Client Attraction: What’s NOT Working In 2022

I’m so excited for this episode today because this is a topic that I know so many of you find challenging.

Whenever I ask what your biggest challenges in business are, the most common answer I get is: “attracting more clients” or some variation on that theme.

So today we are going to dive into all things client attraction. I am going to share with you what’s NOT working when it comes to client attraction in 2022.

If you want to call in and magnetise more clients this year, this is what NOT to do. Let’s get into it.

  1. Stop creating content for everyone

This is like the people pleasing version of content creation.

You are NOT for everyone. And NOT everyone will like you. That might sound harsh, but it works both ways. You won’t like everyone either. And that’s okay.

Actually, it’s a very good thing. It means when you get clear on who your people are, then you can start attracting them in.

Because you don’t want anyone and everyone as clients. You want dream, soulmate clients that make your heart sing. And they want you too!

But when you try to create content that serves and speaks to everyone, your message gets diluted and lost amongst ALL the other content out there. You’re  not allowing your people to see and connect with the real you.

When you create content to try and please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. And that’s not what you’re here for.

You’re here to have an impact and serve your people really well. The way you do that is by knowing who they are and creating specifically for them.

Stop trying to please everyone, stop diluting your message, and start creating and sharing your voice with the people who need it.

Your potent, powerful, direct message is what will cut through the noise and speak to the heart of your soulmate clients.

Your clients want you in your full potency, so it’s time to make it happen.

Stop creating content for everyone.

2. Stop overcomplicating your customer journey

Question for you: How easy is it for your people to find out how to work with you?

Once your people have found you, they’re vibing with you, they’re liking what you’re putting down and they’re ready to find out more about working with you – is that information easy for them to find?

Is their next step clear? How many hoops do they have to jump through to buy from you?

Too often we make this more complicated than it needs to be. Keep your customer journey simple.

Don’t hide the buy now button wayyyyy down the bottom of the page in some obscure colour that blends into the background. Make that shit stand out. BUY NOW or BOOK NOW in big, bold, easy to read font.

In fact, everything needs to be easy to read. People will just check out if it’s difficult to read. You need to make it EASY for them.

Simple and easy, that’s the motto.

Take some time and test out your customer journey.

Like, actually go and click on your Instagram bio and follow the links. Look at your website on your phone. Click the drop down menu.

Is it easy to navigate? Is it easy to find info about how to work with you? Is the next step clear?

And then get your friends to test it for you and give you feedback.

It’s time to stop over complicating your customer journey. That’s number 2.

3. Stop assuming people can’t afford you

So they’ve clicked through on your sales page, they’ve booked a discovery call, they’ve sent you a DM or an email and they’ve asked how they can work with you – amazing! They are primed and ready to buy.

What you don’t want to do is project your own money stories onto them and go into any sales conversation assuming that they can’t afford it.

Because unless they’ve told you otherwise, you have no idea of their financial position.

If you’re going into a sales conversation assuming they can’t afford you, you are doing your people a disservice. And it’s a sure ass sign you’ve got some money stories of your own that you need to clean up!

You want to approach sales conversations in an empowered way for your clients.

Assuming they can’t afford you is disempowering.

Instead, you want to go into those conversations as a sovereign being, fully backing the value and worth of your offer, and approaching your potential client as their own sovereign being who can confidently make their own investment decisions.

Remember that you’re having this conversation because your potential client wants to – they’ve either booked in a discovery call because they’re interested or they’ve reached out in DMs or via emails. Even if you initiated the conversation to begin with, they’re a willing participant in this sales conversation.

So if we flip that initial assumption and approach the conversation assuming that they do in fact have that money sitting in the bank, that there would be no financial issue for them to make this investment straight away – how would you show up for that conversation differently?

And if money does come up as an objection, you then have ways you can respond and deal with that. You could offer a payment plan or direct them to lower cost offer to begin with.

There are many ways you can address this objection when it comes up, but you don’t want to be going into the conversation assuming that it will come up.

You need to stop assuming people can’t afford it.

And commit to cleaning up those money stories you’ve got running through your head. Those stories are not serving you.

