How To Call In Your Next Soulmate Client

The number one thing I support my clients with is creating a process and strategy to call in their next soulmate clients.

Having a clear process and strategy to attract and convert clients means that you’ll have a beautiful flow of clients coming into your business consistently – clients you love to work with – and your income is sustainable and consistent month to month.

Because that’s the ultimate goal right?

I often find that this is the biggest focus for my clients inside the Spiritual Business Mistressmind and something I absolutely love supporting them with!

So today I’m sharing 4 steps to support you to call in your next soulmate client.

Step 1: Know WHO you are serving and HOW you serve them

One of the biggest things I see when people are showing up to market and sell their offers on the front end is that they focus too much on the features or inclusions, and not enough on the outcomes or solutions of their offer.

Yes – the features and inclusions are important to know and understand and communicate. But they are not the reason your soulmate clients want to work with you. 

Your clients want to work with you because of the outcomes and solutions you can provide them. That’s what you’re selling. You’re selling the outcomes and solutions.

Your clients also want to work with you because they align with your values, because they like the way you communicate your ideas and teachings, because they trust you.

So as a first step, you need to be super clear on who you are serving and how you are serving them.

Then you’ll be able to communicate the outcomes and solutions clearly.

You’ll be able to connect with your soulmate clients on a level where they feel seen and heard – where they have the opportunity to see themselves in your offers and your content.

They’ll have the opportunity to build that relationship with you and recognise YOU as the person they want to work with to provide them with the solution and outcome that they are currently desiring. 

Action Item

Audit your offers and your messaging:

  • Are you clear on WHO you are serving and HOW you serve them? 

  • Are you sharing about the solutions, outcomes and transformation that you provide OR are you only sharing about the features and inclusions?

Step 2: Invite people to work with you and invite them often

If I was to start my business all over again, this is the thing I would focus on first and foremost every single day. 

You want more clients? Make this a priority.

You can obviously make invitations through your content that you’re sharing across your different platforms, but you can also make personal invitations behind the scenes to people in your existing networks – people who you believe are soulmate clients, people who you believe would benefit from the solutions and outcomes that you provide.

We know that people buy from people they trust. Relationships are everything when it comes to making a sale and signing a new client.

By focusing on your existing networks and relationships, you’re harnessing the trust that you already have established.

This is going to be so much more easeful for you than channelling ALL of your energy into bringing new people into your community and building relationships with new people from scratch.

Of course, you want to be doing that too. But I always recommend starting with your existing networks. 

I am a big fan of allowing things to be as easeful as possible! It doesn’t have to be hard.

Create pathways for your current clients to continue working with you. Reach out to people who might have been a maybe in the past and check in with them to see where they’re at now. Brainstorm who in your network would be an ideal soulmate client for you and invite them to work with you.

Start with your existing networks and make it a priority to invite people to work with you.

I really, really can’t stress that last point enough – making this a priority is something that I know brings up a lot of resistance.

It’s one of those things we know we “should” be doing, but it often falls to the bottom of the to-do list because it feels harder than the other tasks we’ve got on our list.

It might bring up all sorts of fear or self doubt…what happens if they say no? Is my offer really that good? What if no one buys? etc.

What I want to stress here is that making invitations for people to work with you (aka selling) is the thing that is going to move the needle forward for you when calling in your next soulmate client.

So if you’re struggling to make this a priority – you need to change that. 

Get a coach who can help you with accountability here and ask them to help you stay accountable. I love it when my clients say to me: “this is my goal, this is my commitment and I know I’m feeling some resistance around it so can you help me stay accountable.” And then we go and make a plan around what that accountability looks like. Lean on your coach to help you here.

I also recommend making it your FIRST task of the day. Whenever I find I’m resisting something I know is important, that’s what I do. I make it the first task of the day, so then it’s done and dusted, and I can feel good about accomplishing something that felt hard.

And here’s the thing…in my experience, I’m usually making it out to be way harder than it actually is! Sending a quick voice note to a potential client, following up a client enquiry, sending a follow up email – all of these things aren’t hard, we just make them hard.

Action Item

Make it a priority to invite people to work with you every single day.

Step 3: Clear up any mindset and energetic blocks

When you’re putting yourself out there and making offers – fear, self doubt and all of the mindset chatter can come up. 

It's because you care about your work, you care about your clients, you know that you’re here on a mission to have an impact – so when you put your beautiful heart and soul work out into the world, you’re making yourself vulnerable in a pretty big way.

So, of course, the mindset “stuff” comes up. It is literally part and parcel of running a business, especially as a woman-identifying spiritual business owner where YOU are the brand. 

Mindset stuff, it's never going away. New level, same devil, as they say. Buckle up, because it's here for the long haul. 

The good news is that you do get better at recognising the mindset block, working on them, clearing them and staying on top of them.

This also might be something you get support with. Personally, I’ve had hypnotherapy sessions to shift some deeper mindset stuff and this is something that I chat with my coach about on the regular.

It’s also something that I love supporting my clients with too. I rarely go a day without having multiple conversations with multiple clients about something to do with mindset. It is a really big piece of the puzzle.

So clearing up any mindset or energetic blocks you have around calling in clients is super important.

These can be stories rooted in “not enough-ness”: 

  • Am I good enough? 

  • Is what I’m offering enough? 

  • Are my skills enough? 

  • Is my training enough? 

Or you might have stories like:

  • Is anyone really going to pay me for this?

  • It’s easy for everyone else but hard for me for XYZ reasons.

All of these are mindset blocks that are going to impact how easefully you can call in your next soulmate clients.

And we know that your mindset impacts your energy. You want to be showing up fully embodying your magnetic energy. That’s super hard if you’ve got all this mindset chatter going on.

Action Item

Do the mindset work you need to do – journal it out, identify and clear the blocks that are coming up, and get support from a coach or other practitioner if you need to.

Step 4: Create a strategy and a process that works for you and makes it easy for your people

Keep it simple. Make it easy. Make it clear.

So firstly, you want a strategy to keep a steady stream of potential clients coming into business – that starts with making invitations and making them often. 

You also want to have a marketing strategy for how you’re going to bring more people into your audience, create awareness and build that relationship with them. 

And you also want to have a really clear and simple sales process from there.

What is your sales process? 

When someone comes into your business, is it easy for them to learn about your offers? Is the next step they need to take simple and easy and clear?

People’s lives are more full than ever before. People are busy, they don’t have time for confusing, difficult or convoluted processes. If it’s hard, people won’t necessarily take the time to work out the next step. You need to make it as easy as possible for them.

And it also has to work for you too. There is no right or wrong. There are no rules.

Some people hate jumping on sales calls. There is no rule that says you have to do sales calls if you don’t want to. You can sell in instagram DMs or email or on Facebook messenger. The main thing is that it has to work for you.

Action Item

Ensure your sales process is clear and easy for your people AND works for you.

Join the Spiritual Business Mistressmind

The Spiritual Business Mistressmind is open for enrollment! If calling in soulmate clients on repeat and creating sustainable, consistent income in your business is something you want to do, then I’d LOVE to support you. You can find out more and sign up at here

This is the final week to sign up before I go on maternity leave. We kick off officially in mid-October, but if you sign up now you will also receive 2 bonus masterclasses in August and September to support your progress while I’m on maternity leave. 

I have a very limited number of calls available if you’d like to have a chat. Book your call here


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