7 Lessons from a $30k Launch

I’ve just come out of a big launch season in my business.

First, I launched THIS podcast, and then went straight into the launch of my signature 6 month coaching program, the Spiritual Business Mistressmind.

And today I want to share with you 7 lessons from this launch.

Well, really I’m bringing together a number of key learnings that I’ve picked up after launching many times now over the last few years.

So these 7 lessons are a result of all my experience launching. Last year alone I had 7 different launches – 5 of those being for brand new programs that I had created.

So I’ve been around the block a few times now!

And if I can be a little self indulgent for a moment – I want to start today’s episode by celebrating with you! Because I am SO proud of this recent launch for a few reasons.

Firstly – it was my first $30k launch. Yay!

Secondly – and perhaps most significantly for me – it was also one of the most easeful, fun launches I’ve ever had.

And that’s partly because it was my second time launching this program.

Because I’d launched it before, I already had a lot of the launch content created so it was just a matter of repurposing and improving on last time.

But it was also easeful, because it was my intention to make it so.

The other thing I wanted to share upfront before diving into these 7 launch lessons… is that I didn’t actually hit my goal for this launch.

Obviously my first $30k launch is definitely something to celebrate! I’ve also had a 50% retention rate from the last round which is amazing AND I’m also incredibly excited for the new women coming in – it is such an incredible group!

But I wanted to be super transparent with you and share that I did not hit my goal for this launch.

And that’s okay.

I’ve got big goals and they are definitely possible for me and within my reach.

But this time, I didn’t quite get there.

And I could have easily let that get me down. But it hasn’t...and that’s a sure sign that I’ve done the mindset work. Once upon a time, a $30k launch seemed SO out of reach, so impossible. And now, here I am celebrating one.

And it felt easeful and fun – how amazing is that!

So today I want to share some of the lessons I’ve learnt from this $30k launch in the hope that it is supportive for you if you’re currently launching or in the planning stage of your next launch.

There are 7 lessons in total – some I’ve already touched on briefly, but want to go into a little more detail.

So let’s get down to it...


Lesson 1 - Be intentional

I went into this launch with the intention for it to be easeful and fun.

Going in with this intention gave me something to ground into and come back to whenever I was making a decision or whenever things started to feel stressy or overwhelming.

Being intentional about everything in your business and life is so powerful. Because when you’re intentional, everything flows easier. It’s one of the MOST supportive things you can do.

Setting an intention gives you something you can come back to time and time again, and ask yourself:

“Am I in alignment with my intention right now?”

“Is this thing that I need to make a decision on bringing me closer to my end game, my vision?”

Because if it’s not – BYE!

If it is – excellent. Let’s get going!

I’m not a big procrastinator when it comes to decision making in my business because I am clear on my intention. It’s easy to figure out what’s in alignment, make the decision and then get moving.

So if you’re procrastinating on any decisions in your launch planning, or your business generally, consider this your sign to stop procrastinating, make a call and get going by being really intentional.

Lesson 2 - Set a launch goal but hold it lightly

Often what happens when you set a launch goal...is that you want to control the outcome.

And when you hold on to control too much...mindset challenges, stress and overwhelm can arise.

You don’t give yourself any wiggle room or breathing space to allow things to unfold and therefore it doesn’t become a pleasant experience.

Setting a launch goal but holding it lightly will give you the space you need to be responsive in your launch.

To regularly check in with yourself and ask questions like:

“This is where we’re at, is there something I could be doing differently?”

“Can we add anything that will be supportive?”

“What are the main questions I’m getting, the main objections, how can I make sure that everyone has all the info they need?”

A big part of holding your goal lightly is trust – trusting that everything will unfold as it should.

And on a similar vein…

Lesson 3 - Trust that your clients and potential clients are capable humans

Trust that they know themselves best and that they’re capable of making the most aligned decision for them.

Your job is to hold space for your people to make their decision. To answer their questions, provide all the info they need and keep showing up to share about why you believe in your offer and your work so much.

Now this isn’t a lesson I necessarily learnt during any launch specifically but was something that as I was preparing this podcast episode felt important to share.

Your main job during a launch is to hold space, show up and ultimately trust your clients.


Lesson 4 - Every time you launch a program it gets easier

The first time you launch an offer – everything can feel BIG!

You have to create all the launch content, write all the copy and decide on your strategy.

And then throw on top that you’re launching something new for the first time!

You’re walking into uncharted territory – and that always brings up mindset challenges.

The first time I launched the Mistressmind it required big and rapid mindset upgrades and I got wobbly in my mindset more than a few times.

Second time around – it was nowhere near as challenging mindset-wise.

