Steal My Process: How I Create Transformational Offers That Get Epic Results

Offer creation is a VERY hot topic for me right now.

I’m supporting a lot of my clients at the moment with creating and refining their offers, and I've just gone through the process myself of creating my new 1:1 offer Quantum Cash.

Something I’ve realised in the online space is that offer creation is often overlooked in favour of the shiny marketing and sales strategies (which are important too!) – BUT it all starts with a really great transformational offer. 

And not just any kind of offer – I’m talking about an offer that you’re not only excited about delivering but that’s also unique and creates really epic results for your clients.

So today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast is inspired by the conversations I’ve been having with my clients recently about their offers AS WELL AS how quickly and easily Quantum Cash came together as an offer.

I’m going to take you through the exact step by step process I go through to create transformational offers, using Quantum Cash as an example.

So let’s get into it.

Offer Creation Step 1: Get clear on the purpose of this offer within your business model

I’ve just come out of a big launch season so at the start of this month, I sat down with my calendar and my spreadsheets and I looked at what I had coming up, what income I was bringing in over the coming months and made a plan. 

Looking at my forecasted income, I decided that I’d ideally like to bring in some more cash over the next few months AND because I had some space in the calendar, I had the capacity to do it.

My next launch wasn’t happening for a few months and I was primarily in client delivery mode so I had some space BUT I also knew that I wanted it to be so easy and effortless to pull together and deliver. 

I knew I could harness the momentum from my recent launches, but I wasn’t out to create anything BIG, it wasn’t necessarily going to be a core offer that sticks around for a long time. I wanted it to be short and snappy, something special, something powerful, something transformational.

With that in mind, I knew that putting together some kind of juicy high ticket offer would be the most easeful way to bring in some cash as opposed to something low or mid ticket that generally requires more marketing and lead generation. And offering a few 1:1 spots would allow me to work with a few select clients more deeply, which is something that I am loving right now. 

Now I don’t offer 1:1 very often and when I have in recent years it’s been more ad hoc or personalised packages that I’ve put together for past clients behind the scenes, but I knew this was something I could pull together quite easefully. It was ticking all the boxes.

And that’s what I got clear on first: High ticket. 1:1. 8 weeks. Short, snappy, potent and deep. 

That’s what made sense for me right now based on my goals, my capacity and what else was going on in my business.

At a different time, with a different set of circumstances, that decision would likely have been different.

So your first step is to get clear on your goals and priorities right now, and the purpose of the offer you’re creating within your business model.

Offer Creation Step 2: Get clear on the transformation for clients

Who is this offer for? 

What is the outcome? 

What is the result you’re helping your clients achieve? 

Make sure this is a result that they desire and are willing to pay for. 

And then also, how is this different from the other offers in your suite? 

Differentiation is important, particularly if you have other offers at a similar price point. And the more specific you can be, the better.

For example, I could have created a more general 1:1 business coaching offer where we could focus on anything under the sun for our 8 weeks together, but I know to stand out right now and support my clients to really make the most of the 8 weeks of support, I needed to be more specific with what the focus and outcome was for this offer. 

Of course, if someone came and asked me if we could focus on something different, we could totally do that but it would again be something specific to them. The goals and outcome and desired result would be specific and defined – which is really important, particularly for an 8 week sprint like this. 

So the question then becomes – what SPECIFIC transformation am I supporting my clients with through this offer?

Now that’s a big open ended question with lots of possible answers so in order to make a decision here, I sat down with my coach and chatted through some of the common themes I was seeing with my clients and what I was really enjoying coaching my clients on. 

And here’s where I landed.

Right now, a lot of my clients and women in my community are in the process of evolving their business and offer suite – they’re creating new offers, upgrading old ones, looking at ways they can add in new revenue streams and work smarter not harder. 

And it’s work that I love, it absolutely lights me up. I love helping clients get super clear on their vision, goals and what they need out of their business in their current season of life, and then get down into the strategy and details of what their business model needs to look like and how they can evolve their offers to be alignment with that. 

And even though I can and do support clients to do this kind of thing in my other programs, it’s not the focus of my other programs – so this was unlike anything else in my offer suite.

And that’s how Quantum Cash was born. An 8 week mid year sprint to create a 6-figure quantum cash-earning offer for the spiritual business owner who is finally ready to launch that offer that’s been on their heart for a while, add in a new revenue stream and align their strategy with the current evolution of their business. Decided. Tick!

So that’s your second step in this process – getting clear on who your ideal client for this offer is AND what specific result you’re going to help them achieve. 

Arguably this is the most important step when wanting to create a transformational offer that gets epic results for your clients and your business – this is key!

Offer Creation Step 3: Decide on the inclusions

Okay, so now you want to get down into the nuts of bolts of what the offer actually IS.

I already knew that my new offer was going to be 8 weeks and that it was a 1:1 service, so I knew I wanted to include  private slack messaging and 1:1 calls – but how many and what would that look like? 

