Quantum Leaps vs Sustainable Growth: My $40k Sales Month

Today’s episode is SO juicy! Seriously, this is a conversation I’ve been thinking about having on the podcast for a while.

But to be quite honest with you, I ummed and ahhed about this episode and whether or not I was even going to record it OR what it was gonna look like if I did decide to do it…because I have a lot of feelings about this topic.

I’ve titled this episode “Quantum Leaps vs Sustainable Growth: My $40k Sales Month” 

So, first things first – last month I had a 40k sales month! Which I am obviously celebrating so big!! It was my biggest sales month ever and also my biggest launch of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind ever. So a very exciting milestone and month for me.

But the main reason I have such strong feelings about sharing this is because of the trend I’m seeing in our industry towards using income claim marketing to sell your offers without ANY context or transparency on what that looks like on the back end.

And you’ll know the content I’m talking about…

How many times have you seen a post on instagram that’s like “I made a squillion dollars in sales today while sitting on the beach”?

Or “I’ve got a multi-6 / 7-figure business and I only work 2 hours a week”?

…with little to no context around what’s gone into creating those results.

Now I think it’s important to say that I DO believe having more women and more soul-led spiritual business owners talking openly about money is a GREAT thing! I am 100% here for that. I am 100% here for celebrating your money wins and sharing them with the world. Please do not stop doing that!

BUT… context is important.

Sharing your income or sales figures without context and using that to market your offers only – well, it feels icky. And it’s not doing you or your offer any favours in the process either because it’s not a true representation of how you support your people and the results you support them to achieve.

At the same time, I know how helpful it can be to dive into this kind of content and to hear the nitty gritty details of HOW someone created the results they created. 

And I know when I have seen other business owners who share their numbers in an open and transparent way, I have found it helpful for many reasons. It’s inspiring, it’s educational, all of the things.

I am also a big fan of being across your numbers as a business owner – so if hearing me share about my numbers and money inspires you to go get across your numbers right now, then hell freakin’ yes! That’s what I’m here for.

And PS, if you are not across your numbers right now, I would really encourage you to get across them! This is something that I talk to my clients about all the time. Know your numbers, get intimate with your money – it’s so so important.

So I knew what I didn’t want this conversations to be…I didn’t want this to be a conversation JUST about my 40k sales month or 34k launch.

I wanted this to be a conversation that unpacked something deeper…which is why I’ve called the episode “sustainable growth vs quantum leaps.”

Because I don’t know if you’ve noticed but “quantum leaps” has become a bit of a buzzword right now in our industry.

And while obviously quantum leaps are epic and desirable for many reasons, there’s often a lot more that goes into a “quantum leap” than we see from the outside.…and sustainable growth is often overshadowed by its bright and shiny counterpart.

There are many coaches on the Internet right now talking about how quickly they grew their business and how much money they made and how fast they made it – which is awesome! As I said, I am SO here for these celebrations – I think it is really important that women are out there celebrating their wins…

BUT I also think it’s important to note that there’s often not a lot of context included around what has gone into creating that so-called “quantum leap”.

For example:

How many years went into that leap before it happened?

What did their growth look like before that?

What did their business income and figures look like before that?

How many hours were they doing when they first started out?

How much support do they have in their business to create those results?

What are their expenses and profit and loss figures? 

We don’t often see any of that info on the front end, we just see the flashy results.

So I want to have a conversation today about quantum leaps versus sustainable growth, and how to know what you should be aiming for in business.

What I’m going to propose to you today is this idea that both quantum leaps AND sustainable growth are helpful goals in terms of creating the results you desire in your business.

And to demonstrate, I’m going to chat through my recent $40k sales month and the growth I’ve had in my Spiritual Business Mistressmind program over the last 2 years as an example.


What even is a “Quantum Leap”?

First, let’s define what a “quantum leap” actually is.

I literally looked this up on the internet, because to be honest, this term gets flung around quite a bit and when I went to define it I was like, “am I even using it right?” Good news, I am.

