My Favourite Strategy To Call In More Dream Clients Quickly

If you want to call in more dream clients quickly – this is for YOU!

And to be honest, there aren’t many service based business owners I know who don’t want to call in more clients. Even if you’re fully booked right now, I know you’re thinking ahead long term about future clients, building a waitlist or even planning for the scalability of your business model and what it would look like to serve more clients with the time that you have.

And sometimes you’re in a position where you need and want to call in clients fast – you might be in a launch so you’re on a timeline, you’ve got a deadline, or maybe you have a long term retainer client who has finished up without much notice and you’re left with a gap to fill. Having the strategy and know-how to call in clients quickly is always going to serve you as a business owner.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I want to share with you my FAVOURITE strategy to call in more dream clients quickly.

It’s a strategy most people AREN’T using but it’s one I use in my business ALL the time. It’s a key strategy I use during every single launch and has supported me to call in and attract so many dream clients to my programs.

It’s also a strategy I teach my clients inside my programs and mastermind because it works. It works for me. It works for them. And it will work for you.

My favourite strategy to call in more dream clients quickly is…


And I know that this might be a “controversial” topic. I know there are alot of business coaches out there who avoid this like the plague BUT I want to debunk some myths around what personal outreach actually is versus what you might think it is.

I’ll share:

  • Why it’s such an effective strategy when wanting to call in clients, particularly if you want to do that quickly

  • The mindset you need to adopt to see results

  • Some examples of how I do this in my business so you can go and start doing this yourself and call in more clients.

Because that’s the whole point right? I want you to take this information and implement it in your business.

What is personal outreach really?

Because you might hear the words personal outreach and think it’s cold DMs, spamming people and sending sleazy, icky sales messages to people you don’t know. 

If you know me, you know that’s not my vibe and is absolutely not what I’m talking about when I say personal outreach – BUT it might be the first thing that comes to mind and I don’t blame you if you have that impression. Because you’ve likely been on the receiving end of spammy, cold DMs that feel icky or annoying from randoms on the internet. 

That’s NOT what I’m talking about here. That’s literally the opposite of the soulful sales approach that I use and teach my clients. We’re not going out there sending spammy messages to people we don’t know or following a million people who look like they *could* be ideal clients and sliding straight into their DMs asking a random question that you and I both know is going to immediately turn into a tone deaf sales pitch. This is not it.

So what I mean when I say personal outreach – I’m talking about building genuine relationships with the people in your community who are already engaging with you and your content in some way. Reaching out to them. Opening up a conversation. Building a relationship. It’s responsive. It’s genuine. It’s soulful.

So for example – if someone follows you on instagram and comments on one of your posts. 

They’ve taken that first step and engaged with you. It’s reaching out to them in DMs and saying: 

“Hey, thanks so much for the follow and for your thoughtful comment. So happy to connect with you here, from what I can see on your account, it looks like we’re aligned in many ways. Excited to get to know you more. I’d love to ask what are your biggest challenges in – whatever your area of expertise is – business, health, life, parenting, etc? I always want to make sure that the content I’m sharing is relevant and helpful, and if I’ve already got a podcast episode that might help, I can send it through.”

So you’re not DMing randoms you’ve gone looking for on the internet to cold pitch to. You’re  genuinely reaching out to someone who has engaged with you and opening up a conversation with them, gathering some useful information to get to know them better and serving & supporting them in some way. 

The reasons why personal outreach works

So I’m speaking from experience when I say this works. I recently had a beautiful woman respond to my voice note saying “oh my goodness, no one has ever sent me a voice note after following them before, it is so nice to connect with you.” 

And then she went on to share more about herself and her business and where she’s at right now. It was such a nice interaction, I now know:

  • A bit more about her

  • That she’d absolutely be an ideal client

  • Which program would be perfect for her and why

And I was able to share some relevant podcasts with her so she’s got something to move forward with. 

This is one of the reasons why it is such a powerful strategy. Because the truth is, most people aren’t taking the time to do this. Yes, it takes time. But the relationships you’ll build as a result will mean people will get to know, like and trust you faster and therefore be more likely to buy from you. They will literally move through your sales funnel faster. The time between them finding and connecting with you for the first time, getting to know you and then ultimately buying from you is fast tracked. So the time invested upfront saves time down the track and you’ll be in a better position to show up and serve that person because you already know them. 

The other reason I love this strategy is because it’s proactive. 

You aren’t just waiting around for people to come to you and put their hand up and hit that buy now button, you’re actively engaging with the people who are swirling around you and your offers and you’re moving those sales conversations forward.

I know in the past when I’ve had those conversations with people, absolute dream clients, they’ve said to me, “you know Bec, I was looking at the sales page and thinking about but I was hanging back and I don’t think I would’ve put myself forward if you hadn’t reached out to me.” 

That’s something I always remind myself of – because there might be people right now who are waiting for that invitation from you, who are wanting that interaction but are not sure how to kick off that conversation. And in doing so, you’re giving them a way in and opening that up for them in a way that they might not have done themselves.

And particularly if you’re wanting to call in more clients quickly – then you want to have a way to move those sales conversations forward and bring those people into your world. You’re in the driver’s seat with this strategy. You’re not simply putting content out there and then waiting, wishing and hoping people to come to you, you’re being proactive and making it happen.

You can also do your personal outreach from anywhere.

