Scared To Invest In Your Business? Read this.

Today I want to share with you some loving words and, if you need it, maybe some fiery kick up the butt juiciness to support you if you are feeling the fear around investing in your business. Because I’ve been in a big launch season in the business. I’ve been having lots of sales conversations behind the scenes.

And I know, from first hand experience and coaching many many women through the same thing, that making these kinds of investments in your business, can feel really big and bring up all the fear and self doubt. And then our ego, trying to keep us safe, comes up with reasons why you CAN’T or SHOULDN’T do the thing that your intuition is really calling you towards.

So today I am going to chat through the 3 most common fears or excuses I see and how to know if they’re legit or is this just my ego creating an excuse to keep me SAFE or is this legitimately a reason NOT to invest right now. And then what to do to move through it.

Because we want to move through those fears, right? We want to be making decisions from an empowered place, we want to be making investments from an empowered place, not a place of fear.

The first one sounds a bit like this...


1) “I’d love to do that, but I just don’t have the time right now.”

And I’m seeing this show up in a few ways at the moment. You know, it’s November, coming up to the end of the year, a time when social calendars start filling out and life gets busy, so if this one is coming up for you it might sound like… 

“I really want to go all in on my business and I know I need to work with a business coach, I know I need to make XYZ investment, BUT I’ve got so much on my plate right now, I don’t think I can add another thing in. I’m just going to wait until next year or when this thing in my life is over and that’s when I’ll have more time and I can take this next step.”

But here’s the thing, and I’m going to sound super cliched right now but I don’t care.

There will never be a right time or the “perfect time” to make these investments in yourself and your vision.

When you are continually holding yourself back because the “timing isn’t right” that is perfectionism keeping you from taking action, your ego keeping you in your safe space, your comfort zone. But that is not where the growth and transformation happens, the growth and transformation happens on the other side of your fear.

And if you think you are going to miraculously have more time and space in your life at some point in the future – next week, next month, next year. Amazing, is that because you’re actually actively taking things off your plate to create that space OR are you just hoping that will be the case? Because nothing changes if nothing changes. If you are genuinely overwhelmed for time right now, you have to be the one to do something about it.

AND guess what? The role of a business coach is to help you do that. The role of a business coach isn’t to add MORE to your plate. One of the things I support my clients to do inside the Spiritual Business Academy is make decisions and prioritise their time, so that they know they are spending their time on tasks that are actually going to move the needle forward. That’s one of the things that a business coach can support you with – accountability around your time. 

So if you’re feeling called to make an investment in your business, if you’re feeling called to work with a business coach and you KNOW how transformative that is going to be for you and your business...BUT you’re holding yourself back from doing so because you don’t have enough time – then I want you to start thinking differently about the investment. What if this investment gave you back more time? What if this investment is the exact thing that is going to help you continue to maintain momentum and build your business when life gets busy in other areas?

Because if that's the case, then this investment is exactly what you need right now.

2) “I’d love to do that, but I just don’t have the money right now.”

Now, firstly, money can be a legitimate barrier. I know that my programs are not accessible to everyone which is why I have scholarship programs in place and different payment plan options available. And why I love seeing these things being implemented across the board more widely in our industry – because it can be a legitimate concern. And if you’re looking at making an investment in your business but it's going to stretch your budget so thin that it causes you stress or means you can’t put food on the table, then I would encourage you to look at what those other options might be. many many cases, the whole “I don’t have the money right now” is an excuse that is keeping you playing small and safe and holding you back from taking that next leap.

And what I want to chat to here first is how we think about money and investments and spending and our relationship to that because so often we will have no trouble spending money on Netflix subscriptions or take out dinner or a new pair of jeans or the latest iPhone but when it comes to making an investment in ourselves and our business, we choke because it’s “too expensive.”

