Habits To Create More Ease, Flow & Abundance In Your Business

Today I’m talking about habits that will support you to create more ease, flow and abundance in your business.

I wanted to share this with you because, firstly, who doesn’t want more ease, flow and abundance in their business, right?! 

But secondly, it’s really not enough to just desire these things and say that you want more ease, flow and abundance without taking the action to make it happen.

And that’s what today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast is all about...

What are habits?

Habits are routine, regular behaviours or practices that you do over and over again, almost on autopilot. We can have habits that are good for us and habits that are not so good. 

Today we are talking about healthy, supportive habits that you can cultivate in your business to create more ease, flow and abundance.

What I love about habits in particular, is that so often in the business space we talk about taking BIG, BOLD action that moves the needle forward. Instead, habits are about those smaller daily or weekly habits that create a much bigger impact over time. Habits help you to step into being the thriving, abundant spiritual business owner that you desire to be.

Now the way I’ve structured this episode is to split these habits into 3 categories – soul, mindset and strategy. These are the 3 pillars of my signature coaching framework –  the framework that I use both in my business and with my clients to support them to build, grow and scale their spiritual businesses in an easeful, soulful and aligned way.

So let’s dive into habits of the soul first…

Habits of the Soul

When I talk about soul in relation to your business, what I’m talking about is:

  • Staying deeply connected and anchored into your why

  • Living in alignment with who you are and what makes your soul sing

  • Honouring the soul of your business; your mission, vision and values

Knowing that when you’re anchored into that space of deep connection with your soul and the soul of your business, you can show up fully as the leader that you are, you can create the life and business you desire, you can become that incredible magnet for your dream soulmate clients, for abundance, for ease and flow.

So what are the habits that help you cultivate that?

Really what we’re talking about here are practices that support your connection to self. Because you’re most anchored into your soul space when you are deeply connected to yourself.

These daily habits could be spiritual or mindfulness practices – meditation, journalling, breathwork, yoga, dance, walking in nature, grounding and connecting to the earth. These are all practices that support self connection.

But I also believe that literally anything done with the intention of self connection can be something that connects you more deeply to yourself – your skincare routine, having a shower, cooking a really delicious meal for yourself.

What’s most important here is your intention for the practice AND actually making it a habit.

Maybe having a regular meditation practice feels really great for you OR maybe you’re committing to making your nightly skincare routine the time when you intentionally connect to yourself?

It doesn’t matter what the practice is, as long as it’s working for you. I want you to make that commitment now. Start practising it. Make it a habit.

Something else that I want to touch on here is making it a regular habit to check in with your vision, mission, values and goals for your business. This isn’t something that you’d do actively every day, but rather at different points in the year, I recommend at least every quarter.

What I want you to do is set some time aside in your calendar to check in and sit in ceremony with your business to ensure that you’re still in alignment:

  • Are your vision and goals still feeling good?

  • Is the way you’re showing up in your business aligned with your vision and goals?

  • Are there any changes you need to make?

And make it a habit to do this at least once every quarter.

This is one of the reasons I LOVE working with seasonal energy, like the Solstice and the Equinox, in my business – because they are both great energetic and strategic points in time to check in with your business and look at what’s working, what’s not and what needs to change.

My recommendations? Make it fun. Make it enjoyable. Romance yourself and your business. It’s such a beautiful thing to do to honour the soul of your business and the magic you have to share in this lifetime.

Mindset Habits

I cannot stress the power of your mindset when it comes to creating ease, flow and abundance in your business. Because really, first and foremost, this is a decision.

If you’re in the mindset of “business is hard” or “making money is hard” then guess what, business and making money is going to feel really freakin’ hard. 

So if you want to create ease, flow and massive levels of abundance – you need to decide that that is your reality and cultivate a mindset that supports that decision. You want to be in the mindset of “business is easeful,” “business supports me to be in flow” and “business is abundant.”

How do you do that? Supportive mindset habits.

Habits that support you to cultivate the mindset of the business owner you desire to be.

The first thing I want to do here is flip the script and identify the habits that are keeping you stuck and holding you back from creating ease, flow and abundance in your business in the first place.

It might be habits that keep you in a state of overwhelm:

Things like having a really long never ending to do list or scrolling endlessly on instagram, consuming lots of content, doing lots of masterclasses and workshops but never putting anything into practice because you’ve got so much information and you don’t know where to start.

Stop overwhelming yourself. Any habits that overwhelm you or keep you in that heightened state are not going to be conducive to creating ease and flow.

Or it might be that you have a habit of perfectionism:

Trying to make sure everything is perfect, from your social media posts to that email that’s taken you over an hour to write or that video you’ve recorded a million times trying to make it perfect, trying to work out the perfect time to post for the algorithm, the perfect number of hashtags, the perfect this, the perfect that. 

All of these things are making it harder than it has to be. And we love doing that as humans – we love making things harder than they have to be. We are suckers for punishment and then love complaining about it. Not anymore.

I want you to take some time to identify the habits that are holding you back from ease, flow and abundance in your life and business right now, the habits that are making things harder as opposed to easier. 

And then start moving towards eliminating them – which, I know, is easier said than done, but take it one step at a time and start eliminating these habits that are seriously impacting your mindset.

