Soulful Sales to Blow Up Your Business with Harriet Mellor

If you’re anything like me or majority of the women I coach – the idea of “sales” is going to bring up all sorts of icky feelings for you.

Perhaps your first thoughts are “I don’t want to be sales-y” OR “I’m here to help and support people, I’m not in the business of sales.”

But what if I told you that SALES equals SERVING?

The more sales you make, the more people you serve. And it doesn’t have to feel hard, icky or not aligned.

Well, that is what today’s guest is on a mission to share with you and all small business owners.


Let me officially introduce you to Harriet…

Harriet is a Sales Coach & Consultant and the founder of Your Sales Co.

Over the last 15 years, she has helped 100s of top companies around the world (including her own) make more money and qualify more leads using simple sales strategies that work. Now, she’s on a mission to help small business owners like you do the same thing.

The tools and methods that Harriet teaches are designed to demystify sales once and for all, and take you from burnt out to booming.

In this juicy episode today, Harriet and I chat about how to transform your relationship to sales so that you’re showing up with more confidence, making more sales and ultimately serving and supporting more people than ever before.

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire:

  • Why sales needs to be a top priority for all businesses right now

  • Practical strategies if selling feels icky, hard and not aligned

  • What the sales process looks like from start to finish

  • What it means to “qualify” a lead

  • The biggest sales mistakes people make and how to avoid them

  • The mindset and energy you need to blow up your business with soulful sales

Connect with Harriet:


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