Creating Abundant & Powerful Business Goals The Feminine Way

We are now less than 6 weeks away from the end of year. The festive season is almost upon us! And one of the things I LOVE doing at this time of year is dreaming and visioning for the new year.

I know there’s a lot of shade thrown at the hype that surrounds the new year, like it really is just an arbitrary date and we can start fresh whenever we want.

And while I do agree with that, to an extent – there is something just a little bit ✨ magic ✨ about starting a new year. It’s the same feeling when you open up a fresh notebook or journal for the first time.

It’s a clean slate. A fresh start.

And why not use the turning point of the year as an opportunity to reflect on where you are right now in life and business, and where you want to go in the future.

So I wanted to record this episode for you today because NOW is the time to start planning for 2022...not January 1st.

I’ve called this episode ‘Creating Abundant & Powerful Business Goals The FEMININE Way’…because after supporting hundreds of women with their goal setting over the last few years, the one thing that I see time and again is people setting goals from a very masculine space.

We have this tendency to want to dive straight into the who, the what, the where and the when…

Without first taking a moment to think about the WHY.

And energetically, this is a very masculine way to set goals.

Masculine energy is outward-focused and action-oriented. It’s all about getting shit done – which is great when you’re ready to go out there and make your goals happen.

But when you set goals from this space? You’ll most likely find yourself following your head rather than your heart, and creating goals that are based on what everyone else is doing or what you think you “should” be doing...NOT what you truly desire.

These external pressures come from the ego voice or the inner critic…the voice inside telling you that you should have achieved XYZ by now and encouraging you to compare yourself to everyone else on the internet.

If you want to create big, abundant, powerful goals for yourself and your business in 2022. Then we need to FIRST lean into our feminine energy.

When you move out of your masculine and into your feminine, you can set goals that are intuitively guided and truly in alignment with your heart.

The feminine will support you to let go of any need to focus outwards or seek external validation, and instead focus inwards, where you can tune into what you really want so you can be sure you’re creating goals that truly light you up from the inside out.

Goals that ignite your, dare I say it, Feminine Fire. 🔥

So in today’s episode I am going to share with you, how you do that...


Step 1: Quieten the mind and drop into your heart

The mind is the realm of the masculine. It’s also where your ego voice or inner critic reside.

So your first step is to get out of your head and into your heart. That beautiful, delicious feminine space of feeling, where you can really lean into and trust your intuition. 

This is about stepping into an intuitive, loving soul-based space to define your goals that reflect what YOU truly need and desire. 

Your goals will be unique to you, and you are the only one that can decide them. Trusting your intuition is key.

The FIRST question to ask yourself is…

How do you want to FEEL in 2022?

I want you to create some time for yourself to sit in quiet reflection, close your eyes and feel into your heart energy. 

You literally just do this with your intention. Focus your attention on your heart space. It might help to place your hands there.

Once you’re tapped into your heart, ask yourself that question: How do I want to feel in 2022?

And allow whatever thoughts and feelings to arise for you. Don’t question it. If it is loving and excites you. Take note. This is your intuition guiding you towards your goals.

Some other questions you can ask yourself, meditate and journal upon to tease this out a bit more are: 

  • Who is your heart calling you to be in 2022? 

  • What does that version of you look like? 

  • What is exciting and inspiring you right now? 

  • What are you most passionate about? 

  • What impact do you want to have on the world, in the community, in your family in 2022?

Reflecting on these questions will help you to really bring your vision for the new year to life with all the juicy details.

This is the first step in manifesting anything – getting crystal clear on what you truly want.

Step 2: Set your goals

This is when you want to step into a more masculine space.

As I mentioned before, masculine energy is all about getting shit done. It’s also a linear energy, as opposed to feminine energy which is cyclic.

To set concrete goals that will support you to FEEL how you want to feel – you want to be putting it into a concrete linear timeline that aligns with the 3D physical world we live in. Because we want to be manifesting these goals into our 3D reality.

The key to setting really powerful goals is to do so in the present tense – as if it’s already happened.

This is another powerful manifestation technique – manifesting your goals into the sacred NOW. Your goals are already TRUE for future you, and part of manifestation is TRUSTING that it is already true for the future you.

So you want to make sure you’re using present tense when setting goals to tap into this energy.

And the final thing to keep in mind when setting your goals is that you want them to be aligned, informed and created from that space of how you want to feel. Everything that we got clear on in Step 1.

For example:

If you want to feel abundant...what are all the things that are going to support you to feel abundant. What specifically feels abundant to you?

List it all out. It might be: A new car. More time for self care each week. More time with your family. Not working on weekends anymore.

And even if you don’t have” abundant” listed as one of the feelings you want to cultivate, I recommend that you set an income goal for yourself. What income is going to support you to feel abundant in 2022?

Once you know what specifically is going to support you to FEEL abundant. Then you are ready to put it into a concrete goal, like this...

‘It is the end of 2022 and I feel abundant because I have bought a new car, achieved my first 6 figure year in my business and I no longer work on the weekends meaning I’ve spent more time with my family this year.’

This the formula I use for all my goals:

It is the end of 2022 and I feel _____________ because I have achieved ______________.


Step 3: Break your goals down into actionable steps

So, what is it that you actually need to do to achieve your goals?

This step is about chunking it down so your action steps are really clear and simple. You want to make it as easy as possible for yourself.

If your goal is to have your first 6 figure year...what do you need to do to make it happen?

Your first step might be to review your current business model to see whether or not you need to make any changes to hit that income goal. And then you’ll have other action steps fall out from there.

Step 4: Surrender

The final step once you’ve set your goals and mapped out your actions is to drop back into your feminine and feel into the energy of love and surrender. This is about holding your goals lightly and giving them the space they need to manifest in your life.

Let your goals unfold in the way they are meant to unfold. Create a beautiful marriage of the masculine and the feminine energies, where you are taking action towards your goals, but you are also open to the possibilities of what could be.

Looking at goal setting in this balanced way really takes the pressure off and allows it to be easy and fun. 

Because ultimately, this is about bringing your beautiful big vision for your life and business to life... and if you’re not enjoying the journey, what’s the point?

So I’ve given you 4 steps today to create your business goals for 2022 the feminine way:

  1. Quieten the mind and drop into your heart to define how you want to feel

  2. Set your goals

  3. Break each of your goals down into actionable steps

  4. Surrender to the journey and enjoy the ride


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The 5 module course supporting you to set your heart-centred goals and achieve them with ease. Use the code BLACKFRIDAYSALE to join at a special price for a limited time only by clicking here.


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