How To Know Your Next Business Step Forward In A Noisy Online World

There’s SO much going on in the online space right now. 

SO much information. 

And to add to that noise, there’s OFTEN conflicting advice about the so called “right” way of doing things.

I think the social media landscape is such a great example of this. 

One Instagram coach will say that the key to Instagram growth is doing XYZ. While another Instagram coach on the SAME day will say the exact opposite. One will say to use all 30 hashtags available to you and another will tell you to just post 3. It’s confusing AF, to say the least.

And it’s the same when it comes to building your business.

There’s lots of information out there and a lot of competing opinions and advice about the “right” way to do things. 

It can be confusing and overwhelming and hard to know where to begin, who to listen to or how to determine good advice from bad.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast, I’m going to share how to know your next business step forward in a noisy online world.

I want to support you to wade through all that noise, find clarity and determine what the best next step forward is for YOU in your unique business.

Because this won’t be the same for everyone.

I don’t believe in cookie cutter solutions. 

I don’t believe in ONE “right” way. 

And I know, I know - that can be annoying. 

But there are no silver bullet solutions when it comes to business. 

So this episode is about finding YOUR best next step forward in business - based on where you’re currently at, whether that’s early stages or years down the track, and on what YOUR business goals are. So super tailored to YOU.

The first thing I want you to do is to…

Take a step back and anchor back into YOUR goals.

Because it can be SO easy to get distracted - whether that’s chopping and changing strategies all the time OR constantly looking for the next thing you want to create and launch.

Distraction is a sneaky little self-sabotaging behaviour that our ego LOVES to throw at us to keep us safe and small in our comfort zone.

For example, if your focus right now is on booking 1:1 clients - and maybe it’s not happening as fast as you’d like or maybe you’re not getting the engagement or uptake you thought you would… your ego, wanting to protect you, jumps in with a million and one other ideas as a distraction from your goal of wanting to bring in more 1:1 clients.

Your ego is like - that’s NOT working, what about an online course or a group program or some other offer over here?

OR maybe it IS working, you are seeing some traction and your ego is freaking out because - oh my gosh, this is working and what does it mean for me to be successful?

It’s not always fear of failure, sometimes it’s fear of success. 

But either way, the ego jumps in and distracts you with the next thing you could be doing or the next thing you could be creating - which then drags your focus away from your goal and essentially self sabotages your chance of success.

We’ve all been there! Distracted by the shiny thing. 

So I want you to first take a step back and ask yourself – what is my goal right now AND am I just looking for something else as a distraction from that goal?

If that IS the case, it’s okay! But you need to bring awareness to it because it’s not serving you.

So let’s come BACK to your goal, first and foremost.

What is the next step that is going to take you closer to your goal? 

Using that same example - if your goal is to bring more 1:1 clients in right now but it’s not happening as fast as you’d like OR you’re not getting that traction - then your next step might be to make some tweaks to your current strategy.

That might be something you ask your business coach to support you with - because those strategy tweaks will be super tailored to you and your business goals.

But your next step is definitely NOT to get distracted with everything OTHER than what your goal actually is.

When you can anchor back into your goal and make your decisions from there - that’s when you can be confident in that next step being the best one for YOU and your business.

So now that you’re anchored back into your goal the next thing I want to talk about is…

Trusting your intuition, tuning out all the noise and coming back to what is true for you.

Because your intuition knows best.

But so often we override our intuitive knowings or feelings because it might not make sense or it doesn’t look as good on paper. And when our brain can’t make sense of something - our ego, wanting to keep us safe, will throw up all the doubt, fear and questions to get us from making a decision or taking a step that “doesn’t make sense”.

The other thing our brain wants is to be able to see the whole path laid out. So when it comes to knowing what your next step is, it doesn’t feel like it’s enough to just know the ONE next step.

But that is often what our intuition will guide us to - the ONE next step - whether that’s through an intuitive knowing OR a feeling of excitement OR maybe something you saw in your dreams.

Your intuition will rarely show you the whole staircase - it’s more subtle than that. It will gently guide you.

I often talk about following the breadcrumbs of your intuition, because that’s usually how it works. Following the signs. One step at a time.

So allowing yourself to be guided by your intuition is about trusting in that ONE next step, that’s all you need. And trusting that when you take that step, the next one will appear.

