Why It's Time To Look At Your Money "Stuff"

How is your relationship with money right now?

When you think about money, how does it feel? 

Does it feel boring, hard, icky in your body, like you just want to stick your head in the sand and ignore it?

OR does it feel juicy and exciting and flowy?

Yes, on today’s episode of the Feminine Fire podcast we’re talking all about MONEY and why it’s time to look at your money “stuff”.

This will be especially supportive for you if money is feeling boring or hard or icky for you right now AND you want it to feel juicy and exciting and flowy.

I’m a big believer that there’s no such thing as TOO MUCH money mindset work – even if it’s feeling good, it can always feel better, right? More bright, more sparkly, more delicious!

So no matter where you’re at in your relationship with money right now, this episode is for you!

We’ll be diving into the different money blocks that might be coming up for you and how to move through each one to start transforming and improving your relationship to money. 

So let’s dive in…

Your relationship with money

 In my experience, when it comes to your relationship to money – there’s two extreme ends of the spectrum…

Money either slips through your fingers really quickly and easily, so it might flow in regularly BUT it almost always flows back out straight away and you’ve got no idea where it’s going, you avoid looking at your bank account because you don’t want to see or know how much you’ve spent…

OR you hold on to money too tightly, so you might have money in the bank BUT you hoard it and you might be fearful of spending it because money doesn’t grow on trees, you might need it for a rainy day, etc. etc. 

And this is WHY you’ve got to look at your money “stuff”!

There’s SO much that’s ingrained in our thoughts and beliefs and programming when it comes to money. 

For a topic that has for a long time been considered taboo to talk about – we carry a lot of “stuff” about money around as a collective.

And this “stuff” – these mindset blocks, limiting beliefs and programming that you hold around money – is 100% impacting your business bank account. There is no way that it can’t.

So if you want to grow your income…

If you want to create a profitable, sustainable business that brings in consistent cash every single month…

If you want to scale and hit that next income goal in your business – it’s time to look at your money “stuff”.

And keep looking at it, keep working on it.

We’re all a work in progress. Sometimes our relationship with money will be GREAT and we’ll feel really in flow… and then other times it might not feel that way. That’s okay.

The first action I have for you today is to DECIDE here and now that you’re going to make working on your money “stuff” a priority in your life and business.

Alright – so let’s chat about some of the money blocks that are common for spiritual business owners.

Money Block #1: The “hard work” myth

The first comes from our “hard working” culture – this belief that it’s only possible to make money by “working hard” and that if you’re not working “hard” for it then you don’t deserve it – which is total BS.

There’s plenty of evidence out there that suggests that hard work and making money actually have nothing to do with each other. 

If you think about the people that work the “hardest” in our society – their salaries don’t always correlate that work ethic. And there are lots of people out there making buckets loads of cash without doing much at all.

Now that’s not to say that you desire to make lots of money for nothing, as spiritual business owners we are here to share our magic and medicine to create a positive impact in the world – that requires work, yes. But it doesn’t require “hard” work.

And I wanted to share that reframe around hard work and money because if that’s a belief that you hold, then I’d really encourage you to actually look around for evidence of that.

As I said, there’s a lot to contradict it and often all you need to do is consciously challenge that belief enough and you’ll start to reprogram it.

Making money ≠ hard work

Money Block #2: Money is “evil” 

Next let’s talk about this belief that if this was truly your soul’s work, then you would do it for free. 

Because this is one I see OFTEN with spiritual business owners, especially those in the early stages OR before you’ve even started your business. And it wreaks all sorts of havoc with your confidence, self belief and ability to move forward.

This belief might show up in thoughts like “it’s not about the money, I just want to help people” or perhaps someone has actually said to you, “if you really wanted to help people, you wouldn’t be charging for it” – which blows my mind, but I know it happens in the spiritual community.

So here’s the thing. As my mum would say, there is nothing spiritual about poverty. The idea that making money and helping people are mutually exclusive is again, total BS. It comes from this belief that wanting to make money is “evil” or “greedy”, that it is not spiritual to desire more money.