That's a BIG win for me!

And because you’ve done all the heavy lifting when it comes to creating your launch content, and you know what worked and what didn’t last time, the actual launch prep and decision making when it comes to your strategy is a million times easier.

It’s just a matter of making some decisions, updating your sales page, repurposing your emails, your social media content and rolling it out.

Now that being said – if you’re launching something for the first time – please know that it doesn’t have to be hard.

Yes...with any launch, there is work to do and content to create, but you get to decide how that feels for you.

Going back to Lesson 1...be intentional about everything in your business.

You can choose for it all to come together easefully!

And if it IS your first time launching – know that next time WILL be easier.

Lesson 5 - Personal outreach is SO powerful

I’m still in a position in my business where I can reach out to people in my community to personally invite them to work with me.

My coach calls this “small list benefits.”

Essentially I’ve got a relatively small BUT super engaged community which means that I can take the time to reach out to the people who are engaging most with my launch content. These are the people on my waitlist or clicking through to the sales page or watching all my IG stories.

I’ve been doing this for most of my launches over the last 18 months or so – and again with this launch, I was reminded of how powerful it can be.

And that’s because ultimately people want to be seen and heard.

They want YOU to see and hear them.

They want to know that they’re not just a number or dollar sign to you...which of course they’re not, being that you’re a heart-centred spiritual business owner! Our communities are important.

So essentially it's a question of… “HOW do you make people feel that from you?”

Personal outreach is the answer.

And as my business grows – keeping that personalised element is something that is SO important to me.

It might look different down the track, but it’ll always be there. It’ll always be a part of my launch strategy.

Lesson 6 - You’re the boss, you set the strategy

This launch was almost 4 weeks long – that’s a long launch period in the online business world.

It was 4 weeks long because I made a very intentional decision to give myself more time and space to show up for this launch. I wanted this launch to be as easeful as possible.

Having more time and space built in was important because as a mama to a toddler, my time is limited, and I knew that if I wanted to show up in the way that I wanted to for this launch, I needed to give myself that space.

And as the boss and CEO of your business, it’s YOU that gets to make those decisions.

This is about creating a launch strategy that works for YOU...

A strategy that’s in alignment with you and your business and the season of life you’re in right now.

Which is why I don’t believe in a one size fits all approach – when looking at a launch strategy, there are infinite possibilities.

For this launch, I ran a free 3 day challenge to lead into the enrolment or cart open period...

For other launches, I’ve run free Masterclasses instead because that’s what felt aligned for me at that time.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you “should” be doing your launch in a certain way.

I’ve supported clients to have incredibly successful launches without a sales page and just a simple word doc outlining the offer and inclusions.

You do you! You know your clients, you’re the boss AND you get to set the strategy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

And our final lesson for today…

Lesson 7 - Keep showing up

When you’re in a launch, this is so so important to remember.

You can’t just drop the details in a social media post and then disappear and ghost everyone.

You will have to share your offer more than once.

In fact, you’ll have to talk about it A LOT.

Of course you can be creative with how you show up and talk about it – so it feels fun and different for you and your community – AND still be sharing incredible value with your audience and community at the same time…

But your focus and your call to action is to ALWAYS lead them to sign up to your offer – you are in a launch after all.

There’s a bunch of research that shows someone has to see something on average 12 or 13 times (I think I’ve even read it can be upwards of 20) before they’ll actually purchase something...

Now obviously don’t quote me on those exact numbers but the point stands...some people will need to see your offer numerous times before they’ll hit sign up.

Sometimes that’s because they’re taking their time to feel into it and other times they will have already decided to join but just haven’t actually done it yet.

I know I often fall into the latter of those categories.

I need reminders (constant reminders!) – I’m the person that will see something and think “yes, I need to get that thing” and then forget until I see it again.

I’m one of those annoying people who buy on the last day when you send the final reminder – but those annoying people, they might just be your soulmate client too.

You have to keep showing up for them!

It’s always good to remind yourself of that because sometimes in a launch it can feel like no one is watching.

But trust me...the ones that count are.

Your people are there.

Keep showing up for them!

There you have it – 7 lessons from a $30k launch.

I hope this has been supportive for you. If you’re currently launching something or about to launch something, you’ve got this!

As always, I love to hear your thoughts and read your feedback.

If you loved this episode, I’d be forever grateful if you subscribed and left me a 5 star review.

That’s how we get this podcast out into the ears of more heart-centred Spiritual Business owners just like you.

And if you’re on Instagram come and find me at @bec.cuzzillo – send me a DM, tag me in your stories, I’d love to connect with you!

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