Life Update: I'm Pregnant! How I'm Preparing My Business For Baby #2

Yes!!! You read that right – I have a big, exciting announcement to make in today’s episode. I’m pregnant!! Baby number 2 is on the way!

Due August 2022. I’m already 23 weeks pregnant, so we’ve been keeping this under wraps for a little while now. I’m so excited to finally share this news with you and give you a little life update too.

Matt and I are obviously thrilled. Noah is excited to be a big brother. 2022 is going to be another big year for us as a family!

So that’s my big news…

What I want to do in today’s episode is take this opportunity to reflect on our pregnancy and conception journey so far and share some of the lessons I’ve learned, some of the changes we’ve made in both life and business over the last few months, how I’m preparing the business for baby #2 and what this year will look like business-wise for me.

So to kick off this reflection I want to share with you some of the real and raw bits of our journey with this pregnancy so far.


My Conception & Pregnancy Journey

I’ve shared a couple of times on the podcast, particularly towards the end of last year, that 2021 was a challenging year for me personally in many ways.

And up until now, I’ve been kind of cryptic about it because, to be quite honest, I just didn’t have the desire to share it with the online world. I also, very gratefully, have a lot of support in my life that I could lean on which meant that while it was challenging, I was very very supported. But I do want to share some of that experience with you now…

We found out we were pregnant a couple of days before Christmas – which was the best Christmas present ever!

Especially after 13 months or so of trying to conceive, and anyone who’s been on a fertility journey before (so much love to you!) will know how challenging it can be to continue trying month after month with no results.

And there’s also something just a little bit twisted about the fact that many pre-menstrual symptoms can also be early signs of pregnancy AND that whenever you find out that you haven’t successfully conceived, it happens at the exact time of your cycle when you’re feeling most emotional.

So, needless to say, 2021 was an emotional rollercoaster.

But ultimately, and very gratefully, we did conceive. I know for many couples the journey can be a lot longer and it doesn’t always end with a baby. So shout out to anyone going through a fertility / conception journey right now, or anyone who has been there before. I want to just beam you so much love, because it’s not easy.

My Biggest Learnings So Far

The biggest lesson for me throughout this experience has been embodying a deeper level of self compassion and a true understanding of what it means to listen and honour my body – prioritising my health and wellbeing has never been more important.

And also prioritising my relationship with Matt in a whole new way – there’s so much we’ve learnt about each other in this process and I know that we’ve come out stronger for it.

In terms of business, the biggest takeaway for me is how I’ve set up my business so it supports me in life – that foundation has never been more tested than it was last year.

I know when I was prioritising my health and wellbeing throughout that journey – that’s when things in the business felt more easeful, more flowy. And when that fell off my priority list, that’s when things did feel harder – and there were moments when business did feel hard last year.

But ultimately 2021 was a great year for the business – and I think that really speaks to this idea that you can create a business that supports you in your life, no matter what is happening.

Which I think segways quite nicely into what I want to talk about next, which is the changes that we’ve made in life and business over the last few months – because we’ve made some really key changes with the intention to ensure that the business is always set up in a way that supports me, my family and our life.

Changes I’ve Made In Life & Business During This Pregnancy

The change that has had the biggest impact is actually something quite small. Earlier this year, we changed the days Noah attends daycare.

Up until February this year, Noah went to daycare on Thursdays and Fridays. He always goes to my parents house on Wednesdays – shout out to my mum and dad! That hasn’t changed, but we’ve moved his daycare days to Monday / Tuesday.

That means – I now start my working week on a Monday instead of a Wednesday and for me energetically that has been HUGE.

What I was finding when I was working in the second half of the week is that I always felt like I was on the backfoot. Firstly, because I literally felt like I was playing catch up on the week. But also because I was starting my working week after 2 days of toddler mum-life – I wasn’t feeling super fresh on a Wednesday morning.

Now I start my work week on a Monday, fresh from the weekend, and do the toddler mum thing later in the week. And now instead of working after 2 days of hanging with a toddler, it’s the weekend. Such a small change, but it has literally worked wonders for my energy.

The other change – and one that has been a long time coming – is that I’ve made the decision to finally let go of the product side of the business. 

And if you’re listening and thinking, “Bec, what do you mean you have a product side of your business?” The reason you might not know about it is because it has not been a focus for me in the business for quite some time now.

So, consider this your heads up, my candle and essential oil lovers! Once I’ve sold out the stock that’s remaining on my website, that’s it.

I’m finally letting what was once the heart and soul of my business go. It’s time.

I’m making space for all the fresh newness that becoming a mama of 2 is going to bring. Because I’m a big believer that babies bring abundance and I’m excited to see how it unfolds this time around.