4. Stop chasing shiny objects (aka changing strategies every 5 minutes)

This is one of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make.

There’s a lot of noise out there when it comes to the best strategies for attracting clients and building your business. You’ll see one person sharing how THIS thing is the only thing you’ll ever need, and then another sharing the exact opposite.

And in a world where platforms like Instagram are bringing out new features every other day, it can be very easy to get distracted by the newest shiny thing that you absolutely “must” be doing to succeed in business. 

So it’s not surprising that it can be hard to work out what strategy is going to best work for YOU.

I’m a big believer that when it comes to strategy it’s not a matter of one strategy being better than the other, but rather it’s about choosing one that feels aligned for you right now and committing to it for a period of time. 90 days is ideal to give it a red hot go.

Now I know we are a society of instant gratification. We want results now.

But what I know to be true about business is that sustainable growth is built on sustainable strategies.

If you chop and change all the time, you’re not giving yourself enough time to reap the results. Your energy will be all over the place, it’ll be confusing AF for your people and you’ll get frustrated with the lack of results you’ll get for the effort you’ve put in. 

So it’s time to stop chasing shiny objects. Double down on one strategy that feels aligned and give it the time it needs to reap results.

5. Stop avoiding sales

I know, I know…sales can feel really icky.

When we’ve grown up watching movies with “sleazy car salesman” characters and maybe had some negative sales experiences ourselves – it can be hard to shake that icky feeling around sales.

But I’d encourage you to think back to when you’ve had a positive sales experience – because I know you’ve had them. Sometimes it might not even feel like a sales experience because you’ve left feeling so happy with the result.

I always think of my mechanic as a great example of this for me. As someone who knows very little about cars, it was difficult to find a mechanic that I trusted to not take me for a ride. But through the many positive sales experiences I’ve had with my mechanic over the years, I now trust him.

He always answers my questions. He explains why certain things need to happen at a certain time and which things we can hold off on for a while. It never feels like he’s talking down to me. And as a result, he’s got a loyal customer that keeps returning and recommends him to others.

Positive sales experiences do exist and I know that you’ve had them! So take some time to think of some examples from your own experience.

If you’re avoiding sales conversations because they feel icky or hard, you need to change your relationship to sales. 

As a business owner, sales is so important! Without sales, you don’t have a business, and when it comes to bringing in more clients – you can’t avoid sales conversations!

What I see all too often is people so focused only on their social media marketing and creating content, that they forget (or avoid) sales altogether.

And while, yes, content marketing is important. Visibility is important. Building a relationship with your community through your content is important…

In a silo, with no sales pitch, no follow up conversations, no selling – there will be very few, if any, sales happening. And that’s just not going to cut it in 2022.

If you want more clients, you have to stop avoiding sales. It's time to heal your relationship with sales and start selling. Because ultimately that's how you’re going to win more clients.

Your Next Step – The Client Attraction Codes Challenge

Now if winning more clients is on the top of your to do list for this year, then I have a very exciting invitation for you.

A new, FREE way that I can support you to attract more clients in 2022.

You’re invited to the Client Attraction Codes Challenge. 

The free 3 day training series to activate your inner magnetism and attract soulmate clients on repeat.

Over 3 days – from Monday 28 February to Wednesday 2 March – I’ll be taking you through a powerful process to upgrade your mindset, embody your authentic power and become a soulful sales powerhouse.

You’ll walk away from this 3 day training with the clarity, confidence and know-how to consistently attract your dream soulmate clients who are head over heels and ready to buy from you.

This is for you if you’ve been implementing all the strategies, doing all the things but you’re still not attracting the number or calibre of clients you desire.

You know what you want your dream business to look like – you can picture the abundance, the spaciousness, the feeling of doing what you love with clients you love every single day.

It’s time to make it happen! No more dud clients. No more struggle-town vibes.

You can sign up free at

I am so excited for this FREE challenge and so looking forward to sharing everything I know about attracting soul-aligned clients with you over these 3 days.

It’s going to be fun! It’s going to be jam packed with so much value. And I am so pumped for you to step into your magnetic energy, win more clients and start having the impact that you’re here to have on this earth.


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