How Goddess Archetypes Support You In Business

Today we are diving into a topic that brings together two of my favourite things – goddess spirituality and spiritual business.

It is no secret that working with Goddess energy is a big part of my life and business…

I have a goddess range of candles, I run goddess workshops, I’ve been teaching about connecting with goddess energy for a few years now. And I walk my talk too – I weave goddess spirituality into almost all areas of my business.

It is a whole lot more than something that I do just for fun…

There is an incredible power that comes from doing business in this way, and today I want to share how Goddess archetypes can support YOU in business.

In this episode, I am sharing with you the archetypal framework that I teach inside my Spiritual Business Mistressmind.

I will take you through the six Goddess archetypes that form this framework and how they can support you in your life and business, as well as some practical next steps for you to start activating these energies in your own life and biz.

Before we dive in, I want to start by sharing a little bit about how I came to find goddess spirituality…


Finding my path to Goddess spirituality

For me, goddess spirituality was THE doorway that opened me up to spirituality and my personal spiritual journey…

My mum being a psychic medium meant that I was immersed in the spiritual world from a young age. But it wasn’t until mum gifted me a Goddess Oracle card deck that I had found MY thing.

For a while I had just been dipping my toe in when it came to my own spirituality, but once I found Goddesses, I had found something that resonated deeply in my soul.

And it opened up everything for me.

I love Goddess energy because it’s so very human. As opposed to angelic energy or energies from other realms or the stars, goddess energy is grounded and real.

If you read the stories and myths of goddesses from all over the world – they are not perfect or pristine, they are often very flawed and focused on teaching us life lessons. They are sometimes weird and wacky and a little bit out there.

Each Goddess represents a different energy. There are similar Goddesses found all over the world, different cultures interpreting and connecting with Goddess energy in their own way.

And for me, each Goddess acts like a doorway to our inner world. It helps us to understand different parts of ourselves. Access and activate different parts of ourselves.

For example, if I want to call in more abundance – I can actively connect with Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity.

Or say I want to connect with my sensual side – I can call in Goddess Freya, the Norse Goddess of Sensuality to help me.

There is a Goddess for everything and anything you can imagine. But the way I work with Goddess energy is to connect more deeply with myself, to activate and unlock an energy within myself and to learn something about myself.

And Goddess archetypes can act in the same way.

Goddess Archetypes

The concept of archetypes was brought into mainstream psychology by Carl Jung. It’s the idea that universal personalities or characters exist in the collective unconscious. That is, we all collectively relate to archetypes and understand them in the same way.

There are many archetypes that exist, some more prominent than others.

For example, the Mother archetype is one we all know very well – the nurturing, loving Mother.

The Virgin archetype – the pure, innocent, “untouched” Virgin.

The Seductress archetype – the sexy, promiscuous woman here to seduce and charm and, dare I say it, bring about the downfall of all men. Excuse me while I roll my eyes.

Now I’m not here today to get into how the Patriarchy has boxed women into these very limited, patriarchal ideas of womanhood. But these examples show just how universal these archetypes are and how powerful they can be in guiding our collective narrative around identity and what it means to be a woman, a man, a human in our world today.

But archetypes can also provide a mechanism for us to understand and awaken energies within us. To help us reclaim parts of ourselves and our innate power.

The Patriarchy might have boxed women into a very limited understanding of how we are supposed to show up in the world through these collective archetypes.

But we have the power to flip the script, rewrite the stories and reclaim different parts of ourselves through archetypes. 


How do Goddess archetypes help us in business?

In the Spiritual Business Mistressmind, each month we focus on activating a different Goddess archetypal energy. 

There are six months and six archetypes. We look at the Sovereign Woman, the Intuitive Woman, the Wild Woman, the Abundant Woman, the Sensual Woman and the Grounded Woman.

The Sovereign Woman is the natural born leader, she is in her power and takes radical self responsibility for herself, her life and her business. Very much CEO boss energy.

The Intuitive Woman is – surprise, surprise – intuitive. She is creative, observant and in flow. Guided always by her inner wisdom and deep self trust.

The Wild Woman is all about freedom and liberation. She is unapologetic about who she is and what she stands for. Independent, authentic and fearless. 

The Abundant Woman is abundant in all aspects of her life – love, joy, health and, yes, wealth. This is the archetype we want to connect with when we want to manifest more money, money, money. An important one for business for obvious reasons.

The Sensual Woman is all about pleasure, play and self expression. This is the archetype that helps us align our business with our cycle, to prioritise time for self care and rest, and to create businesses that feel really good for us, for our clients and for the world, generally.

And finally, the Grounded Woman is grounded. She is calm and balanced, she helps us set healthy boundaries and create strong foundations for our business. Such an important one.

Now the energies and archetypes that I’m talking about here – these aren’t NEW. These are feminine energies that humans have been calling in and connecting with for a very long time.

But what is new is the way that I’ve brought them together. These six Goddess archetypes are archetypes that I work with personally, and I’ve brought them together into a framework that I use to support both myself and my clients, to help us to better understand and activate our inner power to support us in life and business.

And there are three main ways that they do this that I want to share with you today…

1) Goddess archetypes support you to understand your strengths and gifts

We will usually resonate more strongly with certain goddess archetypes than others, and this gives us an insight into where our strengths lie and what our gifts are.

