How to Stay in Flow with Your Creativity with Viv Kruckow

Today I’m bringing you an incredible guest – Viv Kruckow of Rust Creative.

I first met Viv on instagram a few years ago now and even though I can’t remember how we first connected...she’s become a dear friend!

She’s also a past client and such a shining light when it comes to all things creativity.

Many spiritual business owners are also creative business owners and Viv has so much wisdom to share when it comes to weaving the two together – creativity and spirituality.

In this episode, Viv explains how she brings ritual into her life and business, how her spiritual practice supports her creatively and how she stays in flow with her creativity. We discuss the importance of boundaries, self trust and honouring your energy as a creative and spiritual business owner.

Viv shares some really powerful journaling questions (that you’ll definitely want to note down!), including the ONE question that will support you to honour yourself and your energy when it comes to tapping into your creativity and building your business.

So grab a paper and pen, and join me for this beautiful conversation with Viv.


Let me officially introduce you to Viv...

Viv is a Creativity Coach, Author, Writer and Podcast Host whose soul purpose is to share stories and support humans to explore the inner depths of themselves and live abundant, creative lives.

Known for her warmth and making others feel at ease, Viv’s approach to coaching is intuitive, gentle and grounded in rhythm. She prides herself on cultivating a safe space for creatives to be seen, heard and evolve, and views coaching as a vital piece in a person’s self-evolution.

Her business, Rust Creative, exists to serve, inspire and activate your creative magic. Viv does this through her books, courses, group experiences, podcasts, mentoring, a membership and loads of creativity-based products, all designed to jazz up your creative practice.

Things You’ll Learn In This Episode of Feminine Fire

  • How Viv brings ritual into her life and business

  • How her spiritual practice supports her creatively and how she stays in flow with her creativity

  • The importance of boundaries, self trust and honouring your energy as a creative and spiritual business owner

  • The ONE universal question you can ask yourself whenever you’re contemplating anything in your life and business

Connect with Viv Kruckow

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