Spiritual Biz Pep Talk: The Truth About Success

Let’s chat SUCCESS.

And what it means to be “successful” in business...

As I was preparing for this podcast episode – I got quite fired up thinking about all the different things I wanted to share.

So this episode is a bit of a PEP TALK for you all about success.

What is success?

When we think of success we often think of this picture that is centred around material things...we often associate it with money.

In business, we might think it looks like a 6-figure or multi-6 figure or 7-figure business.

Or perhaps the car and the house and the polished life that you might see on the instagram highlight reel.

But here’s the thing.

While all of those things are great – and it’s not to say that you shouldn’t aspire to a life and business that looks like that – those things, in and of themselves, are not what really defines success.

Whenever I talk to friends or clients about what success looks like for them – every single one of them describe it as a feeling.

They say things like, Success is:

  • Freedom

  • A feeling of deep soul satisfaction

  • Like your heart is singing

  • When you do something amazing and you nail it

  • Deep contentment

The above are actual quotes from women in my Facebook community when I asked them what success means to them.

And whenever I have this conversation with someone, the thing that becomes abundantly clear is that success is NOT about the things that you can buy or have when you’ve got big dollars coming in.

Success is a feeling.

When we have a very narrow definition of success – one that only equates it with money and reaching a certain level of income – it further embeds this disconnect that I see for many spiritual business owners between spirituality and success.

There’s this collective story in the spiritual community that as a heart-centred spiritual human with incredible heart-gifts and magic to share, that you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” charge for your work.

Because it's your passion, your higher calling, your purpose – so you should just do it because you love it.

And if you really loved it, you wouldn’t charge for it...

Which we know is total BS. But it's still a story that I hear time and again in our community.

So when we associate success primarily with money...we perpetuate this disconnect between being a spiritual human and a successful business owner.

And that disconnect obviously serves no one.

Because you’re here to share your gifts with the world.

You’re here to have an impact!

And building and scaling your business allows you to share your magic with more people than ever before. It provides you with a platform to go big on your mission.

It allows you to create a life that feels fulfilling because you’re living your mission and impacting positively on the lives of others.

Now that is a definition of success that I can get around.

So how then do you cultivate success in your spiritual business?


Doing the Mindset Work

First and foremost – it’s about your mindset.

And overcoming the fear of success.

We often hear about the opposite of success when it comes to fear – we hear about fear of failure being something that holds us back, and for sure it can.

But fear of success is also a very real thing and can be just as paralysing.

This might show up as:

  • Fear of what people in your life will think or say about your success.

  • Fear that success will change you fundamentally as a human being

  • That you don’t deserve success and fear that someone will find out or realise that you are undeserving of that success...which is imposter syndrome showing up in a big way!

  • Fear that your success will undermine your spirituality...which is why it's so important that we dismantle that collective story that you can’t be both spiritual and successful in business!

  • Fear of success can show up in a multitude of ways.

So firstly it's about identifying any of those underlying fears or mindset blocks that you might hold around what it means to be successful.

Then getting really honest with yourself and asking yourself – do I fear success? And why?

This will help you to begin unpacking all of those stories and release the limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back.

It’s then about doing the regular mindset work to create a new story for yourself around success...

That it’s safe for you to be successful.

That you’re worthy of success.

That success is your natural state

I love this quote by Marianne Williamson:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

I love that final line so much…

Who are you not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Because success is a feeling.

It’s about feeling fulfilled in your purpose...

It’s about the impact that you’re having in the world AND creating the abundance that supports you to live a life that allows your impact to ripple out to as many people as possible.

Who are you not to live fully in your light and share that with the world?

So doing the mindset work is a huge piece of the puzzle.

Releasing any fear of success that you might have and instead creating a new story for yourself around success.

One that supports you to shine your light as bright as can be.


Understanding what success looks like for you

It’s also about knowing what success looks like for you – because we’ve been conditioned to think that success looks a certain way, but we know that it doesn’t look the same for everyone.

So, what does success look like for you?

And then importantly, how does that relate to your WHY in business – and when I say your WHY, I mean why you do what you do? What is your driving force in your life and business?

Because staying grounded in your WHY and building your business from that space is what’s going to lead you to that feeling of success.

When you build your business from that space – then you’re honouring your authenticity, you’re honouring your higher purpose AND people see that and feel that. It’s like a magnet for your soulmate clients and customers.

So getting really clear on what success looks like for you and how it’s related to your why is also really important.

Because you are SO worthy of success.

We need more successful spiritual business owners out there sharing their magic with the world.

When you own your magic and your power and unapologetically strive for success, whatever that looks like for you...then you give others permission to do the same.

The ripple effect of that is huge.

So if there’s one thing that I want you to walk away with today...it’s knowing that it’s SAFE for you to be successful.

That you’re worthy of success.

And that you’re capable of rewriting those stories for yourself.

In today’s episode, I’ve shared a few different questions or prompts that will help you dive into this further if that’s something you want to do.

If you’ve found yourself nodding along at any point or felt a stirring in your heart or body as I’ve been speaking – then I really encourage you to set some time aside, grab a pen and paper, listen to this episode again and do some reflection and journaling.

My hope is that this episode today has lit a fire in your belly to go out there and shine your light bright.

To not fear success but instead embrace it.

To step into your magic in all your glory and create that successful life and business you so deserve.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, I would love to hear from you! Make sure you subscribe and leave me a 5-star review, and then come on over to instagram and find me at @bec.cuzzillo – send me a DM, tag me in your stories, I would love to connect with you!

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