A quantum leap is defined as “a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something.” And generally when we see it used by online business owners, people are talking about their income growth.

The reason this feels particularly potent for me to talk about personally right now is because I was aiming for a BIG epic quantum leap for this latest launch that I just wrapped up.

In fact, I often aim for a BIG epic quantum leap with any launch or offer I create. And while I did have a great launch and a great sales month that I am SUPER stoked about – I did NOT have what you would call a “quantum leap” and I did NOT achieve my big quantum leap goal for this launch.

And here’s why that’s okay.

The way I see it, aiming for a quantum leap pushes us to stretch the limits of possibility. Some people call this type of goal an “impossible goal”.

When we have a pie in the sky goal like this – a goal that we have no idea HOW it’s actually going to happen. – it stretches us in ways that a more “achievable” goal doesn’t, which is great! A big tick in the quantum leap column.

But while quantum leaps would always be welcome, it’s ALSO important to focus on sustainable growth at the same time.

But What About Sustainable Growth?

While sustainable growth might be a whole lot less sexy than quantum leaps, it’s also the outcome you want to be aiming for.

I think a great place to start this conversation about sustainable growth is to dive into some of my numbers as an example.

Because while I didn’t necessarily have that big “quantum leap” that I was aiming for – what I have had is sustainable growth.

As I mentioned earlier, I just closed out the launch of the April round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind. It was the fourth time I launched this program, so I’ve been running this program now for going on two years.

This will be the fourth group that I’m taking through this experience… which is such an honour in and of itself!

Every single woman that has come through my Mistressmind program, as well as all of my other programs and all of my clients…I am so deeply grateful and honoured to have worked with every single one of them.

It’s important to say, as well, that my clients are never just a sales number to me. I’ll be honest, this is another one of the reasons why I ummed and ahhed over recording this episode for you, because while I know it's super helpful to be upfront with you around my numbers, I never want my clients to feel like that they are just a number or sales figure to me. 

My clients are everything – they are my reason for doing the work that I do. I want more incredible spiritual business owners – just like you listening to this podcast right now, just like my clients – I want you to be out there sharing your magic with the world. The world needs you!

And I do think it's really important to frame this conversation with that statement, because while these ARE my sales figures…these numbers also represent my clients, my dear dear clients who I love so freakin’ much!

So with that being said, let’s chat numbers.

The first round of the Mistressmind launched in September 2020 – I had five incredible women join that round of the program which looked like $17,685. All Aussie dollars for my overseas friends.

The next round after that launched in April 2021 I had 8 women in that round with me, which was $24,927.

In October 2021, I had another round with 8 incredible women, but because I put my prices up – it was a $31,117 launch.

And then the most recent launch that I just wrapped up, I have 10 incredible women with me and it was a $34,250 launch.

17k, 24k, 31k, 34k. No massive quantum leaps, but steady, sustainable growth overtime.

This is the result of consistent and intentional strategy, combined with consistent mindset and energetic work.

The Mindset You Need To Create Growth In Your Business

Now those numbers above, while great, have also rarely met the big goals that I’ve set for myself.

As I mentioned before, I often set myself big quantum leap goals when I’m launching anything in my business – because they help me to stretch further and further, and create growth each and every time. The numbers I just shared are evidence of that.

But what it also means is that there can be a whole lot of mindset stuff that comes up…

When you’re setting big quantum leap goals – goals that you might not actually achieve – it’s ripe ground for mindset blocks to show up.

So if I’m not on top of my mindset, it can end up feeling like a really tricky and challenging launch. And I would be lying to you if I said that this recent launch didn’t bring up some stuff for me!

It’s the reason why mindset is such a BIG focus for me in my business and in the support I provide my clients.

For me, what always works is when I anchor back into the truth of what these numbers actually mean. 

Because as we’ve already talked about – these numbers aren’t just numbers, they represent real humans that I will now have the absolute pleasure and honour of supporting. And that is what I’m here for!

There will always be ways to make more money, and my business doesn’t rely on the results of one single launch. 

