Behind the Scenes of the Spiritual Business Academy

Today’s episode is special because I’m doing something a little different. 

I’m taking you behind the scenes of the Spiritual Business Academy – my 8 week program to help you build your spiritual business in a way that feels easeful, soulful and free from hustle.

I wanted to give you the full behind the scenes experience because so often during a launch you only get to see the bright and shiny sales page and marketing content that goes alongside it…

But you don’t necessarily get to peek behind the curtain and see what actually happens inside a program.

So today I’ll be giving you an inside look at the Spiritual Business Academy – unpacking all the different elements and sharing why I created the program, what it includes, what you’re going to learn and how to know if it’s the right fit for you.

The June 2021 round kicks off next week – on Monday 21 June –and the doors are closing on 17 June. 

So let’s dive in.


Why I created the Spiritual Business Academy…

I created the Spiritual Business Academy in May 2020, as a response to what I was seeing and the conversations I was having with women in my community at that time. 

We all know that 2020 was a challenging year for many business owners globally and COVID lockdowns meant that a lot of business owners were looking at ways to pivot their businesses online.

And that was certainly true for the spiritual business owners in my community – the women I was having conversations with at that time were looking for support to make this happen in the most seamless way possible.

So I first ran a mini 3 week program – Move Your Business Online.

And then off the back of that I created the Academy.

What I realised was that many businesses, even if they were more established, weren’t necessarily set up with the foundations needed to build a thriving online business. 

Which is why the Academy is so focused on getting those foundations really rock solid.

It’s ALSO why there is a big focus on the group coaching element of the program – because I am there by your side every step of the way as your coach, mentor and biggest cheerleader.

Inside the Academy, you get...

Not only do you get 8 weeks with me as your business coach, when you sign up you’ll also receive...

Fortnightly Group Coaching Calls 

Where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalised guidance tailored to your business – in these calls we can dive into mindset or strategy. We can look at mapping out new offers or planning out your next launch.

Whatever it is that you need support with in your business – we can go there. I’m here to meet you where you’re at in your business right now.

Access to a Private Facebook Group

This is your sacred online space for you to stay connected in between our group calls. I’ll be in there each and every week answering your questions.

And it is such a beautiful space to connect with the other women, receive support, check in and celebrate each other. The community and sisterhood aspect of the program is so powerful.

4 Pre-recorded Training Modules with PDF Workbooks

Each module is split into individual lessons, which I’ve kept short, sharp and to the point. Most are about 10-15 mins long.

I’ve designed it that way so you can dip in and out if need be OR you can binge watch them all at once – it’s up to you! 

I know what it's like to be a business owner with a FULL life.

That’s why I wanted to make sure the lessons were delivered in a way that made it as easy as possible for you to take the content and implement it in your business.

All lessons are available in video AND audio so you can listen on the go if you prefer.

Each module comes with a PDF workbook to help you with implementation.


What will you learn during your time in the Academy?

Module 1: Create A Magnetic Brand

In this module you’ll learn how to clearly define your ideal soulmate client and build a magnetic brand that will attract those dreamboat clients with ease. 

We talk about the nuts and bolts of branding as well as connecting with your brand as the soul of your business, and a whole bunch of mindset stuff. 

Module 1 is really laying the groundwork for you to move forward from a really solid base.

Module 2: Craft Your Soulful Offers

In this module you’ll learn how to craft soulful online offers that make the most of your strengths and unique magic so that you can support your clients and customers in a really powerful and potent way. 

We talk about how to prioritise and plan your offers, the energetics of pricing as well as soulful sales.

Module 3: Build Your Online Audience

In this module you’ll learn how to build your online audience and create an engaged and supportive community that loves your work and can’t wait to buy from you. 

This is the module where we dive into social media, content creation and building your email list.

Module 4: Amplify Your Online Visibility

This is where you’ll overcome your fear of being seen and learn the practical strategies to create incredible online visibility so that your soulmate clients won’t be able to take their eyes off you. 

We talk about visibility mindset, strategies to amplify your visibility and getting visible on video.

It is literally jam-packed with so much value.

This will be the third time I’m running the program. 

And each time, it gets better and better.

I created this program so you can walk away with everything you need to know…

All the practical tools, strategies and energetic practices for you to build really strong foundations for your spiritual business…

These are strategies and practices that you can continue to replicate time and time again as you build, grow and scale your spiritual business.

The Academy is a potent mix of energetic work, mindset and soulful business strategy.

How do you know if the Academy is the right fit for you?

Firstly – if what I’ve been sharing here today has been lighting you up inside, stirring something in your belly and your inner guidance system is pulling you towards a “YES” – then I really encourage you to trust your intuition.

I know it can be scary to take the leap of faith and make this investment in yourself and your business – but I will be there with you every step of the way.

To get more specific – our Academy alumni are incredibly varied in their gifts and services. We’ve had…

  • Life coaches

  • Massage therapists

  • Intuitive artists

  • Psychic Mediums

  • Oracle and tarot card readers

  • Energy healers

  • Yoga teachers

  • Aromatherapists

  • Art therapists

  • Counsellors

  • Candle makers

  • Doulas

  • And more…

If you have a spiritual side hustle, an idea on your heart or an already established business that you are SO ready to take to the next level.

If you’re ready to amplify your impact and your income and share your lightwork and magic with more people than ever before…

Then the Spiritual Business Academy is for you!

This is the third time I’ve run this program – so you don’t have to just take it from me

There are LOTS of testimonials from past students! If you click here you can read the stories of some of the incredible women who I’ve had the privilege and honour of coaching through the Academy.

Women who achieved so many things both while in the program and since…

Really tangible things like:

  • Booking their first clients

  • Launching group programs for the first time

  • Building their email list

  • Growing their social media following

  • Hitting their biggest income months

These women continue to blow me away with what they achieve! But for me, often the biggest wins are those really intangible things…things like:

  • Finding more confidence

  • Stepping more fully into their business

  • Taking ownership of their gifts and magic so they can serve at a higher level. 

We do it all inside the Spiritual Business Academy!

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Come and join us inside the Spiritual Business Academy

If this is pulling at your heartstrings...and your intuition is a big “HELL YES! I want this in my life!”...

Then I’d love to support you. 

Come and join us

I also have some time this week to jump on a call if you have any questions or want to chat about whether it's a good fit for you and your business – send me a DM on instagram at @bec.cuzzillo and we can set up a time.

Doors are closing for real this Thursday 17 June 2021 and we kick off officially as a group on Monday next week. 

I’m so excited to be welcoming in such an incredible group of spiritual business owners to this next round. 

It’s going to be an absolutely magical 8 weeks!

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