Launch Review: The Exact Strategy I Used To Attract A Specific Premium Client

I’ve just come to the end of a big launch season in the business. 

After 2 back to back launches, including both the time spent in pre-launch and open cart – I’ve spent the first 5 months of this year launching!

Throw in a rebrand + website update at the same time and Hugo starting daycare – it’s been a BIG season in life and business.

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m excited today to be diving into my latest launch results and taking you behind the scenes of one strategy in particular that helped me attract a specific premium client into this round of Confident Consistent Cash. 

The women who’ve joined me for this round, are DREAM clients, each and every one. And this wasn’t an accident, so I want to share how I attracted this very specific premium client for this launch.

Let’s dive in.

Let’s run through the launch numbers

I know you’re a curious cat, you want to know the details AND because transparency is super important to me, let’s run through the launch numbers first. I know that knowing the numbers gives you some context for what this actually looks like. 

So the first thing to know is that this was the launch of my program, Confident Consistent Cash – which is my 4 month program for women wanting to build their confidence and create consistent cash in their spiritual business. 

It's a mid ticket program and this round was priced between $1500 to $1800 AUD. The aim for this launch was to create a cash injection for the business. I’d already launched my mastermind earlier this year which is where the bulk of my consistent income comes from each and every month. CCC is really the cherry on top and a way for me to serve more people at a different point in their business journey.

So, how did we go?

This was the third time launching CCC and it was the biggest launch of this program we’ve ever had. We brought in a $15k cash injection for the business and had 10 incredible humans sign up. 

And the best thing about this launch was the women who are now in my world as a result.

So let me take you through the exact strategy that helped me call them in.

1: Clarify Your Ideal Client For This Specific Launch

The first thing before anything else was to get really clear on WHO the client was that I wanted to call into this round.

Being the third round of CCC, I’ve now had the opportunity to take some incredible clients through this program so I was able to take the learnings from those previous rounds to get super clear on who that person was for this round.

This is one of the most important things to do first in any launch because knowing who your ideal client is helps you to really dial in your messaging, and messaging is everything.

2: Craft Your Launch Messaging

Once I was clear on WHO we were calling in for this time around, I mapped out the key messaging for this launch with my content manager, Tahryn, and looked at any the changes we needed to make from previous rounds.

We repurpose a lot of our content – past podcast episodes, past launch emails, past social posts – but we always take it and refresh it with the current messaging. And this is something we do for every launch, no matter how many times we’ve launched the same program in the past, we always refresh our messaging and make sure we are speaking to the right fit clients now at this moment in time.

And this isn’t a complicated or formal process. I literally jump into my Slack chat with Tahryn, she usually asks me a couple of questions like:

  • Who is it for? 

  • Why are you the person to help them? 

  • What’s their current situation? 

  • What do they want instead? 

  • And what’s the ultimate transformation of the offer?

As a Generator in human design, having something to respond to is really helpful for me. So I then jump in on voice notes and speak the answers out, Tahryn then takes my ramblings and pulls it into a dot point list of messaging points that we want to speak to and hit in our content during the launch. 

If you were doing this on your own, it would be as simple as taking the time to answer those questions yourself and then pull out the threads and most important messages you want to convey that allow your ideal clients to truly feel seen, to know that this is the exact offer for them and that you’re the person to support them in this way.

For this launch in particular, we made a few upgrades to our messaging…

In the past we’ve had a focus on messaging that highlights what it looks and feels like to be in that place where you’re in the boom-bust business cycle, making inconsistent income and feeling like you’re “failing” at this whole business thing. 

We had less focus on that this time and shifted our focus to be geared towards the more empowered humans who already know and believe this work is a priority, speaking more to their highest self and highlighting their specific desires for their life & business. Essentially less focus on the “problem” and more focus on the “solution”

In saying that, we still highlighted the problems but we did that in a more specific way. 

So for example – one of the biggest things that I see holding spiritual business owners back from creating consistent cash is that their business model isn’t geared towards it. Their offers, their pricing, what they’re focused on selling – it just doesn’t make sense for their goal. 

So we spoke to that in our messaging and made it really clear that this would be one of the first things we work on together inside CCC.

