment. She also makes the most delicious essential oil candles. And as a candle maker myself, I have no issue saying that I know what I’m talking about. Her candles, amazing!

Let me officially introduce you to Lilian…

Dedicated to the unveiling, healing and rising of the sacred feminine in our shifting world, Lilian is devoted to the inner journey and descent necessary to arise empowered, sovereign and connected.

She is a New Earth Medicine Woman, Multi-Faceted Priestess, Shamanic Facilitator, Temple Guide, Grid Worker and Intuitive Coach & Guide. In her work, Lilian facilitates deep shifts and understanding to support the activation of Humanity to lead a heart-led life and embody the sacred feminine archetypes and principles in everyday life. She works through ritual, sacred space, channeling, guided meditation, women's circles, group coaching and 1:1 mentoring to empower women to reclaim their sovereignty and become the leaders of their own hearts, hearths and lives.

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire:

  • My journey to becoming a spiritual business coach

  • How I implement boundaries in my business

  • My secrets to balancing business and life (and they’re not what you might think!)

  • How I overcome fear, feelings of inadequacy and creative blockages

  • My top tips for staying motivated and passionate through all seasons of life

Connect with Beccy

Connect with Lilian


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