Where Business Owners Go Wrong In The Lead Up To The End Of The Year

This week I have a fiery little solo episode for you… 

We are now fast approaching the end of the year. And something that I see happen, without a doubt, every single year, at about this time...is business owners starting to lose their steam.

And this year is no different. In fact, in many ways this year feels even more extreme. We have had 18 months of a global pandemic and everything that has come along with that. 

Feeling exhausted, over it, and everything in between is completely understandable.

But the thing is…there are still nine weeks left of this year.

That means if you check out now, you’ll roll on through these next nine weeks. Then it’ll be January, which is usually a slow month in business anyway, at least to get started. And by the time you get back into the swing of things, it’ll be almost, if not already, February 2022, and you’ll have spent almost three months checked out of your business.

Three whole months.

That’s a huge amount of time. It’s a whole quarter of a year.

And this is where I see business owners go wrong all the time in the lead up to the end of the year.

They have been going so hard for most of the year, that they run themselves into the ground, and end up with no juice, no desire, no energy left to sustain the momentum they’ve built up. And they just decide to check out and wait for next year.

Which is obviously NOT a CEO boss move. 

So today I want to speak to this a little bit and share what you can do to turn this around and make the most of the rest of the year in a really intentional way, instead of allowing it to pass you by.


Prioritise looking after yourself first

Firstly, if you are feeling any of what I’ve described…

...exhausted, over it, ready to throw in the towel and just wait until next year for a fresh start...

...then your priority is, first and foremost, to look after YOU.

I want to make it clear that I do not recommend you push through when your body and your heart and your soul are telling you to rest. 

That is not what I’m saying when I say not to check out. 

Pushing through when you’re feeling run down is a one way street straight to burn out city and is not my vibe at all. 

So let’s make sure you are looking after your nervous system first and foremost, especially knowing we are going into holiday season which can be a challenging time for some. If that’s you, it’s even more important to prioritise this at this time.

That might look like:

  • scheduling more time and space into your calendar

  • finishing up earlier in the day than usual

  • having weekends off

  • having time away from social media

  • prioritising rest

  • sleeping more

  • drinking more water

  • booking in to see your therapist or your naturopath or your chiropractor. 

Whatever it is. Book it in. Make it a priority.

Looking after yourself first and foremost is so important.

Getting your business mindset right

So now that we are looking after ourselves, the next thing I want to chat to you about is a MINDSET shift that will be supportive for you here.

Because I believe this whole “I’m going to take a breather and wait until next year”  story comes down to this…

Feeling like you have to choose between your business and your life.

Deciding to commit to your business and to continue to pour your energy into your business does NOT mean you have to forgo the enjoyment, fun and pleasure of life. 

You don’t have to ditch your other commitments, because you are choosing to go all in on your business.

You don’t have to choose between your business AND living your life. You get to choose both.

And the MINDSET shift here is that that is possible for you.

If you believe you have to CHOOSE between your life and your business – then every time something comes up in your life (which it will, because it’s life), business is going to feel really hard.

But if you believe that business and life get to coexist harmoniously...then when something comes up in your life, you are already operating from a place of that balance.

Thank goodness I’ve got this ebb and flow with my business…
What decisions are going to support me here?
What do I need to put in place in the business? 
What do I need to prioritise right now?

You become solutions-focused automatically because your mindset supports you to do so.

So I encourage you to think about whether or not you believe you have to CHOOSE between life and business, or whether you believe they get to COEXIST?

Because you might have some mindset work to do here.


Harness the energy of this time of year

So we’ve talked about looking after yourself and your mindset. Now we want to be thinking about how you can practically make the most of the final months of the year.

And I don’t know about you, but I love this time of year. 

Here in Australia, it’s springtime, the days are getting longer and the weather is finally warming up. Being based in Canberra (one of the coldest cities in Australia) when it finally starts to warm up here after the bitter cold of winter, I am always cheering.

And I love this time of year, because people start to emerge from the hibernation of winter. And having just come out of lockdown here, it’s even more exciting than usual.

It is a time of celebration and socialising and getting out in the sunshine and just generally enjoying the festive season. I love it.

In business, I like to use this time of year to focus on planning and dreaming and visioning for the new year.

Because the time to plan is now. Not January 1st. 

Again, waiting until the new year to start thinking about the new year? Not the best strategy.

My recommendation is to set aside some time NOW to start connecting with your vision for 2022.

And my favourite place to start when doing any kind of visioning is with the feeling.

How do you want to FEEL in 2022? Focus on the feeling first AND then what that actually LOOKS like will fall from there.

And you don’t have to wait for the new year to start embodying that vision. 

Those big goals, dreams and visions you have for your life and business in 2022 – you can claim them at any moment. 

You can start embodying the 2022 version of you now.

How would the 2022 version of you show up today?
Who would she surround herself with?
What would she be prioritising in her day?
What mindset and beliefs would she hold true for herself?
What would she be doing to maintain her energy and keep her moving towards her goals and vision?

You can step into the shoes of the 2022 YOU now. The YOU that is living the vision you are calling into being.

And it all starts with setting aside some time to connect with and clarify your vision, and start planning for 2022.


Join my FREE Workshop – Ground Your Business Vision into the 3D of 2022

Now I want to take this opportunity to share my new FREE workshop that I am hosting next week – Ground Your Business Vision into the 3D of 2022. 

In this workshop, I will be supporting you to get crystal clear on your vision and map out the actions to unearth your highest potential in the new year. 

This is an opportunity for you to sit in sacred ceremony with your business in a space with other like-hearted spiritual business owners to connect in with that beautiful vision and ground its energy. 

There’ll be some guided visualisations and practices, as well as some really practical tools and strategies for you to move forward with.

If you’ve ever been in one of my spaces before you know I LOVE to blend spirituality with strategy. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing in this workshop. I can’t wait.

You can sign up for FREE here.


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