Affirmations to Attract More Dream Soulmate Clients

Today I have something a little different for you!! 

Affirmations to help you embody the energy of magnetism and attract MORE dream soulmate clients.

You might recall that a few weeks ago I hosted a free 3 day training series, called the Client Attraction Codes Challenge. In the first training on day 1 we talked about cultivating a magnetic mindset and I shared some affirmations that were all about embodying the energy of magnetism – the energy that will support you to attract more dream soulmate clients.

At the time, I floated the idea of recording these for the podcast and the feedback I received was a resounding “YES PLEASE!” – so here I am recording this episode for you today.

These affirmations will support you to upgrade your mindset and step more fully into your inner magnetism, so you can show up confidently and unapologetically in your business to attract more soul-aligned clients.


The Power of Affirmations

If you’ve been in my world for longer than a hot minute or you’re a client in ANY of my programs, you’ll know that I LOVE affirmations and any kind of guided meditation.

I personally use affirmations and meditation ALL the time in my business, and my clients use affirmations and meditation all the time in their businesses – so I know just how powerful these can be when used regularly.

How To Use These Affirmations

I recommend that you download and SAVE this episode so you can listen to these affirmations time and time again.

Whenever you’re wanting to actively call in MORE clients or when you’re in a big launch or sales season – you might want to listen to these on the daily!

Because when it comes to affirmations, you don’t just do this once and that’s it. It’s about repetition and constantly coming back to this energy and the FEELING of being magnetic.

This episode is also designed to be flexible, so you can use it like a guided meditation if you want to really sink into the energy and focus fully on embodying it OR you can listen while you’re on the go…

I suggest listening to them in the morning so you’re getting into this energy as you start your day. I personally LOVE listening to affirmations when I’m out for my morning walk, but you could also listen to them while you’re getting ready for the day.

I’m a big fan of what’s called “habit stacking” which essentially is when you take something that you already do, an already established habit, and add a new habit that you want to establish on top of it.

And generally, most of the time you’ll be getting ready for the day in the morning – so you could listen to it while you’re getting dressed or while you’re putting your makeup on or while doing your hair.

Essentially, whatever is going to work for you. It doesn’t really matter. The key is to listen to the affirmations regularly!

Affirmations to Attract More Dream Soulmate Clients

Before we begin, take a moment to ground into this space. Take a big deep breath in. Allow yourself to arrive here in this moment. There’s nowhere else you need to be.

If you’re using these affirmations like a guided meditation. Get comfy and close your eyes.

As I share these affirmations, I want you to feel these in your body and soul. Allow them to really sink in. If you like, repeat them out loud or silently in your mind.

Feel the energy and vibration of the words in your body. Turn the volume up on the feeling until you’re tingling with the energy of your own inner magnetism.

I support my clients to get the MOST amazing results.

Results that continue to blow my mind and the minds of my clients.

I am incredible at the work that I do.

So of course, my clients want to pay me.

Of course, my clients want to work with me.

Of course, my clients tell other people how amazing I am.

My soulmate clients LOVE hearing from me.

My soulmate clients LOVE working with me.

My soulmate clients LOVE to pay me for my services.

I am a client magnet.

Everyday I attract more soul-aligned clients.

Everyday there are dream clients lining up to work with me.

Everyday there are soulmate clients coming into my orbit.

I don’t always know where they are coming from.

I don’t always know how they will find me.

But I know and trust that they are on their way to me now.

I receive the most incredible clients with ease and flow.

It feels SO right and SO aligned when soulmate clients reach out to me.

It feels SO right and SO aligned when soulmate clients apply to work with me.

It feels SO right and SO aligned when soulmate clients love to pay me.

I am a client magnet.

Everyday I attract more soul-aligned clients.

Everyday there are dream clients lining up to work with me.

Everyday there are soulmate clients coming into my orbit.

My soulmate clients are excited to work with me.

My soulmate clients have already decided to work with me.

My soulmate clients always say YES to me.

The more me I am, the more dream clients I attract.

The more I speak my truth, the more dream clients I attract.

The more I align with my values, the more dream clients I attract.

I am a client magnet.

Everyday I attract more soul-aligned clients.

Everyday there are dream clients lining up to work with me.

Everyday there are soulmate clients coming into my orbit.

My energy is absolutely magnetic.

I have a constant flow of beautiful new clients.

I am so grateful for all the clients I have,

And all the clients who are on their way to me now.

My calendar is full of dream soulmate clients.

I love working with my clients.

And they love working with me.

The conversations I have with my clients on a daily basis absolutely light me up.

It feels so activating to be in the energy of such incredible clients.

My clients LOVE being in my energy,

And I LOVE being in theirs.

We are a match made in heaven.

I am a client magnet.

Everyday I attract more soul-aligned clients.

Everyday there are dream clients lining up to work with me.

Everyday there are soulmate clients coming into my orbit.

Thank you. More please. And so it is.


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