The numbers that I see roll in as sales during a launch – no matter what they look like – they represent the real human impact that I’m having through my work.

And I’m here to have an impact – it doesn’t matter whether there’s one person in the room or 10 people in the room or 100 people in the room. I’m here to have that impact no matter what.

Anchoring back into that truth always supports my mindset – because no matter what my goal is or how fast I’m growing, I’m always having an impact.

And I can 100% still celebrate the sustainable growth that I’m seeing in my business even if it’s not a “quantum leap”.

Quantum leaps are incredible, but let’s normalise NOT always hitting our goals. Let’s normalise and celebrate slow and steady sustainable growth.

My $40k+ Sales Month Breakdown

Now I’ve talked quite a bit about the launch figures for the Mistressmind, but not the actual sales figures for the month and I promised you a breakdown of these numbers.

I closed out the month of March at $42,100 in sales.

And as I shared before, the recent Mistressmind launch came in at $34,250…

So, where did the rest of that money come from?

Often launches have what my coach calls a “halo effect” – because during a launch you’re showing up more, you’re more visible, you’re having more sales conversations with your community that usual. The “halo effect” is where you make sales into your other offers during that time, even though you’re not marketing and promoting them on the front end.

During this last launch, I experienced the “halo effect”.

Behind the scenes, I enrolled a beautiful new client into the next round of the Spiritual Business Academy – my 8 week foundational group program for early stage business owners. The next live round doesn’t kick off officially until June, but we added in a short 1:1 series for this client and we’ve already started working together. She’s just the best!

I also enrolled one of my incredible past clients into the NEXT round of the Mistressmind beginning in October 2022 – which is SUCH a dream! Getting to work long terms with clients is my absolute fave.

In fact, when I look at this current round of the Mistressmind that has just kicked off – 2 of them are continuing Mistressminders, 3 are past Academy participants and 1 is another past 1:1 client – 6 out of the 10 women are choosing to continue working with me as their coach!

Honestly, this is something I am SO freakin’ proud of!! Just how many of my past clients want to come back and work with me. Such a pinch myself moment to sit with that knowledge!

I believe this high retention rate is because I not only work together with my clients to implement consistent strategy that gets results but because I care so damn much about them – I am right there in their businesses with them and we are aligned in our values and how we want to do business – a deep honouring of spirituality as part of the business journey.

Plus I’ve worked with my own business coach in the long term and I know how beneficial it is to have someone who knows the ins and outs of your business. Powerful stuff!

But I digress…

The point is my 42k sales month was made up MOSTLY of sales for the April Mistressmind, but also a couple of additional sales behind the scenes into my other programs.

What I want to share here is that I had NO idea those other sales were coming. Obviously I was out there launching the Mistressmind and that’s where my energy was focused. But by staying open to magic and possibility AND having a structure with multiple offers and multiple options that I could chat to people about behind the scenes – that’s how I had a $40k sales month.

Lessons From My Biggest Sales Month So Far

Now before I sign off this episode, which I hope has been super supportive for you. I want to share what I hope you take away from this chat today.

Firstly – being across your numbers is so important. If you don’t know what your sales look like each month or your income or your expenses – it’s time to make that happen.

Secondly – aiming for a quantum leap is a GREAT way to stretch you beyond what you believe is possible BUT it also brings with it more mindset wobbles. The takeaway here is to shoot for the stars AND double down on your mindset at the same time.

And to know that it’s okay to NOT hit your big quantum leap stretch goal – it means nothing about you or your business or the impact you’re having.

Thirdly – steady, sustainable growth is worth celebrating! Shout it from the rooftops. Be proud of how far you’ve come. Think back to a time when you never thought where you are right now would be possible. The future holds infinite possibilities. And that’s really freakin’ exciting!

And remember, you never know when your next quantum leap is on its way! But trust me, it’ll only happen if you’re out there stretching yourself into your expansion.

I truly hope that this episode today has been supportive! It’s felt like a big one for me to share. Come and let me know on Instagram what resonated most. You can find me @bec.cuzzillo


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