The Mindset You Need To Prepare Your Business For An Epic Maternity Leave (Part 1)

Here we are! My final week in the office before I go on maternity leave – wrapping up a few bits and pieces before the out of office goes on and I’m officially off to get prepared for this baby to arrive. 

But before I go… I’ve recorded a two-part series for you sharing how to prepare your business for an epic maternity leave!

I am feeling so supported as I’m heading into this season and I want to share the key things that I’ve done and focused on this year to prepare for a maternity leave that I feel so aligned with, empowered by and just in deep deep trust that I am, and will be, fully supported in the business through this time.

I decided to split this into a two-part series and speak to both the strategy and mindset behind my preparation.

Today’s episode will focus on the MINDSET you need to prepare for an epic maternity leave.

This is a series that will obviously be supportive for you if you’re currently preparing for your own maternity leave, but it will also be helpful if you’re planning any kind of lengthy time off from your business.

So let’s dive into Part 1 – the mindset piece…

The mindset you need to adopt

The first thing to know is that any transition or change, anything where the outcome is unknown and where you’re stepping outside your comfort zone is always going to throw up mindset stuff. It is human to feel fear around the unknown.

Now for me, second baby, I’ve got a bit of an idea of what to expect. But one of the things I keep reminding myself is to let go and release any expectations I might have. Each baby is different – I can’t expect this baby to be the same as Noah. That’s not fair on me or the baby.

And my business is also different now 3 years later. So expecting things to play out the same is just not a good idea.

If you’re a first time mum and transitioning into motherhood for the first time, there’s a whole lot of unknowns right now in both life and business.

Of course, it’s exciting! You’re preparing to welcome human life into the world – that is mind blowingly exciting!!

But it’s also completely okay if you’re feeling some fear or trepidation around a) becoming a mum, and b) what it will mean for you to take time away from your business, and then what running your business is going to look like longer term with a baby in terms of your time and energy.

Throw on top all the pregnancy  hormones and everything that comes with birthing a baby – it’s a lot!

So the first thing is just to validate that it’s okay to be feeling that way right now.

But also know that sitting in those swirling emotions for too long is not going to serve you. You can’t control that there’s a lot of unknowns right now, but what you CAN control is how you react and how you show up for yourself.

For me – being in this season of life and business has been the biggest lesson in SELF TRUST.

As a parent of a small human, the one thing that’s certain is consistent change. Often as soon as you feel like you’ve found a rhythm, all of a sudden it changes and you’ve got to adapt.

If you can lean into self trust and deeply trust that you can handle whatever comes your way – that you can adapt, that you can learn, that you can do hard things – it is going to serve you hugely.

When you trust yourself in that way – then it doesn’t matter if and when changes happen. The unknowns are less scary because, no matter what, you’ve got this! You’ll make it work, because you always make it work. It won’t always be easy BUT you can do hard things!

So if there’s one thing mindset-wise to focus on – it’s self trust.

There are also some specific mindset shifts or beliefs that I have found to be really supportive in this season that I want to share with you now…

  1. Babies bring abundance

This became one of my favourite mantras after Noah was born. Because babies really do bring abundance!

Having a baby does not mean your business can’t or won’t grow – if that’s your goal, it is entirely possible for you to grow your business and your income.

The year following Noah’s birth was actually the first time I saw significant growth in my business – I had my first 5-figure launch, I started making consistent monthly income. It was an incredible year for my business!

So if you’re feeling like, “OMG, I’m having a baby, what’s that going to mean for my business and my income?” Take this as evidence that babies bring abundance in so many ways – including, if you so desire, growth in your business.

Babies bring abundance!

2. It is safe for you to take a step back from your business

My maternity leave with Noah was the first time I’d taken a significant amount of time away from my business and that was scary. Again, fear of the unknown. Totally normal!

And I know this time around, with my business being quite different to what it was back then, that I’ve definitely felt the trepidation around what it’s going to mean for the momentum I’ve built up over the last couple of years.

I actually had this conversation with a girlfriend recently who is pregnant with her first baby and she was saying the same thing, “you know, I’m a little bit nervous, I feel like I’ve built up all this momentum and now I’m going to take time off. How is that going to impact my business in the long run?”

But here’s the thing…when you’re intentional in business, when you have a strategy and a plan, when you trust yourself, when you trust that you’re fully supported, when you trust that your success is inevitable (because it is!) – then you can also trust that it is safe for you to take a step back from your business.

Your business will still be there when you come back!

And it’s important to remember that your community WANT you to celebrate and honour this time. They WANT you to enjoy this season with your baby. They will be there, ready for you, when you come back.

It is safe for you to take some time away from your business.

3. Your business gets to support you in life

This is something I share with my clients all the time, I know I’ve shared it on the podcast more than once and I’ll likely keep saying it again and again…your business gets to support you in life, not the other way around.

This is something that I don’t think I was super conscious of in my first maternity leave with Noah, but it’s something that has definitely helped me as I’ve prepared for this second time. 

It’s all about putting it into perspective and coming back to why you’re in business in the first place.

I didn’t get into business to be hustling and grinding 24/7. I got into business because I felt called to share my magic with the world AND because I wanted something different to the 9-5 grind. 

And I know, because you’re here listening to this, that you’ll likely be the same. One of the reasons you’re in business is to create the life you desire.

If you want that to be true, then you have to believe that your business can do it – that it can support you in life, that it can support you in maternity leave and into this new season as a mama, that it’s not an either/or situation but a both/and.

Your business gets to support you in life.

All of these beliefs are all underpinned by this idea of what’s possible.

You have to believe that an epic maternity leave is possible for you, if you want that to be your reality.

You have to believe that babies bring abundance, if you want they to be your reality.

You have to believe that it is safe for you to take some time away from your business, if you want that to be your reality.

You have to believe that your business gets to support you in life, if you want that to be your reality.

So it’s important that you get honest with yourself and examine whether there’s anything coming up for you that’s holding you back from believing in those possibilities.

Do some journaling, chat it out with your coach – discover what limiting beliefs or thoughts might be coming up for you around taking maternity leave. Shine a light on them. Awareness is the first step to shifting those blocks.

I also really recommend seeking out and finding evidence of other mamas in business who are thriving in their business during this season of their life. Having those expanders in your field and seeing those examples makes it seem more possible, more tangible, more real.

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this episode today, it’s that it is so possible for you to go into maternity leave feeling so fully supported, and the first step in making that happen is believing it’s possible.

You’ve got this, mama! I’ve got this! We’re in this together. I’m just so excited for you.

Thank you for joining me for Part 1 of this series. In Part 2, I’ll be diving into the strategy you need to prepare your business for an epic maternity leave. I’ll be sharing the practical and strategic steps I’ve taken in the lead up to this maternity leave, as well as how this mat leave will be different from my first.


The Strategy You Need To Prepare Your Business For An Epic Maternity Leave (Part 2)


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