Spiritual Biz Pep Talk: The One Mindset Shift To Skyrocket Your Business Results

Mindset is important in business. 

You know this. 

I know this. 

We all know this.

In my experience it is the ONE thing that can either make or break you – it either holds you back OR it propels you forward.

And I say this with so much love because NO ONE has a perfect mindset. That doesn’t exist.

So you’re not doing anything wrong when you experience mindset wobbles. YOU are not wrong for experiencing mindset wobbles.

I want you to know and remember that any fear or self doubt is your ego mind keeping you safe. It has a purpose and that purpose is to keep you safe in your comfort zone.

But that doesn’t mean you have to let it hold you back.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m talking about the ONE mindset shift that will help you get unstuck and skyrocket your business results.

I’ve got some fire on my heart that I want to share with you in this episode – so let’s do it! 

Growth happens outside your comfort zone

That’s where showing up and building your business and serving your clients in a bigger and better way happens. 

So the most important thing is making sure that any fear, self doubt or other mindset stuff isn’t holding you back from stepping outside your comfort zone and taking action.

I think we have this fantasy that if we do the mindset work then everything will feel easy, but it’s not the case. It’s not about the absence of discomfort or fear. It’s about bringing them along for the ride. They’re still there, but they’re in the backseat. You’re in the driver's seat still moving towards your destination. That’s the mindset work.

If you have a negative thought about yourself or your business, or you feel resistance to doing something that’s outside your comfort zone, but you’re able to self coach your way through it and take the action anyway – even if it's scary or uncomfortable, that’s the mindset work.

The purpose of mindset work is really about moving through any stickiness and releasing what’s holding you back so you can move forward. It’s about the ability to move through it and not let it stop you from taking action. Onwards and upwards.

The mindset work helps you do the thing, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary.

If you’re doing that and you’re continuing to show up and make big bold moves towards your vision even when it feels uncomfortable or scary…let’s celebrate that. You’re doing it.

But if, right now, there’s somewhere in your business where you’re feeling stuck or things are feeling hard and you’re NOT moving forward, you’re stuck in this loop, maybe you’re procrastinating and keep putting it off even though you know its important and it’s the thing that’s going to help you reach your goals… 

Listen in because I see you, I’ve been there, my clients have been there – this is for you.

This is the mindset shift I want to share with you…

The one mindset shift to get unstuck and skyrocket your business results

Stop waiting until you have the evidence to do the thing.

What I mean by that is… 

  • To give you a non-business example – waiting until you’ve lost weight before you start going to the gym

  • Or in business, waiting until you make the 10k months before investing in a business coach 

  • Or waiting until you’ve got clients before fully backing yourself and your work

Stop waiting. You need to go out there and CREATE the evidence for yourself.

The mindset shift here is about believing in yourself, your business and your success FIRST. Trusting in yourself FIRST. So you can go out there and take the action you need to take in order to create the results and the evidence.

And I won’t lie, this is not comfortable. As humans we crave certainty. We don’t like the unknown. The unknown sits outside our comfort zone and as we’ve talked about, our ego wants to keep us safe inside that space. But that’s not where those results are that you desire. That’s not where the evidence exists of your ability to do this.

So the mindset shift is to believe FIRST and then the results will come.

You know that saying “I’ll believe it when I see it” – that’s not the vibe. The vibe is “I’ll see it when I believe it”. And it goes against our rational mind that demands we have evidence before we believe it to be possible, but that’s not what is going to help us here.

If you can do this, if you can move forward from a place of self trust and self belief, without needing the evidence first, then you will see results in your business. This one shift will skyrocket your results.

So my question to you is:

  • Where are you waiting in your business right now? 

  • Where are you holding yourself back? 

  • What are you unconsciously putting on hold and why? 

And really examine that reason why:

  • Are you worried about failing? 

  • Are you worried about what will happen if you succeed? 

  • Are you worried that it’ll be exactly like the last time you got burnt?

What would you do if instead you trusted yourself fully? 

  • What if you trusted that there is always a solution to any problem? 

  • That you can handle anything that life and business throws at you? 

  • That you can and will do hard things to reach your goals? 

  • That you’ve learnt from the past and are now moving forward with more self awareness, more knowledge, more wisdom, better skills?

Taking big bold action towards your goals requires you to move before you’re ready. 

That’s what makes it big and bold. It requires you to move without the certainty of exactly how it’s going to unfold. Fear and self doubt might be there, but still, you move.

Stop waiting until you have the evidence to do the thing you know you need to do to reach your goals and create results.

In my experience, taking action through fear and self doubt is what brings the mindset forward. It’s what creates that alchemy, that transformation. The antidote to being stuck is to move.

If you’re waiting until you feel ready, if you are waiting until you have the evidence that you can create the results you desire – you are stuck, and you need to move. 

And maybe big bold action feels like too much and you’re like, “Bec I need something way more gentle than that.” Amazing. Let’s take a small gentle step forward. The key here is to move, to do the thing.

It will likely feel uncomfortable and it might feel scary, but the people who are out there creating incredible results in their business right now are not letting fear or discomfort get in the way of doing what they need to do.

They aren’t waiting. 

They are creating the evidence for themselves. 

They are believing FIRST, taking action from that place and creating the results.

That’s what you need to do too. 

And that’s my pep talk for you today. Stop waiting. Take action without needing the evidence first. 

You’ve got this! I believe in you. 

Go out there and do the thing. I’ll be here cheering from the sidelines. 


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