What To Do When Sales Are Slow

I know right now there are many businesses feeling the effects of the last year or so of interest rates going up, cost of living going up and people being a whole lot more discerning around how they spend their money.

Of course, people ARE still spending – all the sold out Taylor Swift concerts across the country are evidence enough of that…

But I want you to know first and foremost that if sales are slower for you right now – you’re not alone.

And there are things you can do to bring in some quick cash to your business and set yourself up more sustainably to be able to ride out these times in future. 

Because business is always cyclical. Things will always come back around and you are in this for the long term, so sustainability is where it’s at.

And you want both – you want to have sustainability baked into your business AND the strategies to create a cash injection when you need it.

Because really, that’s one of the best things about being a business owner – the financial freedom. Having the uncapped earning potential and the ability to generate cash when you need it. 

The power is literally in your hands. 

You don’t have to wait or ask anyone else for permission. You can go out there whenever you want and generate more money.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast, I want to talk about what to do when sales are slow. 

The good news is, if sales are slow right now, you can actually do something about it. So let’s talk about what that looks like…

If sales are slow, what comes up for you mindset-wise?

In my experience any challenge you face in business is likely to throw up all of your mindset shit. All the doubts and fears that you haven’t yet moved through, those niggling little thoughts that sit in the back of your mind, they will come forward and make themselves known during challenging times. 

So if you’ve had less sales than you usually do, you might notice you’re experiencing more mindset wobbles.

And it’s worth saying that it’s okay to have these mindset wobbles. We all have them. Doing the mindset work doesn’t mean you’ll never have a negative thought ever again. You just get better at moving through them quicker, noticing those thoughts when they come up and having that self coaching conversation with yourself to say “No, not today Satan.” 

Doing the mindset work doesn’t result in the absence of any negative thoughts whatsoever. It’s about being able to catch and reframe those thoughts and having the skills and practices to move through them. So it’s okay if you’re feeling a bit wobbly in your mindset right now. 

When it comes to slower sales and your mindset, the most common things that might come up are:

  • Self doubt and what it means about you, your business, your abilities

  • Fears around what it means for the future

  • Disappointment

  • And even shame (which can be linked back to that self doubt)

The first thing to know is that it’s okay to feel your feelings. It’s okay to feel disappointed when things don’t quite go to plan or turn out the way you expected. It’s okay to feel fear around the uncertainty of what the future looks like.

But what you don’t want is for that to hold you back from showing up for your business. You don’t want to be running your business from that place.

So how do you move through these mindset wobbles and feelings?

  1. You’ll find it harder to coach yourself through these mindset wobbles when you’re in a dysregulated place. So how can you come back to your centre? Looking after you is number one. This is THE priority because this will mean you can move forward with less resistance.

  2. Once you’re in a more regulated space, reflect on what’s coming up for you without judgement. Try to observe and get curious about these thoughts and fears. Journal on them. Have a conversation with a coach or a trusted friend. Question them. Is that fear really true? What other possibilities exist? How could you reframe that in some way?

  3. It’s important to not take things in your business personally. Yes, sales being slow sucks! It’s okay to feel disappointed about it and there may be lessons in it for you that you can take and use to improve things BUT it ultimately doesn't mean anything about you as a human being or about the long term success of your business.

  4. Be really mindful of the conversations you’re having with people in your life. If you’re constantly talking, thinking and worrying about money, sales and the cost of living – your brain is going to look for information that confirms that as your reality. So you need to train your brain to look for the positive too. Start to look for the good news stories, focus on those and lean into your own gratitude practice around what you DO have, rather than what you don’t.

So what can you do practically when sales are slow?

  1. Determine your goals and priorities right now. If it's making some quick cash – it’s important you fill that hole so you can keep the business running, pay your bills AND pay yourself too. Cash flow is important.

  2. Don’t stop selling. This is really important. This is not the time to take your foot off the gas, this is the time to go all in. If you need cash, you need to show up, get visible and sell.

  3. Decide what changes you need to make to ensure the long term sustainability of your business. What is this slower season showing you about the gaps in your business model? Avoid shiny object syndrome! 

  4. Focus on the 1% tweaks. Very rarely will burning everything to the ground support your overall business goals. What are the small changes you can make that will have the biggest impact in your business?

Your final reminder when sales are slow…

Slow sales are not a reflection of you or your worth as a business owner. 

Don’t take it personally. It’s simply a part of business when you’re in it for the long term. It’s a temporary challenge on your path, one that holds lots of learnings and has the potential to be a huge catalyst for future business growth if you take and implement these learnings for the long term sustainability of your business.

In the meantime, there is always something you can do to generate more cash. Cash flow is important so keep selling, keep showing up and look for the evidence that people are still buying (because they are) – don’t buy into the conversation that they aren’t.

DOWNLOAD: Your Money Making Strategy Playbook

If you want to know the 5 strategies I recommend when wanting to bring in some quick cash – then make sure you grab your copy of my FREE Money Making Strategy Playbook. 

You get the 5 strategies, a breakdown of how to implement them in your business plus 3 bonus done-for-you scripts to make it super easy to get started. 

These are tried and tested strategies that I use in my own business and that I share with my clients. They work and they’ve been designed to be implemented quickly so you can start to see that cash flow in sooner rather than later.

Download your free copy here: beccuzzillo.com/moneyguide


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