The Number One Way To Elevate Your Income Online

I’m excited to dig into something super practical and strategic with you today – we are going to chat about HOW to elevate your income online.

This episode has been inspired by some of the conversations I’ve been having with clients recently about prioritising tasks that actually move the needle forward in your business – things that actually bring more clients in and therefore more income.

Because it can be SO easy to fall into “busy” work. Doing things that make you FEEL like you’re being productive but actually you’re just treading water.

So today I want to share the number one way to elevate your income online – and that is to be really mindful of the clients you are attracting into your business.

What I see so often is spiritual business owners trying to make their words and their offers speak to everyone. And the fact is that A) we are NOT for everyone and nor do we want to be, and B) the online space is very noisy.

And when you try to make your words and messaging and offers speak and cater to everyone, it is so much more likely that you’ll get lost in the noise.

You want to be cutting through that noise so that you are attracting more of the right kind of clients into your business – PREMIUM clients.

That is how you are going to elevate your income online.


What Do I Mean By “Premium” Client?

I’m not necessarily talking about pricing here (although that can definitely come into play) but what I’m talking about are those dream soulmate clients who…

  • Pay on time (or early) so you’re not wasting your time chasing overdue invoice after overdue invoice

  • Who are committed to doing the work and show up consistently – making your sessions feel so fun and easy, supporting them is a dream

  • Continue to book again and again so together you can continue to do the deep work and see amazing transformations over a long period of time

That’s what I mean when I say PREMIUM clients.

What you want to be doing is focusing on attracting this type of client, rather than just making your words speak to everyone. You want to be mindful of WHO you want those clients to be and HOW you want to work with them.

Now, spoiler alert! I am going to be sharing a really fun and FREE way we can connect outside of the podcast to dive deeper into this exact topic at the end of this episode… 

But for now I want to give you some really juicy actionable things you can take away and start to think about and implement in your business straight away.

1: Stop trying to fit yourself into a box

Some real talk to begin with…

You’ve gotta stop trying to fit yourself into a box that you just don’t fit into. You’ve gotta stop trying to be like everyone else or speak like everyone else because that’s what you think “have” to do or “should” be doing to attract clients.

It’s vanilla and boring and as I said before, it’s not going to cut through the noise. You’ll also get super bored or frustrated with showing up in that way.

And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the internet is literally FULL of the same-same. I try not to scroll through instagram reels very often but when I do, I know its going to be full of people doing the exact same dance moves to the exact same song.

And no shade if you wanna learn a Tiktok dance, I can totally see how that could be fun, but creating content for your business in that way – it’s like, “been there, done that, seen that before, scroll right on.” As I said, it’s boring and it’s not going to cut through the noise.

Sure, having a viral reel CAN be great in terms of getting more eyeballs on your content. But you want those to be the right kind of eyeballs. Quality over quantity.

The way you make that happen is by embracing your unique authentic voice and magic.

Not playing small and hiding parts of you away, but rather going BIG on what makes you YOU. That’s where the magic lies. That’s what makes you magnetic to those premium, soulmate clients.

It doesn’t mean that you have to be loud and extroverted to get noticed in the online space. If gentle and soft is more your style, embrace THAT… but really embrace it!

So that’s your first takeaway action item – have a think about how you might be hiding or playing down your unique magic right now? Are there parts of yourself or your personality that you’re holding back for fear of how you might be judged?

Get real with yourself. Go deep.

And I want to be clear here – being authentic online is not about sharing every single part of your life. That’s not what this is about. Boundaries are incredibly important.

But when you ARE showing up, you want to be showing up authentically, as the real, unfiltered you – not apologising for who you are, how you speak or what you look like.

So that question again – how might you be hiding or playing small?

And then – what would it look like to take one step towards embracing more of your authentic magic in your business right now?

It might be finally sharing that post or piece of content that you’ve been wanting to share with your community for ages, but haven’t because it feels a little stretchy or vulnerable.

Maybe it’s coming out of the so-called “spiritual closet” and finally weaving your spiritualityinto your offers and business.

Or maybe it’s launching that offer that your intuition has been calling you towards, but that you’ve been too afraid for whatever reason to follow that nudge.