So I want to offer you a question to think about – no matter where you are in business right now…

What do you need to let go of OR shift and change to make space for your next level in business?

That’s the question I’ve been asking myself not just the last few months, but really I started asking myself this BEFORE we fell pregnant, after a conversation I had with my hypnotherapist.

We were talking about how I had all these unanswered questions around what the business would look like once I was pregnant and then once the baby arrived. There’s so much uncertainty in a conception journey and I was really feeling it at that point.

And he was just like: If that’s the case, let’s make a plan. What needs to happen? What needs to change? It’s an easy fix – we just make a plan and you can put those thoughts to bed.

And it was so true. Once I had created some certainty around that and made some of those decisions on what needed to change in life and business – things felt so much easier, the pressure was off. And interestingly, we conceived very soon after that.

So, that question again: what do you need to let go of OR shift and change to make space for your next level in business?

Such a good question to continue to come back to time and again! Because it can be so easy to keep things the same, even if they’re no longer working for you, because you’re not even thinking about the possibility of changing them.

Or perhaps you’re like me and you’ve been holding onto something for sentimental reasons and actually what you really need to be doing is letting it go to create some space for fresh new energy to flow in.

How I’m Preparing The Business For Baby #2

Now I want to wrap up this episode with how I’m preparing for baby #2 and what’s coming up in the business over the next few months.

I’ll be going on maternity leave in early August – which is only just over 3 months away! And there’s lots happening between now and then.

I’ve got my current round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind running at the moment. Absolutely LOVING this group!

One of the first business decisions I made when we found out we were pregnant was to make this current round a 4 month round, instead of 6. So we kicked off at the beginning of April and we’ll wrap up at the end of July, right before I go on maternity leave.

This was a decision I made after tossing up a few possible options for what this could look like with my coach, but this ultimately felt like the most supportive structure both for me and my Mistressminders.

So that’ll be running all the way up until mat leave. If you’re interested in the next round starting in October, please reach out as I’m already enrolling into that round behind the scenes.

But if you want to work with me before maternity leave - there’s 2 options.

1 - I have opened up a very limited number of spots for 1:1 coaching starting in May.

Over 3 months we’ll craft a biz strategy tailored to you and your unique business. This is for you if you’re ready to scale your business to 6+ figures, call in a consistent flow of dream soulmate clients, create fully booked sell out offers and long term sustainable growth in your spiritual business.

I only have THREE spots available and I only ever open up a handful of private coaching spaces each year – so if this sounds like you, send me a DM on instagram at @bec.cuzzillo or you can book a free call HERE.

2 - The other option is to join the next round of the Spiritual Business Academy, which returns in June!

This is for you if you’re currently in the early stages of business or building to $5k+ months. The Spiritual Business Academy is my 8 week foundational online business course and group coaching program for women ready to build their spiritual business with ease and soul.

We are literally opening up presale enrolments to the waitlist THIS WEEK so if you’re interested, the waitlist is the place to be. You’ll get $500 off the full price of the program AND access to some exclusive bonuses. Join the waitlist HERE.

So that’s what’s coming up – launching the Spiritual Business Academy, supporting my Mistressminders and the 3 beautiful women who jump on my 1:1 coaching offer this month.

I also have the in-person Devoted Priestess Day Retreat coming up in Canberra on the 21st May.

I am running that alongside my beautiful mum, Suzy Cherub and we are just so excited to be back holding space in person. This is going to be such a lush day!

If you want to step into your Priestess presence, purpose and power – this is for you. Spaces are limited and have been filling fast so I’d jump on that sooner rather than later. We’d absolutely love to see you there. Join us HERE

Now in terms of what the plans are post-baby…at this stage, the only solid plans I have is the October round of the Mistressmind. If that’s of interest to you, please do reach out! As I said we are selling spots already.

It’s also likely that I won’t be running a second round of the Spiritual Business Academy this year. I usually run two each year but the timing this year just isn’t looking like it’ll work, so if you do want in on that program, the June round is where you want to be. 

So that’s what plans are looking like right now.

I am thinking of recording another episode closer to maternity leave where I’ll answer some of the questions I’ve been getting and talk more specifically to the exact plans for maternity leave and what I’ve put in place for my team, my clients, content creation, all of the above.

So if you’d like an episode like that, please let me know. If you have any specific questions, please let me know. I am thinking this would obviously be super helpful for any mamas to be, but also anyone planning on taking some time away from their business for whatever reason.

Thank you as always for listening in today.

Thank you for allowing me to share this news with you in this way and just talk super candidly about what life and business has looked like over the past year or so.

Beaming you so much love!


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