How I'm Planning Ahead For The Second Half Of 2022

Welcome to June 2022! 

Can you believe that we’re here…4 weeks away from the midpoint of the year?

I know it’s like the most cliché thing to say ever - but I’m going to say it anyway, this year is flying by!

And with time seemingly disappearing on us - it’s important to make sure you’re taking the time to intentionally pause to check in with your goals and your vision.

It can be so easy to just get into the doing of day to day business - supporting your clients, creating content, moving from thing to thing.

As the leader of your business, you want to be creating those moments in time where you have the opportunity to zoom out and look at the bigger picture.

And the midway point of the year is the perfect time to do that. Both strategically and energetically.

Strategically - taking the time NOW to plan ahead for the rest of 2022 is, quite simply, just a boss CEO move. It’s going to make reaching your goals so much more easeful!

And energetically – it’s a great time for a reset, to hit the pause button and recalibrate your energy.

Especially if things haven’t quite gone to plan for you this year so far or you haven’t had much of a chance at all to really catch your breath and check in with where you’re at right now and where you’re headed.

Today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast is your opportunity to do just that. I’m going to share with you my process for planning ahead for the second half of 2022. I’ve broken it down into 4 easy steps. 

I’ve also created a new free PDF download that acts as a great companion to this episode – it’s called the “Goddess Mid Year Business Review” and will essentially help you take this process that I’m sharing with you today, a layer deeper. You can download your copy here.

What I recommend you do is listen to this episode, take notes and then download that PDF - because that is what will help you actually put this into practice.

#1 Reflect on the year to date

This is the part everyone loves to skip over - because we often just want to jump straight into the planning and actions. That’s what can feel most “productive” AND our brains love the certainty of a plan and knowing what the exact steps are.

I promise, we’ll get there.

But before we do - the first step is to reflect on what the year has looked like so far. I like to think of this as an audit of my year to date in business:

  • What’s worked?

  • What hasn’t?

  • How am I feeling?

  • Did I achieve my goals?

This is also a REALLY great opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge any wins - both big and small. We don’t do this enough! And it’s a really powerful practice and habit to get into.

In the same way that gratitude brings more things into your life to be grateful for, celebration brings more things into your life to celebrate.

So that’s the first thing you want to do - reflect on the year to date.

The reason being - you are then well positioned to move forward and make decisions from a place of knowing where you are right now, what’s been working for you and what’s perhaps feeling out of alignment and needs to change.

If you don’t take the time to do this reflection FIRST - then you don’t have this solid grounding to make those strategic decisions when it comes to prioritising and planning.

#2 Check in with your goals

The second thing I like to do is check in with my goals that I set at the beginning of the year.

Whenever you’re doing any big picture planning in your business - having your goals as your anchor point is so important.

At the midpoint of the year - I ask myself questions like… 

  • Am I on track to hit those yearly goals? 

  • How are they feeling now? 

  • Are they still feeling aligned? 

  • Do I need to shift or change anything?

This is important because it’s then going to inform what your priorities are for the second half of the year - which brings me to my third point…

#3 Decide on your priorities

Once you know your goals, you’ve connected back in with them and they’re feeling aligned - you then need to DECIDE on your priorities.

Based on what you want to achieve before the end of the year - what are you focusing on in your business?

For example, if your goal is to create consistent monthly revenue, then you might decide that your priority is to fill your 1:1 program because that’s what’s going to make that happen.

OR say your goal is to inject an extra $10, 20, 30k into your business - maybe your priority will be creating and launching a new group program that will create that injection of cash.

The point - decide on your priorities BASED on your goals.

For me this year - my goals and priorities look a little different because I’m gearing up for mat leave at the beginning of August. My goal for the second half of this year is to be fully set up and supported through maternity leave and then into my return to work.

So knowing that - my priority in the second half of the year will be, first and foremost, nurturing and nourishing this new babe.

But business-wise - I’ll be wrapping up with clients at the end of July and then returning to coaching in mid-October for the next round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind.

If you’re new around here, the Mistressmind is my mastermind program for women scaling their spiritual businesses to 6 figures and beyond.

It will be my main priority once returning from mat leave, and it’s the ONLY thing set in stone at this stage.

The plan is to launch it in July before I go on maternity leave, with some extra juicy bonuses to keep you going through that time. Because that’s really important to me too!

The decision to make the Mistressmind my ONLY set in stone priority for the second half of the year was a really intentional one. Not only do I know that it gets incredible results for my clients BUT I love it personally and it’s set up in a way that I know works for me in this season of life as a mama.

And when things work for you as the business owner and service provider, then you know you’re showing up best for your clients!

If you want to sign up to the waitlist for the Mistressmind, you can do so here.

#4 Map out the plan

Okay, so you’ve done some reflection, you’ve checked in with your goals and you’ve decided on your priorities.

Now you want to map out the plan.

This is where you can dive into the details of the steps you need to take to reach your goals.

If you’re a long time listener, you’ll know that your girl LOVES a plan. Having a plan will make your life a million times easier AND you’re so much more likely to actually reach your goals.

And if you’re someone who thinks that having a plan will restrict your ability to flow, I want to gently challenge you on that because I actually think it allows you to FLOW more.

Because here’s the thing - your plans are allowed to change.

But when you have a plan, you’re not making shit up on the fly, you’ve removed the pressure of always being reactive (rather than proactive) AND you always have something to respond to.

Your decisions are also way more intentional - and being intentional is key if you want to move towards your goals.

So map out the plan. Share it with your team. And please start using a project management tool like Asana if you’re not already. Honestly taking your plan out of your head and putting it into a tool like Asana is going to free up your brain space for so much more creative thinking.

Download the Goddess Mid Year Business Review for Spiritual Business Owners Scaling to 6 Figures

This is a new PDF download that I’ve created to support you to bring a more feminine, intuitive, embodied energetic approach to your mid-year review and planning process so you can head into the second half of the year with purpose and intention.

There are questions and practices included in this guide that I wasn’t able to go into great detail in this episode, which is why I wanted to create this PDF for you. I want you to step into the second half of the year feeling confident and ready for an epic end to 2022.

I hope that this episode has kickstarted that process for you today!
Download your copy here.


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