How Self Worth Supports You To Build Your Business with Sam Dhu

I have an incredible guest to share with you today. I am so excited to introduce you to my friend, Sam Dhu.

Sam is a Positive Psychology Life Coach and psychotherapist supporting modern-day women to experience fulfilment, self-acceptance and unbridled joy.

In this conversation today, Sam and I chat about how self worth supports you to build your business.

It is such a juicy episode that really highlights why self worth is so important as a business owner and provides you with some practical tools and strategies you can take and implement straight away in your life and biz.


Let me officially introduce you to Sam…

With six years of university qualifications and over 15 years experience supporting women from all walks of life (thousands, in fact), Sam is a passionate advocate for living an aspired life. She is a mama to her beautiful five-year-old, Amelie (with another bub on the way!) and has built an incredibly abundant and joyful business for herself and her family.

Sam supports women to give themselves the permission the are craving. Permission to STOP people-pleasing, drowning under a mountain of pressure and guilt, and saying yes when you really want to say no. And permission to START experiencing more joy and rest, living from a place of courage, and being unapologetically, unabashedly, wholly you.

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire:

  • Why your sense of worthiness underpins your mindset

  • The ways in which low self worth might be showing up and holding you back in your business

  • The evidence-based tools and “soul-based tools” you can use to move through fear and build your sense of self worth and confidence

  • The role that rest has played in building the abundant six-figure business Sam has todaySo we’ve talked about looking after yourself and your mindset. Now we want to be thinking about how you can practically make the most of the final months of the year.

Connect with Sam:


Join my FREE Workshop – Ground Your Business Vision into the 3D of 2022

Now I want to take this opportunity to share my new FREE workshop that I am hosting next week – Ground Your Business Vision into the 3D of 2022. 

In this workshop, I will be supporting you to get crystal clear on your vision and map out the actions to unearth your highest potential in the new year. 

This is an opportunity for you to sit in sacred ceremony with your business in a space with other like-hearted spiritual business owners to connect in with that beautiful vision and ground its energy. 

There’ll be some guided visualisations and practices, as well as some really practical tools and strategies for you to move forward with.

If you’ve ever been in one of my spaces before you know I LOVE to blend spirituality with strategy. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing in this workshop. I can’t wait.

You can sign up for FREE here.


Build a Stand Out Brand with Nova Garnier


Where Business Owners Go Wrong In The Lead Up To The End Of The Year