Become The Go-To Person In Your Industry with Rachel Kurzyp

One of the things we hear all the time in the online business world is the need to establish yourself as an expert in your field. The go-to person in your industry. A thought leader. Known and sought after for your expertise.

Which is obviously an amazing goal to have in terms of supporting you to grow your business, share your message more widely and create more of an impact. do you actually do that?

That’s what we’ll be answering in today’s episode.

I am chatting with one of my incredible friends and peers – Rachel Kurzyp.


Let me officially introduce you to Rachel…

Rachel is a marketing coach, copywriter, speaker and teacher.

She supports multi-passionate women to build an aligned, sustainable and profitable business without having to choose between their passions, compromise their values, and use unethical marketing tactics.

Rachel has helped over 3,000 creative entrepreneurs gain financial freedom in their businesses, enabling them to make a positive contribution to the world.

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire:

  • How to show up and claim your expertise when you don’t feel like an expert

  • What it means to be an expert or thought leader

  • Tips to claiming your expertise when you’re first starting out

  • Why it’s important to make time for the inner work

  • Rachel’s number one practice for shifting through mindset blocks

  • How to create content that showcases your expertise

Connect with Rachel:


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Creating Abundant & Powerful Business Goals The Feminine Way