How To Embody The Energy Of A 6-Figure Spiritual Business Owner

Today on the Feminine Fire Podcast we’re talking about how to embody the energy of a 6-figure spiritual business owner.

This feels very timely to be sharing this with you at this moment as I’m currently in my third trimester, only 4 weeks away from mat leave – this baby will be here before we know it!

And the reason that it feels timely to be talking about embodying the energy of a 6-figure business owner right now is because my first 6-figure year in business was also my first year of being a mama. So for me, motherhood and earning 6-figures happened at the same time.

I am a big believer in the idea that “babies bring abundance”, which I first heard from money mindset coach, Denise Duffield-Thomas. I remember when I was pregnant with Noah, I went to her book launch and we had a great chat about it during her book signing. She even wrote that phrase inside the front cover for me! And it’s something I really leaned into hard during that pregnancy and afterwards – and lo and behold, the proof is in the pudding. Babies really DO bring abundance!

In today’s episode, I want to talk about the energetic side of making that happen. Now there are, of course, strategies that we can talk about in terms of bringing in 6-figures (and this is something I support my clients with all the time), but this energetic, embodiment piece is also really important!

Embodying Your Goals

Whenever you’re striving for a goal – any goal – something I practice in my own life and business, and something I teach my clients is to embody the energy of having achieved that goal now.

In manifestation, we call this “acting as if” – acting as if you’ve already achieved that goal.

When I first started in my business, making 6-figures wasn’t even on my radar as a concept or possibility. My first income goal was $60,000. What I soon realised, once you take into account the expenses involved in running a business, is that $60,000 wasn’t going to cut it if I wanted to be full-time in my business and live the life I wanted to live. 

So shooting for 6-figures soon became the goal.

If you’ve heard my story before, you’ll know that it took me roughly 4 years and having a baby before I actually hit that goal. And the energetic, embodiment piece that we’re talking about today played a huge part in finally making that happen for me.

Removing expectations around what it will look like

Now when I had Noah, I did not know that it was going to be the year I hit 6-figures. Yes, I was leaning into that belief that “babies bring abundance” but I was also holding that 6-figure goal lightly.

I didn’t want to go into motherhood with too many expectations of what life and business would look like with a baby – anyone who is also a mum will know that it changes day to day, hour to hour.

So while I had the desire and goal to build a 6-figure business – I did not have it all mapped out. I did not know where that money was coming from. 

Back then my business looked very different to what it does today – the programs I now offer, the clarity I now have on who I’m here to serve – all of the groundwork for that was laid during this year.

It All Starts With a Decision 

It all started with the decision to step into the energy of that 6-figure business owner before I was there… before I knew what it looked like or exactly how it was going to happen.

It all starts with who you’re being and embodying that energy before you have it.

So some questions for you to think about:

  • How would your life be different if you showed up as though you were a 6-figure spiritual business owner now?

  • How does your 6-figure self show up in her life and business?

  • What does she prioritise in her day?

  • How does she act?

  • Who is that version of you?

And it’s not about being inauthentic or “faking it until you make it” – it’s about tapping into that inner power that already exists within you.

If you think about time as a construct and the fact that your success is inevitable – because it is – then you’ve already built that 6-figure business, you already are that 6-figure business owner.

She already exists, she’s just further down your timeline. 

So how can you tap into her energy now? How can you start embodying her?

I want you to wake up in the morning and ask yourself – what would my 6-figure self do today? And move through your day with that intention. 

So what did that look like for me?

What did embodying my 6-figure self before I hit 6-figures look like for me?

Well, as a new mama – time was (and still is) my most valuable resource. And that was probably the biggest shift and catalyst for me at that time. I went from having an abundance of time to work in and on my business to not having much time at all.

And to paint you a picture, prior to having Noah, I was not using my abundance of time very well. It’s not that I was wasting time or being unproductive, I was still working with clients and making sales.

But I was using that abundance of time as an excuse for not making the big bold moves towards my goals – and it was 100% slowing me down.

Because I had the time to invest in doing everything myself, I felt like I had to. I felt like I couldn’t ask for help or seek outside support.