It doesn’t require you to be at your desk or to have any kind of fancy funnel set up. And for me, as a mama of 2 under 5, that’s a BIG bonus. I often do this outreach in the cracks of mum-life – while I’m nap-trapped or breastfeeding or while I’m out on a walk or at swimming lessons with the boys. It’s time intensive in that it’s super personalised but once you’re in the swing of it – it’s quick and easy to do on the run.

So many reasons why this is such an effective strategy. It works, it’s soulful, it’s simple and easy to implement, it helps you build relationships and trust with your community, it helps you understand your people better, it helps you sell and convert clients more quickly and it’s proactive, it puts the power back in your hands. No more waiting, wishing, hoping. Let’s go out and do this.

The mindset you need to put personal outreach into practice. 

This is what’s going to support you to implement and show up for this strategy.

The first thing to know is that not everyone will respond to you. 

And that’s okay. It doesn’t mean anything about you or your business or this strategy. There can be many reasons for why they didn’t respond – they saw it but didn’t have time in the moment, they got distracted by their kids or something else came up.

But here’s why that doesn’t matter AND why this is still worth your while. I’ve had people who’ve followed me on Instagram who I reached out to and didn’t hear back from at the time UNTIL I was launching something and they were ready to sign up.

But I’m not reaching out with the expectation that everyone must respond to me otherwise I’m doing something wrong or they hate me or they don’t want to buy from me. 

That’s not the mindset we are going into this with. We are going into this with the mindset that people want to hear from you – they’ve followed you, engaged with you, clicked on a link, joined your email list – FOR a reason. Receiving a personal message from you, welcoming them into your world, checking in with them, following them up – it’s you being a caring, open, service-focused business owner. You are here to serve and this is about serving your people really well.

The biggest fear that people have around personal outreach is that they’re being annoying. 

Clients will say to me “I don’t want to annoy people”. You’re not being annoying. As long as you’re not spamming them and you’re respecting their boundaries and generally being a kind, considerate human being – you’re not annoying them.

What I always tell my clients is to focus on service – If you took away the fear, how would you show up to serve this person really well? 

An analogy that I really like is to imagine that your instagram account is a party that you’re hosting, you’re the host and your followers are your guests. If someone walks into your party, are you going to ignore them and hope they find their way to the snack table and hope they pour themselves a drink OR are you going to walk up to them, welcome them to the party, pour them a drink and show them where they can get some snacks? You’re going to welcome them in, right?

I know you want to make your people feel welcome and loved. When you focus on service, it’s easier to move through any fear you might have of reaching out to someone. So treat your instagram like a party and welcome your people in, ask them what they need and show up to serve them the best freakin’ party they’ve ever had.

Personal outreach a sales strategy 

During a launch, I will reach out to people who sign up for my free masterclass or workshop or challenge. This is why I now always ask for people’s Instagram handles as well as their email address – so I can connect with them in both places. 

I’ll reach out to those who joined me live to say thank you, ask for any specific feedback and if they’re considering joining my program. And I will literally ask the question – is this something you’re considering? 

Don’t be afraid to actually ask the question. Don’t pussyfoot around it, just ask. If they say yes, amazing, you can continue that convo. And if they say no, also amazing. They might give you a reason, they might not. If they do, that gives you some information that might help you to tighten up your messaging or just to take note of as you’re moving through the launch. 

Getting a no is not a bad thing. You will get no’s. Remember, every no is getting you closer to a yes. And it means you’re out there having sales conversations, connecting with the people who are showing interest, gathering information and data, it’s all worthwhile. And every no is one step closer to a yes.

So I will reach out to:

  • People who join me live for any event

  • People who click through to watch the replay

  • People who are clicking through on my emails to look at my sales page

  • Anyone on the waitlist

  • Past clients who might be a good fit

  • People who are consistently watching my instagram stories.

And I will say something like…

 “Hey so and so, I’m reaching out personally today as I can see you’ve clicked through to have a look at the sales page for my program. This is who it’s for. From what I can see on your instagram, it looks like it’d be the perfect fit for you. Is this something you’re considering?”

The main thing to note here is to personalise it. If you’ve had a conversation with the person before and they’ve shared something relevant, reflect that back to them. You might say “I know when we spoke last you shared that your goals are XYZ. If that’s still the case, this would be the perfect fit for you.”

Personalise it as much as you can. Be specific. Don’t be afraid to simply ask the question – is this something you’re considering? Have you had a chance to look at it yet? Is something you’d be interested in? Ask the question. Focus on service. And follow up.

The fortune really is in the follow up. If you’ve been chatting with someone about one of your offers and they don’t respond to one of your messages or they say “amazing, leave it with me, I need to have a chat to my partner” or “I will have a look at the sales page and get back to you”. Amazing. Give them the time and space to do that and if you don’t hear back from them. Follow up.

Again when it comes from a place of service. It shows you care and that you’re thinking about them. And that’s what I want my people, my clients to feel - I want them to feel loved and cared for and welcome from the get go.

Download 5 ways to make more money in your spiritual business

Now, if you’re hungry for more simple strategies that work, you’re going to love this new free guide that I’ve put together for you. 

It’s called 5 ways to make more money and include 5 super practical strategies you can use to make more money in your business today. It also includes 3 bonus done-for-you scripts to increase your cash now.

All these strategies are tried and tested - I use them in my own business and support my clients inside my mastermind and group programs to level up their sales game and generate more cash, quickly. 

It’s free and it's available at


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