For example, I strongly identify with the Grounded Woman – practical, down to earth, action-oriented, organised. 

And for me this has translated into my business – because I KNOW this is one of the things that my clients love about working with me and I can play to those strengths.

By knowing this, I consciously call in and attract soulmate clients who desire a spiritual business coach that is grounded and down to earth and will support them to bring that energy into their lives and businesses.

So by understanding which Goddess archetypes you identify most strongly with – which ones you have a more natural inclination towards, you can come to a better understanding of yourself and your strengths and what that means for both your life and your business.

How do you like to work?

Who are you here to support?

What is your unique brand of magic and skills?

All of these things that help you create a life and business that is fully in alignment for you.

2) Goddess archetypes support you to identify areas for focus or “improvement”

Goddess archetypes can help you to identify your so-called “weaknesses”.

And I say that in quotation marks because I don’t think of these as weaknesses in the sense that you are better or worse at certain things – just that these are the things that make you, you.

In the same way that you identify more strongly with some archetypes – there will be others that you don’t, and this gives you a clue on where you might want to focus your energy in a more active way.

For example, I’m not as naturally inclined towards the Intuitive Woman archetype. For me, it takes active, conscious practice to tap into my inner Intuitive Woman because it doesn’t come as naturally. But knowing this about myself means that I can do something about it.

Essentially, this is about self awareness. Goddess archetypes help you to become more self aware. 

Knowing and understanding your own personal relationship with different Goddess archetypes helps you to understand yourself better, and then, you will have a focal point, an energy that you can consciously connect to and activate within yourself.

Which brings me to my third and final point…

3) Goddess archetypes support you to activate different energies within yourself

When I want to activate my intuition, I connect with my inner Intuitive Woman.

When I am making big decisions in the business, I connect with my inner Sovereign Woman.

When I am wanting to get more visible, I connect with my inner Wild Woman to overcome any fear or blocks around that.

Goddess archetypes can help you to access and activate these different energies that already exist within you, to help you achieve a desired outcome or goal.

For example:

  • I’m feeling really ungrounded right now – I’ll call in the Grounded Woman.

  • I want to clear some money blocks – I’ll call in the Abundant Woman.

  • I want to make sure this is an intuitive decision – I’ll call in the Intuitive Woman.

  • I want to bring more pleasure and fun into my day – I’ll call in the Sensual Woman.

We connect with and embody these Goddess archetypes FOR a purpose. We often do this naturally anyway – but goddess archetypes allow us to take it a layer deeper and become really conscious about it.

This is why in the Mistressmind each month we have a different devoted practice to help us really drop in and connect with these energies on a deeper level. 

I’m a big fan of keeping these practices simple and easy – for the Grounded Woman, for example, it is literally getting outside, feet on the earth and breathing for a bit of time every day if you can. 

These practices aren’t new or groundbreaking, but when you commit to them for a period of time – they are so powerful.

So Goddess archetypes support us in business because they help us:

  • To understand ourselves better and become more self aware

  • To know what our strengths are so that we can play to those

  • Where we might need to focus our energy more consciously

  • Activate different energies within ourselves to achieve a desired outcome or goal

This is why I love having a focal Goddess archetype for each month within the Mistressmind. It provides a structure for us to look at different areas of our life and business and explore how we can be more conscious about how we are showing up for our vision and mission.


How to start working with Goddess archetypes in your business

If this is something that you want to do in your own business, a great place to start is with some self reflection. 

Today I’ve shared with you the six goddess archetypes that I personally work with and that I support my clients to work start there.

As I’ve been talking about these archetypes and their unique energies – how do you feel in your body?

Perhaps there’s one or two that really resonate with you.

Perhaps there’s one or two that make you go, ‘YES! I need more of that in my life.’

For many of my clients – beautiful, big hearted, intuitive business owners – they hear about the Grounded Woman and they immediately recognise how much they need more of the Grounded Woman in their life and business. Maybe that’s you too?

Or maybe you’re more like me and need to more consciously activate your inner Intuitive Woman. 

So start there and do some self reflection – where do you sit more naturally, which archetype do you resonate with most?

And then – what energy might you need to more actively call in?

Because once you know what archetype you want to more actively call in, you can then take action towards that. This is about embodying the energy of that particular archetype.

And there are many practices and rituals that can support you to do that.

For the Intuitive Woman, it might be meditation to slow down and tune in.

For the Grounded Woman, it might be getting outside, feet on the earth like we talked about before.

For the Sovereign Woman, it might be a power stance to activate that powerful energy within you.

For the Sensual Woman, it might be doing something just for the pleasure of it.

For the Wild Woman, it might be dancing wild and free.

And for the Abundant Woman, it might be a manifestation visualisation.

So start with some self reflection and then commit to following through with one of those actions. Simple.


Want to learn from me?

If you’ve seen me sharing about Goddess archetypes on social media or the goddess activation and trainings that happen each month inside my Mistressmind – you’ve now got some insight as to the how and why of that, as well as some practical next steps for you to take if you want to dive into this work yourself. 

This is a really special and powerful part of my Spiritual Business Mistressmind program. And as you can hear, it holds a very special place in my heart.

The waitlist is now open for the next round of the Mistressmind, beginning in mid-October 2021. If this is something you’re interested in – then you can join the waitlist here.


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