But when I had Noah, the shift for me was like: “Well shit, I don’t have that abundance of time anymore, if I want to be the best mum I can be AND build the thriving, abundant, 6-figure business that I desire and know is possible for me – something has gotta change here, I’ve gotta start taking this more seriously, I’ve gotta start showing up as my 6-figure self, I’ve gotta start making the moves.”

Which is exactly what I did…

One of the first things I did was invest in working with a business coach in a high-level mastermind. 

This meant that the time I did have to work in and on my business, I was making the most of it. I wasn’t wasting time on busy work. I had a clear strategy and plan which meant I was more focused. Everything I was doing was high impact and moving me closer to that goal of building a 6-figure business. 

What I wasn’t doing was floundering around on my own, throwing shit at the wall and hoping that something would stick – which is probably a bit dramatic! But when I compare my business before Noah and my business after Noah, there really is a huge difference in how I was showing up and the clarity and focus I had. 

So investing in a business coach to help me create that strategy and get clear on my next steps was my first big move in embodying the energy of a 6-figure business owner.

It also looked like working on my mindset more than ever before.

Now let’s be clear…I knew what to do. I knew how to work on my mindset.

Mindset is something that I have always supported my clients with. As an NLP practitioner it's a big part of the work that I do.

So I knew its importance…but I wasn’t prioritising it in my life and business myself. 

Once I made the intentional decision to actually prioritise and focus on my mindset, it was game changing.

I also started creating systems and processes in my business.

I got organised and actually started to use a project management tool for the first time.

Any mama will know that the brain fog is real, and my clients know how much I advocate for taking your to do list out of your brain and putting it into a tool like Asana or Click Up or Trello. 

The brain space that it frees up allows you to be more creative, more present, and show up better for your business, your clients and your life. I cannot stress this enough!

Finally, in that year I also brought on my first ever team member and learnt how to delegate effectively and how to lead my business effectively.

If you think about the energy of a 6-figure business owner – that leadership energy, that CEO energy – that’s the energy you want to be in.

Now, some of these things obviously have a monetary investment attached to them…but not all. So if you’re sitting there going: “Okay Bec, this is all well and good but I don’t currently have a big budget to invest in things like outsourcing and bringing on team members.” 

That’s okay! 

Reminder: You don’t have to do everything all at once. 

This is not about overwhelming your nervous system and going from zero to one hundred in seconds. Focus on one action you can take or one decision you can make today that is going to bring you more into the energy you want to be in.

If you have more time than money right now, start by focusing on those things that don’t have a monetary investment attached to them – working on your mindset, getting organised, setting up systems and processes – these things take time, not money. 

If you’ve got an abundance of time, then use it wisely! Use it in the way that your 6-figure self would.

And if you’re in a season of life and business, like me, where you have less time – then it might be about looking at the budget you do have and how you can invest that most wisely, knowing that it’s about investing in those things that will see a return on your investment. 

Really, when it comes to stepping into and embodying the energy of a 6-figure business owner – it’s about making decisions from that place, with that goal in mind. 

Energy and embodiment is about movement, being, experiencing and living your goal into reality. This is what makes embodiment and energy different to mindset. Yes, they are related. Yes, mindset is important too. But energetics and embodiment is not just thinking about something, it’s about bringing it into being and grounding it in the 3D here and now.

So that’s what I want to leave you with today…

How can you ground that vision into the here and now through your actions, your behaviours, your habits?

How can you embody the energy of your 6-figure self?

Join the Spiritual Business Mistressmind

And if you’ve been vibing with what I’ve shared today and investing in a business coach is your next step – then I’m excited to let you know that pre-sale waitlist enrolments are currently open for the next round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind.

The Mistressmind is my 6 month mastermind style experience for spiritual women ready to build the abundant, profitable and aligned business of their dreams.

This next round officially kicks off in mid-October when I return from maternity leave, but we have some epic bonuses on offer to support your continued progress until then.
We open publicly next week but if you want the best possible price and a bonus 1:1 call with me before I go on mat leave – then the waitlist is the place to be. Sign up at 


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