So, how can you start to tap back into your intuition? What are some practices you can use? What can you actually DO to get the ball rolling here?

First and foremost it’s about setting the intention to build a relationship with your intuition and actually make time for it.

The biggest block to accessing your intuition is mind chatter - so you essentially want to clear your mind and quieten the noise so you can actually hear the voice of your intuition. 

This is why so many people get creative ideas in the shower. There’s no other distractions, it’s just them and the sound of the water in their ears. So of course, that’s when intuitive downloads happen.

One of the most obvious practices is meditation. Turning inwards, quietening the mind and just allowing yourself to be. Asking your intuition or your higher self for guidance.

Journaling can also be great - with the focus on allowing the words to flow without censoring yourself or worrying about spelling. Just trusting that whatever is coming through is perfect and necessary.

You can also ASK your higher self or the universe to provide a sign if you’re on the right track or you can even ask for something more specific. It’s amazing how often you’ll be thinking about or talking about something and then suddenly it’ll just be there right in front of you. Often in the most random ways.

My mum will often say – random IS intuitive. And she should know being a professional psychic medium. So if things appear random, that’s often a good sign that it’s intuitive.

So ask your intuition, your higher self or the Universe for what you need. Be open to the signs and the different ways the answers may come to you.

Your intuition also comes through your feeling body, so anything that gets you out of your head and into your body. Any kind of movement - walking, running, dance, yoga. Set the intention for the practice to tap into your intuition and find the answers, you might just be surprised.

And don’t be afraid to just chat it out with someone - your partner, a trusted friend, your coach. So often we already know the answers but having someone to chat it through with can be so supportive. 

When it comes to your intuition – make it a priority to slow down, tune in and TRUST that your intuition knows the next step to take. Trust that knowing the ONE next step is all you need right now in this moment, you don’t need to see the whole staircase to keep moving forward in an aligned way.

Now the final thing I want to speak to today is…

Having the support of a coach or mentor to help you navigate the sea of online business advice and make really clear decisions on your steps forward.

Often, the quickest, easiest and most pain free way to find clarity, make decisions and create a plan to achieve your goals - is to have someone who knows what they’re talking about, supporting you to do just that.You can, of course, do it alone… but you don’t have to! 

As a spiritual business owner, your magic lies in the transformations you provide for your clients. You’ve gone and trained in this modality or that modality to hone your craft and become incredible at what you do.

Investing in a program and the support of a business coach is about learning how to build your business. No one is born with innate business skills or knowledge. It’s learnt, through trial and error and through seeking and investing in learning and support.

I share this because I was one of those business owners who used to say, “Nah, I’m good, I can do this on my own.”

Trust me when I tell you that working with a coach and investing in your business in that way is the fast track to progress. And as the online world becomes noisier and noisier – having a coach to support you to navigate all the noise is becoming even more important.

As I mentioned before - I don’t believe in cookie-cutter, one size fits all solutions.

Sure, there are things you can learn, processes and systems that you can replicate and try on for yourself to see how they fit, but ultimately - when looking for a program or a coach to invest in, I recommend looking for someone who supports you to find the BEST solution for you.

Someone who can help you find clarity on your big vision and goals, and stay anchored into those as you map out your next steps. Someone who can guide you back to yourself and your intuition.

You will 100% find coaches out there who will tell you there is only ONE right way to do things, and to be honest, I just think it’s total BS. This is why trusting your intuition is so important. When you’re tapped into your intuition, your BS radar will be on point. So make sure you’re tuning in and asking your intuition to support you when choosing a program or coach to invest in.

So, what do I want you to take away from this episode?

I want you to know that it’s okay if you find the online space noisy and confusing AF - because that is the truth of it.

BUT it’s also possible for you to find your path through all the noise. It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to feel icky or gross. You CAN find an easeful, soulful way forward in business, despite all the noise.

Join the Spiritual Business Academy

The next live round of the Spiritual Business Academy kicks off next week and there’s still time to join us!

If you’ve been listening to this today and nodding along…

If you’re desiring more clarity on your next steps in business…

If you’re wanting the support of a coach who gets it, who understands the ins and outs of spiritual business… then I’d love to have you in this with me.

The Spiritual Business Academy is 8 weeks of coaching with me. You get 4 modules of trainings and resources to build the foundations of your spiritual business with ease and soul. 

Find out more and sign up here.


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