Finally, we went all in on showing what’s possible for them within our messaging – speaking to how I do it in my own business and how my clients do it in theirs. 

So really showcasing my process and allowing them to see what’s possible when they have a clear strategy, the right mindset and support to help them get there. This looked like sharing lots of case studies, testimonials and stories from my own business journey.

3: Plan Out Your Launch Content

Once we’d nailed our messaging, from there, we mapped out our launch content.

I always start my launch content planning with my podcast episodes and how many emails I want to send, and then social media flows on from there. It’s podcasts and emails first, and then social media.

And our podcast and emails during launches have been pretty solid for a while. We’ve really nailed down our process, we look at the data from previous launches to see what’s worked best and continue to refine from there.

Something that was a big focus for me in this launch was upleveling our social content. So for this launch I really wanted to be more planned on socials and I wanted to show up everyday to sell. 

In the past, my launch content on social media has been a little more ad hoc and in the moment and I’ve really relied on repurposing my podcast and email content over to socials, but because I am a full time mama as well, socials was often the first thing to fall off, or I was always doing it on the fly. 

What I wanted to do this time was get more intentional around my socials content so I focused on things like: story selling on my IG stories everyday, sharing case studies that really highlight my process and what’s possible, sharing reels & carousels that spoke to the specific problems holding my ideal clients back from their most desired result, and I went live in my FB group and shared more content there too.

Being more planned and organised this time around allowed it to be a much more easeful process for this launch. And it’s not that I batched a heap of this content out in advance, it was more that the creative thinking was done in advance. 

I was so dialled in on our messaging, I knew what I wanted to say, I knew how I wanted to say it and it just allowed me to uplevel our content and create even more touch points for my people – because, right now, more than ever, people are needing those additional touch points. 

Some people will make quick decisions and that’s amazing, I had some great evidence of that in this launch where one of my incredible new clients found me and signed up on the same day, we love that! 

But others take a bit longer and that’s completely okay. They’ll have more questions and really want to feel into it. We want our content to cater to all buyer types, and the fact is that people are more discerning around what they’re investing their money in. 

I had a few conversations this launch where people shared that they’d been burnt before by online courses and programs so they wanted to ask a few questions, they wanted to get to know me better, they wanted to feel into it before making a decision. 

And I think this is a really good thing. I welcome these conversations and am always more than happy to answer questions and chat with people about whether this is the right fit for them. 

Because it might not be and it’s in their interest as well as my interest that it is a good fit. And I am always really mindful to hold people through that decision making process in the same way that I would hold my clients. I’d much rather people ask the question than not, I’d much rather have the conversation than not. I work closely with my clients and that starts here at this point before they’ve even said yes to the program.

4: Uplevel Your Launch Energy

And this is really where energy meets strategy – because I definitely feel like this year and in this launch in particular I have stepped into a new level of embodiment of my work. 

My word for this year is POWER. I’ve had that sitting behind everything I’ve done this year to date and I feel that really came through in the way that I felt during this launch. 

I mentioned at the top of this episode that we have been through a rebrand process this year. Well, we soft launched the new branding WITH this launch of Confident Consistent Cash, which really brought that next level energy through into our visuals and graphics.

And this is where I believe the magic happens, when you have the strategic pieces in place – the clarity, the messaging, the content – AND the energy to match, that’s when things really click and you get the results you desire. Its strategy AND energy, not one or the other, but both. 

And when you’ve got that strategy in place, when you are confident in that strategy, when you are clear on that strategy, then that comes through in the way that you show up, that comes through in your energy, that confidence and clarity, that is magnetic, that’s the energy we want to be in during a launch. So it really goes hand in hand.

The main theme for this launch…

Okay, so many nuggets of gold to take away from this launch. Reflecting back on what I’ve shared here with you today, what comes through for me really boils down to the 1% tweak, the 1% improvement. That’s what this launch embodies for me. 

Because we didn’t go and reinvent the wheel. We had all the groundwork from the previous 2 launches. So it was taking that information, looking at the data and focusing on the small improvements that would create the biggest impact.

For me, the most important element was really nailing our messaging. Once we had done that, everything flowed from there. 

So if there’s one thing you take away from today’s episode – you need to get crystal clear on WHO you’re calling in and the messaging that is going to land most for them.


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