Next, I want you to start cultivating habits that support you to lean into ease, flow and abundance.

Often these will be habits that directly counteract the ones you’re working towards eliminating.

So for example, say you find yourself recording a video over and over again until it’s perfect. Instead, set yourself a timer and just get it done in that time. Done is better than perfect.

Or if you’re someone with a never ending overwhelming to do list each and every day. Open up your notes app or a fresh page in your journal and make a point of selecting the 3 most essential, needle moving tasks, write those down (and only those!) for the day, do them, tick them off and then go have a cup of tea or do something nice for you. I dare you! Stop giving yourself impossible, overwhelming to do lists.

Now the one other habit that I want to really encourage you to do here is a quick check in with yourself every morning.

A check in where you take a moment to drop in, set an intention for the day and ask yourself what you need to support that intention.

And as a mama to a toddler with another one on the way, I am a big fan of making this super easy. It doesn’t have to be complicated or take you very long!

Now I know I’ve talked about habit stacking on the podcast before but essentially this is the practice of taking an established habit you already have and stacking something new on top of it.

So it might be that you do this self check in every morning when you’re in the shower, that’s what I do and I love it. Or it might be that you do it while you’re making your morning coffee or tea, or even when you’re brushing your teeth.

Again, it doesn’t matter what it is, it just has to be something that you already do each and every morning. Stack this self check in habit on top of it. Absolutely life changing.

Strategic Habits

So I feel like you could argue all of the habits we’ve talked about already are actually strategic – because strategy is all about taking action that leads you towards your goal and every habit we’ve already talked about will lead you towards the goal of creating more ease, flow and abundance in your business.

But in saying that – there are some habits that fall more squarely into the strategy side of things.

The first one I want to talk about is getting into the habit of creating really clear and repeatable processes in your business. 

Processes for those things that you do regularly in your business.

So for example, when a new client signs up to work with you. What is your onboarding process? Once they say yes, you might send them a contract and an invoice, then you might send them a welcome email with a link to book their calls, a questionnaire and any next steps.

This is a great example of a repeatable process in your business, but I often see spiritual business owners who don’t have this clearly mapped out.

Maybe you don’t have it documented anywhere so you have to remember the process every time and maybe you sometimes forget a step or do things out of order? Or perhaps you’re writing the welcome email each and every time and scrolling through your sent emails to find the last one you sent so you can copy and paste it?

All of this is taking up your precious time and is completely avoidable when you have repeatable processes clearly mapped out and documented. You will then have the opportunity to streamline and automate different steps to make it even easier for you. But that’s only possible if you’re in the habit of creating and documenting really clear repeatable processes.

In a similar vein, the other habit that I really recommend is using a project management tool like Asana or Trello or Clickup. 

We use Asana in my business and love it.

This is a space where you can not only document those regular processes,  but you can also create templates for tasks that you do over and over and brain dump all the tasks that are clogging up your brain.

Honestly, I will never forget the feeling of immense relief I had after starting to use Asana in my business. The spaciousness, the ease and the flow that comes from having all of those tasks somewhere other than my brain was life changing.

I know that sometimes it can feel overwhelming to start using a tool like this – my recommendation, like with any habits that you’re cultivating, is to start small, one step at a time, one process at a time.

The final strategic habit that I want to share with you today is one that is specifically related to creating abundance. 

Get into the habit of regularly checking in with your money.

Make it a habit to regularly look at your bank accounts, track your income and expenses, send invoices, pay invoices and keep your accounting software up to date.

One of my favourite weekly habits is my Money Magic Hour. This is an hour that I spend every Wednesday completing the tasks that I’ve just shared, and I like to make it magic! 

One of the things that I know can bring up some resistance around doing this regularly is that “money stuff” is just a little bit boring and dry. Well, how can you make it as magical and fun as possible?

For example, I have a Spotify playlist of money-themed songs that I often play during my money magic hour each week. You can listen to it here but fair warning, it’s mostly a lot of explicit rap music with some early 2000s RnB thrown in there for good measure. If that’s your jam then you’ll love this playlist.

You can also just make it really sacred and beautiful by lighting a candle and allowing yourself to drop into that space of feeling abundant, maybe even doing some meditation and visualisation.

I also sometimes (in great contrast to explicit rap music) will listen to and chant along with a mantra to Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Abundance.

There’s lots of ways you can make mundane business tasks magic and fun. As spiritual business owners if we can’t do that, then what are we even doing? Am I right or am I right?

And on that note – that’s where I’m going to leave you today. I hope that’s been supportive for you!

If you’re sitting there thinking, “woah Bec! That is a lot of habits I need to start cultivating!” I want to encourage you to just take one or two that really stood out to you and implement those. And then bookmark and save this episode to come back to at a later date when you’re ready to add in the next habit. The most important thing is that you start!

Don’t forget! The Solstice for Business Intensive
is this Saturday 2nd July

I’ll be taking you through my process that combines both energetics and strategy to harness the energy of the solstice, reconnect with your goals and vision, renew your intentions for the rest of 2022 and then map out a clear plan and strategy to create and launch your sellout offer and a quantum leap into the second half of the year. 

I would so love to have you with me! There will be recordings available if you can’t join all the sessions live.

You can sign up here.


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