Initially, I tossed up between 2 x 60 minute calls per month or would I do something slightly different to what I’ve done before and make it 3 x 45 minute calls per month? 

I landed on 3 calls per month – because it’s a short 8 week sprint and I know having more calls, more regularly with the clients inside this program will be really supportive for them to progress and move quickly. This is an offer for people who are ready to move and the number of calls reflect that.

I then also decided to include weekly copy review, an offer suite audit and a slightly longer kick off call to start with to really kick off our time together. This is when we'll map out our plan for the 8 weeks and I’ll take them through the offer suite audit that I’ve completed for them.

Now when I was deciding on what to include and how to structure it – I had two things in mind. 

I specifically chose these inclusions based on:

  1. what would support my clients to get the best results in the most easeful way possible

  2. what would work for me and my capacity right now.

Because it is SO important that it not only works for your clients, but that it also works for YOU too. That is how you are going to show up for your clients and support them best – when it’s set up in a way that makes sense for you, your energy, your capacity, everything.

So I want you to consider that when deciding on the inclusions for your offer. What is going to support your clients to get the best results in the most easeful way possible? And, what is going to work for you, your capacity and your energy right now?

And remember, don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t overstuff it. Simple is best. Don’t add inclusions for the sake of adding inclusions. Make each element intentional. That’s how you ensure you’re creating a transformational, powerful offer for your people. 

Offer Creation Step 4: Clarify the messaging + name + tagline for the offer 

It’s now time to take a deeper dive into who the ideal client is for this offer – why do they need this offer right now? What's going on for them? What are their biggest challenges? And, what do they most want and desire?

I talked about this in my launch review episode – but this is something I actually do with my content manager, Tahryn. I send her a bunch of voice notes just speaking out what I know is happening right now for my ideal clients, what their biggest frustrations are and why they specifically want and need this offer, and then we refine the messaging from there together. 

So what are those key messages you want to speak to in the marketing for this offer? 

Write this down in a dot point list and weave it through all the marketing for your offer – your sales page, your content, on socials, in emails, whenever you’re talking about your offer or showing up to market and sell it, your messaging is what shines through. 

Having clarity on your messaging in this way, having it written down in a dot point list, means that you are never unsure of what to say. 

You’ll stay on point, you’ll stay consistent and if you ever have a moment where you’re unclear what you need to say, you can come back to your messaging.

You will also need to create a name and tagline, making it really clear and being really specific about the desired result. 

So for me – I landed on Quantum Cash as the name of the offer. I feel it really captures the purpose of the offer, which is for my clients to bring in some next level cash.

The tagline is also super clear and specific: “The 8 week mid-year sprint to create a 6-figure quantum cash earning offer.” It really speaks to the desire that my ideal clients for this offer have – they want to create an offer that brings in some big cash. 

So when crafting the name and tagline – keep that in mind, clear and specific, speaking directly to the desired result of your ideal client.

Offer Creation Step 5: Decide on a price point

This is the final step in this process. 

Sometimes this is straightforward, other times it might feel a little sticky. 

And that’s okay – I love a good pricing chat. 

When it feels a little sticky, it's often a mindset piece. When you’re evolving your business, you are often evolving your pricing and that can feel uncomfortable because it's outside your comfort zone. So if deciding on a price feels a little uncomfortable, I see you in that. You are so not alone!

I won’t lie, I do get a good kick out of encouraging my clients to stretch their prices a little. Not so much that it's dysregulating, but just a little so it feels exciting. There’s often this moment where clients will get this glint of excitement in their eyes, like “ooh yes, that feels stretchy but exciting” – it’s so good! 

What I’d encourage you to do when pricing your offer is look at what’s included, what the transformation is and where this offer sits in your offer suite. Because you want to make sure that the pricing makes sense compared to the other offers in your suite. And when you look at the information you have and take the emotion out of it, you’ll likely have at least a clear ballpark figure of what you’d like to price this offer at.

For me, with Quantum Cash, it’s a 1:1 offer, high proximity, high ticket. So compared to the other offers in my suite – my mastermind and my group program – I already knew this was going to be at the top end. One of my most premium offers. So it was fairly straightforward to price it and I landed on $2k AUD per month, which reflects the value, inclusions and proximity to my support, and also makes sense when compared to the price of my other offers.

From here, the next step is to launch the damn thing, but that’s a whole other podcast episode.

Once you’ve gone through these 5 steps, you’ll have a transformational offer that will get epic results for your clients and create epic results for your business!

Sign up for Quantum Cash 

I‘ve only opened 2 spots to work with me in this way. That’s what I’ve got capacity for right now and I’m really excited to dive deep with the 2 incredible women that join me for this. 

If it sounds like you, then let’s do this

I’d love to support you to collapse your timeline and bring your dream project to life over the next 8 weeks.


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