But we know that money is just energy. It’s neutral. Money doesn’t have an agenda. Humans have an agenda. And if your agenda is to help people, then making more money and having more money is going to support you to do that. It comes down to your values as a human being.

Making money and helping people are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the more money you make, the bigger your impact can be. So if that’s something that’s coming up for you – that you can’t charge or make money from your soul’s work – I’d really encourage you to sit with that for a moment. The more money you make, the bigger your impact can be.

And let’s be clear here, there is nothing evil or greedy about wanting more money. 

Money Block #3: Soul work is not a money maker

The third money block I want to talk about today is the belief that it’s just NOT possible for you to make money from doing your soul work, that no one will actually PAY you for your soul work.

This really comes down to SELF BELIEF. Believing in yourself, your abilities, your capacity to take your purpose and passion and make it into a successful business.

Maybe you don’t have anyone in your life who runs a successful business before so there’s literally no examples of that being possible for you.

Maybe you’re the ONLY spiritual person in your family or friendship circle, so no one around you even understands that it could be possible because they don’t understand what it is you do, they’re maybe not even aware of the industry.

I remember my FIRST ever income goal in business was to make $60k in a year and when I shared that goal with my dad, bless his heart, I will never forget the surprised look on his face that that kind of money would even be possible. It’s not that he didn’t support me or support the goal, it’s that he couldn’t conceptualise that possibility.

And those kinds of reactions from people in our lives or conversations can REALLY impact the way we view what’s possible for us.

Now, this is a block that can hold you back when first starting your business, for sure. If that’s you – I see you, I feel you. 

I really encourage you to seek out examples of people running successful spiritual businesses – you just have to look at the back catalogue of guests I’ve had on the podcast to show you *just* how possible it actually is.

And know that you’re not supposed to know how to run a business if you’ve never run a business before – you can learn those skills. Seek out the support of a business coach to help you. 

But also this SELF BELIEF piece can show up at every level of business…

  • When you’re raising your prices – is anyone really going to pay this?

  • When you’re launching something new – who am I to be doing this thing? Or teaching this thing? Or sharing this thing?

Looking at your money “stuff” is not a one time thing. It’s ongoing, at every level. New level, same devil, as they say.

So how is SELF BELIEF or lack thereof showing up in your relationship to money right now?

Money Block #4: Fear

Finally, let’s talk about FEAR – the fear of what having money will mean for you. 

  • Fear of what others will think.

  • Fear of who you’ll become if you had lots of money. Hint, you’ll just be YOU with more money in the bank and more options.

  • Fear of paying taxes.

  • Fear of having to give refunds.

  • Fear of having difficult conversations.

  • Fear of earning more money than your partner or your friends.

Fear can show up in MANY ways around money and what it means for YOU to bring in more money into your business.

So ask yourself - do you worry about:

  • How much tax you’ll have to pay if you start earning more money? 

  • Having conversations with clients about money? 

  • Getting something wrong when it comes to your money? 

  • What people will think of you for wanting more money?

This is ALL fear showing up.

And our response to fear is usually fight, flight or freeze.

If you fight it, you’ll resist it and make up every excuse under the sun for why you can’t make more money.

If you’re in flight mode, you’ll bury your head in the sand and just not want to deal.

Or you’ll freeze, which leaves you with inaction and no movement. None of which are ideal when it comes to making more money.

So if FEAR is coming up for you - you want to find ways to soothe your nervous system around money.

Knowledge is POWER

So equipping yourself with financial literacy, reading books, listening to podcasts, investing in expert advice and support…

And NOT burying your head in the sand, not ignoring your bank account or ignoring that money might feel icky or hard or boring for you right now.

If it’s feeling boring, how can we make money feel more exciting for you?

If it’s feeling hard, how can we bring in more ease and flow?

If it’s feeling icky, how can we shift that energy?

This is something that I support my clients ALL the time. When it comes to the mindset and energetic work we do across all my programs – supporting my clients with their relationship to MONEY is often number one.

So know that you’re not alone, know that support is out there. It is time to look at your money “stuff”.

No more excuses.


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