The Energy Your Business Needs in its First Year

Today we’re talking all about the energy your business needs in its first year.

Because if there’s one thing that makes the difference to how successful you’ll be at getting your business off the ground and established in its first year – it’s the energy you show up in.


Let’s start with manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Now we can’t talk about energy in this way without talking about manifestation and the Law of Attraction. 

Manifestation is something I’ve been teaching since the early days of my business and something I’ve been practicing since way before then.

And now I weave my manifestation teachings into all the work that I do. When we’re talking about the energy your business needs – what it really comes down to is this…

What you show up for, shows up for you.

If you’re half-assed about how you do things, you’ll get half-assed results.

If you’re wishy-washy about what you want, then the Universe will deliver wishy-washy right back to you.

Which is obviously not what you want.

Now that’s not to say that business doesn’t get to be easeful… because it 100% does! 

But this is about the energy that your business needs to thrive. The energy that your business needs to be easeful and soulful and grounded in your values and authenticity.

You don’t want to be showing up for your business in that half-assed wishy-washy energy that’s going to get you half-assed wishy-washy results.

So what energy does your business need from you in its first year?

1. Commitment

You need to go ALL IN and commit.

When you’re in the early stages – it can be so easy to dance in the in between.

Will I? Won’t I? 

And you hold yourself back from striving for something more or stepping fully into the vision you have for your life and business.

You play small – ‘maybe this will just be a hobby job or something fun, a creative outlet, a side hustle.’

Which by the way… it is totally okay if that’s what you want out of your business. If you want to create something that is just for you on the side, absolutely no shade here!

But if you want to create a business that’ll be your primary source of income – and if you’re here then I’m going to assume that you do….then you need to commit.

And that doesn’t mean you’re quitting your day job tomorrow.

It means that you’ve made a decision that this is happening. You’re committed and ALL IN 100% on this business.

Making that commitment is essential – no more dancing in between!

The Universe LOVES certainty.

Our brain LOVES certainty.

And when you fully commit to your business, once you’ve decided that you’re all’ll be showing up energetically with that certainty and the whole energy around your business changes.

What does this commitment look like?

It looks like finding the time. That might mean working on your business on the weekends or in the evenings or whenever your baby is sleeping. This is about finding the time in and around your life commitments for your business. If you’re all in, if you want something badly enough – you will find the time.

It also looks like taking responsibility for making it happen. No more excuses. This is about doing the mindset and energetic work to let go of all the bullshit that’s holding you back from building your business. Making this a priority will give you the space you need to step fully into your business in the way that you need to in order for it to thrive.

So that’s number 1 – going all in and being in the energy of 100% commitment.


2. Investment 

You show up for what you’ve invested in.

It’s time to put your money where your mouth is and actually invest in your business.

This is a tangible demonstration of the commitment we’ve just been talking about. If you’re all in, prove it. 

The Universe loves some inspired action.

And this is how you demonstrate that you’re serious. That you’re pouring into it rather than just hoping it will happen.

There are many different ways you can invest in your business. It can look like investment in:

Courses or training – for example, maybe you really want to become a life coach? Go out and sign up to that life coaching course and get your qualification.

Tech – are you just scraping by with your old laptop that needs to be plugged in to the wall in order to stay on? If that’s you, it might be time for a new laptop.

Mentorship – there’s nothing quite like investing in a business coach to say “Hey Universe, I’m serious about this.” In my experience, investing in a business coach is what will support you to move the needle forward in the biggest way possible.

And if this is something you want to do AND you want me as your coach, please reach out! I’m currently enrolling into the next round of my Spiritual Business Academy and I would absolutely love to support you in this way.

Outsourcing – both in your business AND in your life. Often when we think of outsourcing we think of getting in the support of someone like a virtual assistant or a bookkeeper or a graphic designer...which are all great options depending on where you’re at in your business.

