The Number One Thing To Know About Your Soulmate Client

Today we’re talking about your soulmate client AND the number ONE thing you need to know about them.

What’s a soulmate client?

Now you’ve most likely heard this talked about as your “ideal client”. I like to use “soulmate client” because it feels a whole lot more soulful to me.

But whatever term you use – ideal client, soulmate client – it doesn’t matter. It’s one and the same.

Why knowing your soulmate client is important…

Knowing your soulmate client inside out is the difference between creating incredible offers that sell with ease and get amazing results, and those that don’t.

Because when you know and understand your soulmate client and how YOU support them to get from where they are now to where they want to be, you can be confident that what you’re creating is going to serve them in the most impactful way.

And one of the mistakes I see business owners make, especially when starting out, is diving straight into creating content and crafting their offers without thinking about WHO it’s for and HOW it’s going to support them.

Which is why this is one of the first things I teach my clients in my 8 week foundational business program the Spiritual Business Academy. We start with getting crystal clear on WHO your soulmate client is and HOW you support them – so that as you are building and growing your business, you know that you have a really solid foundation moving forward.

So let’s get to know your soulmate client…


Where business owners get stuck...

Now the first place people often start when defining their soulmate client is with the demographic details – things like age, gender, location, do they have kids, are they single or married, etc

And for sure, demographics can be important...

For instance, if you’re a location-based bricks and mortar business, location will be important. If you create spaces and offerings specifically for women, gender will be important.

But ultimately these kinds of demographic details are just scratching the surface of who your soulmate client is – knowing the age, gender and location of a person doesn’t tell you much about them as a human being.

And this is where I see people often falling short when doing this work – either they start and end with the demographics or they get stuck here in the detail. My recommendation is to take what’s important demographically and leave the rest.

For example, when it comes to my soulmate client – I work with spiritual women in business. So for me – gender is important, they identify as spiritual and they own a business or have a desire to start a business at some point. Things like age, location, kids, marital status – not so important.

My recommendation is to take what’s relevant and not spend much time thinking about the rest.

Because what IS important when it comes to your soulmate client profile is knowing where they are at right now, where they want to be (i.e. what are their goals, dreams and desires?) and how YOU as the service provider help get them from A to B.

How do you solve their “problems” or “pain points” on the road to getting where they want to go?


The number ONE thing you actually need to know about your soulmate clients

Now I want to talk to this idea of defining our clients “pain points” or “problems” – because something I’ve witnessed recently is a real resistance towards doing this work. And I get it. 

Firstly on an energetic level, the language of “pain points” or “problems” doesn’t exactly feel empowering.

And then on top of that, we’ve all experienced or seen products or services marketed in a way that feel sleazy or even exploitative.

I always think of the diet industry as one of the most obvious examples of this – because that whole industry is built on exploiting women’s insecurities about their bodies. It’s awful.

And obviously I’m not here for that. Anything that is exploitative and fear-mongering is wrong on so many levels.

And as a heart-centred spiritual business owner who is here to serve and support your clients and communities – I know that you’re not here for that either.

In fact, I know that patriarchal bullshit like that is often why you’re here in the first place doing the work that you do.

BUT here’s the many things CAN be exploitative when that’s the intention. 

However, you and me, we’re NOT coming to it with that intention.

It’s not wrong or exploitative to understand and acknowledge the challenges that our soulmate clients face. 

We all experience challenges. It doesn’t make us less than. It doesn’t make our clients less than. It just makes us all human.

When I think about this, I’m reminded of one of the things I was taught in my reiki training – to always view clients coming for a healing as whole and complete as they are.

Yes, they might be coming to you for a healing but that doesn’t change the fact that they are whole and complete. It’s not an either-or situation. They are whole and complete as they are AND they are seeking healing and support from a healer.

We can think of our soulmate clients and their “problems” in the same way.

They are whole and complete as they are. They already have everything they need within them to achieve their goals, whatever those goals may be. And yes, they experience challenges, just like everyone else. Challenges that YOU as a spiritual business owner can help them with.

And while the language of “pain points” or “problems” isn’t my favourite – taking the time to identify what they are for your soulmate clients is important.

It’s important because, as I said before, you need to be clear on the journey you’re taking people on. 

You need to know where they are right now, where they want to be and the challenges they are facing in reaching their goals and desires, so that you can craft incredibly impactful, supportive offers for them. 

