How To Create Your Biggest Months In Business Consistently

I’ve got another juicy solo episode for you this week all about how to create your biggest months in business consistently.

And I want to highlight the word consistently there, because big income months are GREAT…

But what’s even better is big monthly income that is sustainable, reliable and CONSISTENT.

Often when my clients come to work with me, creating that consistency in their income is pretty high on most of their “to manifest” lists. 

This is because the income roller coaster can be a very real thing – “feast and famine” cycle where one month is out of this world good and then the next you experience a huge slump…

OR where you feel like you’re always hustling and grinding, relying on the next sale and looking for ways to boost your income each and every month. And I know how exhausting and disheartening that can be, and how it can lead you straight to burnout – which is obviously not where you want to be.

So yes, of course, you want to create big income months in your business…BUT you also want those to be consistent and sustainable. You are here to be in business for the long haul, so creating that reliable income in a consistent and sustainable way is key.

In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing with you how to do just that – how to create your biggest months in business consistently.

I have 3 tips to share with you plus a sneaky little invitation at the end if this is something you want to dive deeper into.

But more on that in a sec, let’s dive into tip #1 first…

  1. Have a plan

If you’re a long-time listener, you know your girl loves a plan.

If you have a goal you want to achieve, your first step is to create a plan to achieve it. It sounds super basic, but how often do you actually take the time to sit down and plan out HOW you are going to achieve your goals?

This is where I often start with my clients…

Say your income goal is to have consistent $10k months:

  • Where is that consistent income coming from? 

  • What are you selling? 

  • Does your offer suite and pricing actually support you to hit that goal right now?

You can’t just have a goal of consistent $10k months and NOT look at how you’re actually going to make that money.

BUT this is something I see all the time – business owners not knowing if their income goal is possible within their current business model. Perhaps their offers are priced too low or they have an offer suite that just doesn’t allow for growth or scalability.

Your offers, your prices and your capacity have to be a match for your income goal.

So I want you to sit down with your income goal and take a good look at your business as it is now – your current offers, your current prices and your current capacity – and make sure you have a PLAN for how you’re going to hit your income goal.

If there’s a mismatch right now, it might be that all you need to do is raise your prices.

Or maybe you’ve been focusing too much on your lower-cost offers and you actually need to be focusing more on calling in clients to your more premium, high-ticket offer.

Or perhaps you need to add in a new offer or change an existing offer to support you in hitting your income goal.

But the only way for you to discover where the gap might be and to make a really intentional decision about what your next step is to create that consistent income in your business – is to sit down and have a look at your business as it currently stands, and then make a plan from there.

Because if you want to create your biggest months in business consistently, the first thing you need to have is a plan!

2. Embody the CEO you desire to be

You want to create your biggest months in business consistently – who do you need to BE to make that happen?

  • What beliefs will support you to achieve that goal?

  • What habits do you need to cultivate?

  • How can you embody the feeling of achieving those big, consistent income months NOW?

Because here’s the thing…what got you here, isn’t necessarily going to get you there.

The CEO who has those big consistent income months – she works on her mindset, she invests in herself, she makes intentional decisions that are aligned with her goals.

This embodiment and mindset piece is a huge part of the uplevel you are calling in.

Who is the business owner who makes consistent $5k, $10k, $20k months in her business?

  • How does she show up?

  • How does she act?

  • What does she prioritise?

It’s time to start showing up as her and step into the shoes of the CEO you desire to be.

So I want you to ask yourself these questions…and take a good look at the way you show up in your business right now. 

  • Are you embodying the CEO you need to be to create those consistent income months? 

  • Are you embodying the business owner who achieves those goals? 

  • And how can you take one step closer to embodying her more fully? 

  • What would it look like for you to show up in that way? 

  • What is one action you can take today or this week to make that happen?

Embodiment is so powerful. If you want to create big, consistent income in your business – embody the CEO you need to be to make that happen. 

3. Become a soulful sales queen

Yesssss – we are talking about sales! Sorry, not sorry.

If you want to make good, consistent, sustainable money, month in and month out, in your business, you need to embrace sales.

You need to get comfortable with sales. You need to get good at sales. You need to become a soulful sales queen.

Because the fact is… 

Sales = money AND no sales = no money

Now I’m all about business feeling easeful and soulful and in line with your values – and it is possible for sales to feel that way, I promise.

I want you to think of selling as serving in this really simple way…

First – Know and trust that you’ve got something epic to offer. Your magic, your medicine. You’re here in this business because you have something you want to share with the world.

Second – Know and trust that there are soulmate clients and customers out there who want and need your magic. There are people out there who desire what it is that you have to offer

Now the sales process is simply the opportunity for YOU to share what you’ve got with the PEOPLE who need and want it. It’s a case of matching your offer with the people who it’s here to serve. Selling is serving.

This really simple reframe will hopefully help you in thinking about sales differently.

Because if you want to create consistent income months in your business – embracing sales and learning how to sell in a soulful, empowering way is going to be the thing that gets you there.

So there you are – the 3 things you need to create your biggest months in business consistently.

4. Your next step…

Come and join the Solstice for Business Intensive with me on Saturday 2nd July. I’ll be taking you through my planning process for creating and launching your sellout offer and quantum leaping into the second half of the year.

This is like nothing I’ve ever done before and I’m just so excited for it! I feel like this is a real return to my roots. I’ve always loved working with seasonal energy in my business and the solstice presents the perfect opportunity for both an energetic and strategic reset – so that you can launch into the final half of 2022 with a plan to grow your spiritual business and hit those monthly income goals that you so desire.

This process is a true blend of mindset, energetics and strategy. We’ll be mixing the woo with the work, as they say, and you’ll walk away with a clear plan for how you want the rest of 2022 to look for you and your unique business. 

And it’s only $49, easily the most no-brainer investment you’ll make all year in your business.

Sign up here.


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