How To Become More Confident In Your Cash Creating Abilities

Today we’re talking about how to become more confident in your cash creating abilities.

Because let’s face it – confidence is everything.

If you lack confidence in yourself, your business and your ability to make money – it’s going to be so much harder for you to actually create cash in your business.

Confidence provides a solid foundation for how you show up in your business – to lead, make decisions, market yourself, step outside your comfort zone, seize opportunities and overcome obstacles. 

Literally all of the things that are important in running, building and growing your business. 

Confidence makes it all infinitely easier.

Not to mention when it comes to the energetic side of things – confidence is magnetic. 

When you exude confidence you’ll attract more clients, more sales, more opportunities and yes, more cash. 

So business is going to feel easier, more enjoyable and the results will speak for themselves. 

It’s a win-win-win.

So today on the Feminine Fire Podcast I share how you can create this level of confidence for yourself. There’s 3 key areas that I’ve identified as being essential to building more confidence in your cash creating abilities.

So if you’re ready to step into a greater level of confidence when it comes to creating cash in your spiritual business – this is for you.

Confidence comes from CLARITY

First – you want to have clarity on your GOALS. 

You wanna create more cash? 

Great. What do those numbers actually look like? And what’s the WHY behind those numbers? 

The more specific you can be, the better.

Knowing the why is important because it’s what anchors you into the goal. 

It means that you’ll be more unwavering when it comes to your commitment to move forward and take action, and you’ll continue to show up, even when it feels hard or challenging.

Once you’ve got your goal, you can then map out a plan and get really clear on your next steps. 

When you have a clear, strategic plan in place – you won’t be second guessing all the time, you won’t be trying to work out what you need to be doing or where to focus your energy, and you won’t be making decisions on the fly.

You’ll be able to move forward with more confidence – because you know that the actions you’re taking serve a purpose, that they are leading you directly to your goals.

Without a plan, you’re just taking action and hoping for the best.

If you’re someone who currently just does things when and as you feel like them – I see you and feel you, I know you want to run your business intuitively and perhaps mapping out a plan feels restrictive.

But here’s the thing – running your business without a plan is only going to get you so far. 

If you want to create more money in your business and get more confident in your cash creating abilities – having a clear plan mapped out is going to support you to find that confidence. 

No umm-ing or ahh-ing about what to do next. Clear, confident next steps.

That doesn’t mean you can't be intuitive or go with the flow – flexibility is always a good thing in business. 

It just means you’re giving yourself some structure to flow within, so you know that you’re moving in the right direction, guided by your intuition, but always moving towards your goals.

And of course, things don’t always go to plan and you will need to shift and change as things happen – but having a plan gives you something to work from and makes you way more intentional about the changes you need to make. 

So clarity is important because it makes you wayyy more intentional, which means you’re making better decisions and you’ll feel like a better business owner aka confident that you know what the heck you’re doing.

To give you an example as it relates to creating cash…

If you are clear on your goals and your plan, when you come to the end of a launch, for example, you can sit down and assess where you’re at – you can look at the results of your launch, look at what monthly recurring revenue you’re now forecasting, how is that sitting in relation to your goals and then make a really intentional decision about what you need to do next. 

When you have clarity, you can make really intentional decisions, which means you’ll be CONFIDENT in the decisions you’re making.

Confidence comes from EXPERIENCE

Experience provides the evidence you need to trust in your cash creating abilities.

It’s tangible proof that you CAN do it. 

So how can you create this evidence for yourself?

First and foremost, it’s about taking action. 

The only way you’re going to create that evidence and build your confidence is by getting out there and making it happen. 

Yes – the first time you do anything you might feel a little wobbly and a little nervous, but confidence is something you build through doing. So you’ve gotta take the plunge and start.

When it comes to creating cash – where have you been letting fear or self doubt hold you back from taking action? 

The only way you’ll build your confidence is by taking action through fear.

And once you’re in the swing of things, make sure you’re taking the time to reflect and celebrate your wins along the way. 

Big or small. 

That moment you first realise you’ve got monthly recurring revenue coming in? Your first $2k month? Your first $5k month? 10k? 20k? 50k? Celebrate it all.

It can be so easy to always be looking ahead and striving for the next milestone that you don’t take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that where you are now was once exactly where you dreamed of being.

Comparison, self doubt, feeling like you’re not “far enough along” based on a made up imaginary timeline – will kill your confidence. 

So take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your wins – this is what creates that bank of evidence for yourself.

Celebrate your progress and your confidence will grow with every milestone you reach.

Confidence comes from COMPETENCE

The premise behind this is simple. When you feel like you know what you’re doing, you’re more confident.

So the more competent you become, the more confident you’ll feel. 

Competence comes from practice and a commitment to learning.

To become skilled in any area, you need to practice. 

The same principle applies to creating cash in your business. This is something you get better at, this is something you can learn.

But you need to keep going. 

Success in business requires perseverance, it requires grit. The ability to stick with it and stay on track, stay focused on your goals, even when it feels hard – especially when it feels hard. 

Approach everything is a learning opportunity. 

There is no such thing as failure, only learning.

Everytime you’re faced with a challenge and you stay the course, it brings you one step closer to mastering your skills and it builds your self confidence.

If you want to become competent at creating cash in your business – invest your time and energy in learning HOW to do it and then put it into practice.

Now speaking of learning how to create cash…

Join my free masterclass – From Confused to Confident Cash.

This is your last chance to sign up! 

60 mins to map out your strategy to bring in your next 5k in 30 days.

Super practical & super simple.

You’ll walk away with the steps to take to bring more cash into your business this month as well as the mindset to do it confidently.

So save your seat and join me live or catch the limited time replay – 


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