So that you can be confident that when you show up to serve them, you’re giving them exactly what they need.

This is about acknowledging their experience, seeing them, understanding them, and having empathy.

We all just want to be seen and heard. It’s a universal human desire. 

And your job when serving and supporting your clients is to see them, hear them and help them to get from where they are now to where they want to be by overcoming whatever obstacles are in their way.

I’m super passionate about this because I want to make sure you’re out there serving your people in the most powerful way possible, and this piece of the puzzle – knowing and understanding your soulmate clients – is so key!

So if you have any stories that you’re holding onto around identifying your clients “pain points” or “problems” or whatever other word it is that irks you – it’s time to let those stories go.

Because if you’re serious about the impact you want to have in the world – you need to make sure your offers are serving your clients in the most potent and powerful way, that they are meeting your clients where they are at right now in their moment of need and that your messaging is communicating the value, that solution and the transformation that you provide in your business.

To do this you need to know your soulmate clients inside-out and get really clear on the specific challenges that YOU support them through.


Some practical examples...

To give you an example of what this looks like for me in my business… my soulmate clients are spiritual women in business who come to me because they are feeling stuck or stagnant in their business in some way.

They might be just getting started in their business and they’re not sure what actions they need to prioritise to get their business off the ground OR they might be more established in their business but they aren’t sure how to make more money or take their business to the next level. That's the challenge they come to me with. 

The solution I provide through my offers is to support them with the mindset and the practical strategy to get unstuck and build, grow and scale their spiritual businesses easefully and soulfully.

To give you another example… say if you’re a psychic, your soulmate client might be experiencing challenges in their relationship, career or health, and they want some guidance and reassurance about the future. 

The solution you provide is to support your clients by channelling messages from spirit or source that provide the guidance, reassurance and clarity about how they move forward from here.

So you can see how identifying, understanding and acknowledging our clients’ challenges isn’t exploitative when we come at it from a place of ‘how can I serve and support my clients best?’

It’s essential for us to know these things so we can ensure we are crafting our offers with our clients at the centre of everything we do.

Not only does it mean we can be incredibly confident that what we’re putting out there is going to have an also makes it easier for us to show up and market our offers. 

Because we can ensure our messaging and the way we are positioning our offers speak directly to our soulmate clients – the challenges they are currently experiencing AND the transformation and results that they desire.

It’s important on SO many levels!

How to get crystal clear on your soulmate client profile

I now want to share some questions that you can ask yourself to get really clear on who your soulmate client is.

These questions are also going to act as a nice little recap of everything I’ve shared today and give you something really practical that you can walk away with to get this process started. Grab your pen and paper...

Firstly – what demographic factors are important?

You’ll remember these are things like age, gender, location, income level, occupation, marital status, etc. 

Some will be relevant, some won’t. Give yourself 5 minutes to note down the relevant demographics, that’s it. Done and dusted. 

Remember, take what's important, leave the rest. Don’t get stuck here.

Secondly – what challenges are your soulmate clients facing right now? 

  • How do they feel? 

  • What’s their mindset like? 

  • And you want to be specific here – what problems do they have that YOU can help them solve? 

Always keep it relevant.

Thirdly – now that you know where they are at right now, what’s the end goal? 

  • Where do they desire to be? 

  • What do they want life to look like? 

  • How do they want to feel?

Essentially you want to get crystal clear on the transformation and the journey that you take people on. They are here right now at A, B and C….and with your support, they get here to X,Y and Z. Just like in the examples I shared before.

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Getting clear on your soulmate client in the Spiritual Business Academy 

Getting clear on your soulmate client is one of the FIRST things we do inside my program, the Spiritual Business Academy. This is my 8 week program to support you to build the foundations of your spiritual business in a way that feels easeful, soulful and free from hustle. The next round of the program is kicking off next month in June 2021.

The waitlist for the program is now open – and if you’re thinking this might be for you, then the waitlist is the place to be! The waitlist will be the first to find out when enrolment opens AND will receive an exclusive discount. 

Join the waitlist here

I’ve already started enrolling people behind the scenes, so if you want to learn more right now, come on over to instagram at @bec.cuzzillo and send me a DM.

And if you enjoyed today’s episode I would love to hear from you. Make sure you subscribe and leave me a 5-star review. This is how we spread the love and get this info out into the hands of more heart-centred spiritual business owners.


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