And I’m reminded of a conversation I had with one of my beautiful clients earlier this year when she made the decision to coach with me. She sent me a message that said, and these are her words: 

“I’ve been torn since we spoke, heart saying yes, head worrying about the money and then I realise how much money I waste each week buying chai and snacks for the kids when I’m out and about everyday. And then I saw a post pop up on my feed that said it only takes $27 a day to waste $10k a year...oh my gosh. I better stop unconsciously wasting money and invest it in something more useful such as your coaching.”

Now this is NOT about not having your daily chai or buying snacks for your kids...this is about looking at your spending and investments differently.

I want you to ask yourself…

What is your relationship to spending money every day versus making long lasting investments in your business?

I believe a lot of the hesitation towards investing in our businesses, especially as women, comes down to not wanting to invest in ourselves and our own growth and our own transformation. And this is about self worth and valuing ourselves and believing we are worthy of spending money on ourselves. 

So this then becomes a question of mindset not money. So do you really NOT have the money right now... OR is this you being afraid to make an investment in yourself and your business?

And if that is the case...then you can’t let your fear get in the way of your dreams. You are building your business because you want to help and support others, to share your unique magic with the world and fulfil your soul purpose AND to create an abundant, wealthy life for you and your family. 

And all of that is more important than your FEAR of making an investment in yourself and your dream.


3) “I’d love to do that, but I’m just not ready yet.”

LI’m gonna sound super cliche again but you will never feel ready.

And if you do feel ready, then I bet you’ve been thinking about making this investment for a while and you probably could have done it months if not years ago when you didn’t “feel ready” and now you’re just sick of your own bullshit that you do feel ready now.

And I only share this from experience… As someone who waited, waited, waited and then finally invested in a business coach right after Noah was born, because I knew something had to change and I was sick of my own bullshit. Please don’t wait until you get to that point.

You will never feel fully ready, so you’re going to be waiting a long time.

And when I think about this desire to feel ready – I think it comes down to self trust. Like, do you trust yourself enough to take this leap of faith and see what happens?

So often we know that taking the leap is going to pay off. But we don’t trust ourselves enough. You know, maybe you’re worried that you won’t follow through or that you don’t “have it in you” to succeed, that you’re not good enough. There’s self worth coming into it again.

So I want you to ask yourself – if you trusted yourself completely, if you trusted that you were being called to make this investment for a reason, if you trusted in the growth and the transformation that is possible for YOU – what would you do then?

Because when you’re asking yourself: “am I ready for this?” You’re asking the wrong question.

The question to ask is: is this investment going to take me closer to my goal? To my vision? Is this investment going to support me to bring that vision to life?

You know. What would your future self who is the living embodiment of that vision do? The future self who TRUSTS in herself and her abilities. What would she do?

And start making decisions from that place. As opposed to this place of fear and what if and am I really good enough for this.

So again, it’s not a case of “are you ready” - it’s a case of “will this investment take you closer to your vision?”

The final point I want to make is about how you move through these and into action.

When I first sat down to put this podcast episode together the first thing that came through for me was: Just do it.

Like, scared to invest in your business? Just do it.

There’s nothing that will move you through the fear of doing the thing, than actually doing the thing.

If you have been feeling the pull to make an investment in your business, to invest in a business coach, perhaps you’ve been looking at the sales page for the Spiritual Business Academy and you know you want to do it but you’re feeling all the feels around it…

Then I really hope today has been supportive for you. I’ve given you a bunch of questions to ponder and ask yourself if any of these fears have been coming up for you. It might be worth going back and listening to this again, if you need. 

Remember: If you’re waiting until you have the time or the money or to feel fully ready...then you’re going to be waiting a long time. 

Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. And just DO IT.

Take the leap of faith, I believe in you. It’s time you believe in you too!


Join us in the Spiritual Business Academy

The doors to the Spiritual Business Academy are open! This is the final way to work with me in 2021. If you want to bring your big business visions to life in the new year, then I would love to support you to do so. Click here to find out more.


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