But often those kinds of investments might not be viable for you in the early days of your biz. It might be more viable for you to outsource some things in your life – like house cleaning, for example. Getting someone to clean your house will free up your time to work on your business. Win, win!

So that’s number 2 – investing in your business and embracing that energy of being fully invested. 


3. Play 

This one might surprise you. 

But in the early days of your business...this is your biggest opportunity to play.

To get curious and allow yourself to test things out.

It’s human nature to want to get everything right in the first instance. But we’re kidding ourselves that that’s going to happen.

There are always going to be things that you want to tweak and change as you go.

So rather than approaching this with the goal to get everything right straight away.

It’s about being in the energy of play and curiosity. 

And holding things lightly if they don’t quite work out the way you thought they would.

Rather than taking that as a sign that you need to throw in the towel. See it as an opportunity to simply get curious…

  • What worked?

  • What didn’t?

Leaning into the energy of play can look like...

  • Playing with your messaging

  • Playing with the way you show up on social media

  • Playing with your soulmate client profile

And let me clear… this is NOT about chopping and changing strategies constantly.

The first energy we’re leaning into is commitment – so when we look at these two means that you make a COMMITMENT to a certain strategy for a period of time and you go ALL IN on that strategy, AND then your have the opportunity to play once you can assess how that strategy is working for you.

So perhaps a better way to think about it is to hold things lightly, and not making it wrong if you decide to tweak and change things after you’ve tested them out and had a play.

For example – if you’re not sure how you best want to structure your week between time spent with clients and time spent working on your business. Have a play!

Perhaps you think you might want to work with clients only in the mornings or only in the afternoons or only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Make a decision and stick with it for a period of time...enough time to test it out and see how it works for you and your clients. And then make changes accordingly.

And know that things like this will change with the seasons of your life and business – for example, when I was first coming back to work after maternity leave, I worked a lot more in the evenings. Now that Noah is in daycare two days a week – I don’t work in the evenings as often. And I’m sure this will change again at some point.

So the energy of PLAY is about NOT making things like this wrong.

It’s not wrong for you to try things out in order to work out what’s best for you. In fact, it’s smart. So give yourself the opportunity and space to play, especially in the early days of your business.

So that is number 3 being in the energy of play.

One final thing...

As the owner and leader of your business…

YOU are the creator of this energy.

YOU need to be creating the energy.

YOU are the one making it happen. 

YOU are the driving force.

So being all in, committing fully, investing, and allowing yourself the space to play and hold things lightly – that’s your job. 

The energy your business needs – it’s your responsibility to create it.

And hopefully what I’ve shared today has given you some practical ideas of how you can step up and create the energy your business needs – how you can be in the energy of commitment, investment and play, so that your business can start to really thrive in its first year.

Now if you ARE in the early stages of your business...and this has been resonating for you today – I’ve got a special invite for you. Keep scrolling…

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Your personal invite to join the Spiritual Business Academy…

The Spiritual Business Academy is my 8 week foundational coaching program for women who want to build their spiritual business with ease and soul.

Inside the Academy you’ll learn how to build your brand, craft soulful yet irresistible offers, grow your online audience and create incredible visibility so that you are building your spiritual business – easefully, soulfully and free from hustle.

The program includes fortnightly group coaching calls, access to me as your coach for the full 8 weeks, a private facebook group and all module training and resources.

This is the third time I am running this program and so I know just how transformative it can be.

The women who’ve come through before have not only achieved tangible results in their business – things like booking their first clients, growing their income and launching new offers – but they also reported feeling things like more confidence and greater clarity. This is what allowed them to show up fully in the energy their business needs from them – and you can have this too.

I would love to support you in this way. Doors are closing this Thursday 11 June – so reach out sooner rather than later. 

Click here to find out more and sign up

I am also here for any questions you might have – send me an email at and let’s chat!


Behind the Scenes of the Spiritual Business Academy


What to Invest & What Not To Invest In Your Business