It is time! No more hiding. No more playing small. What is the step you’re going to take towards embracing more of YOU in your business?

Showing up in your full expression, fully embodying YOU and your unique magic – that’s what will attract your premium soulmate clients.

2: Get clear on YOUR premium, soulmate client

This is SO important! It doesn’t matter what stage of business you’re at, you’ll come back to this over and over.

It’s foundational – which is why getting clear on your soulmate client is one of the first things I teach inside the Spiritual Business Academy.

And I’m not talking about their age, gender or any of those other demographics – those are just like tickboxes.

What you want to know is their needs, their wants, their challenges, their desires.

What are the things that frustrate them to no end?

What do they get fired up about?

What conversations are they dying to have?

What do they want to change in their life?

What do they daydream about?

These are the things that you need to know, because…

THIS is how you create really transformational offers for them.

THIS is how you create content that speaks to them.

THIS is how you create an impact.

It all starts with  knowing who your soulmate clients are and what they want and need.

And when you can nail these first two things – showing up in your fullest expression of who you are and your unique magic WITH the needs, desires and wants of your soulmate clients in mind…

That’s where the magic happens. 

So, take some time to get really clear on who soulmate clients are.

Revisit it, if you haven’t visited it in a while. 

Have actual conversations with your community, like literally ask them questions – especially if you’re not sure where they’re at right now, ask them.

This could be polling them on your instagram stories, putting together a short survey or even inviting 2-3 people to have a 15 min conversation with you.

If you want to attract these premium soulmate clients into your business to elevate your income – you need to know who they are and what makes them tick.

3: Stop wasting your time on tasks that don’t matter

This is all about what you’re making yourself available for. How are you spending your time?

If you want to elevate your income online…

If you want to attract premium, soulmate clients that show up, love to pay you and book again and again…

You need to be mindful of how you are spending your time.

Are you prioritising client generating tasks?

Tasks like:

  • Asking for the sale

  • Following up on leads

  • Sending the email

  • Talking about your offers

  • Getting visible

Sprinkling that shit everywhere.

I’ve had a number of conversations with clients recently about self-sabotage – because it can be so easy to procrastinate on those client generating tasks because it feels easier to play it safe and stay in your comfort zone.

And your brain will even trick you into procrastinating with tasks that make you FEEL productive – creating the perfect canva graphic, tinkering with your website for the 100th time, re-writing that social media post that’s been sitting in your drafts for ages…

You want to be really intentional with your time, taking imperfect action and prioritising the things that will actually move the needle forward in your business.

Because your dream soulmate premium clients don’t care about perfection – they want YOU, in all your messy, imperfect glory!

And the only way they’ll find you is if you’re showing up and being visible and doing the things that allow them to find you, connect with you and pay you.

So your action here is to audit how you’re currently spending your time in your business – take some time to look at how you’re spending your time right now and what changes you might need to make. 

How can you make more space for and prioritise those client generating tasks in your business?

Your next step? I’ve got something FREE coming next week that will 100% move the needle forward in your business!

Come and spend some time with me to learn how to create a client attraction strategy that actually works for you.


Winning Premium Clients with Spirituality, Energetics & Strategy

This FREE workshop will be live on Zoom, so we’ll get to connect face to face or camera to camera as it will be.

One hour with me where we’ll dive into how you can win premium clients on repeat with so much ease, soul and in full integrity – no sleazy sales tactics here.

We’ll dive into:

  • The role spirituality, energetics and strategy play in attracting your soulmate clients (and how you can tap into all 3 in your business!)

  • How to become an energetic match for money and clients using the law of attraction and manifestation so you can quantum leap your income goals

  • How to craft & price your offers and build a premium brand, that attracts dream, right-fit clients from the get-go

It’s happening next Tuesday 17th May at 11am.

There will be a replay sent out afterwards if you can’t join us live. It’s going to be so fun and absolutely packed full of value!

Sign up FREE here.


Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype Quiz

Keen to find out which Goddess Archetype you are? Find out with the “Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype” quiz here!


Confidence, Intuition and Business Building with Evie Kelly


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