Using the Power of the Goddess to Create Abundance in Your Business

I am really excited to share this episode with you today because we are diving into one of my all time favourite spiritual topics – all things goddess!

Now it’s no secret that when it comes to spirituality – the goddess is where it’s at for me. I love goddess spirituality! I have for a very long time. I connect with goddess energy on a daily basis, both in my life AND in my business.

So today we are going to dive into how you can use the power of the goddess to create abundance and make more MONEY in your business.

But before I do that… I want to share something that I’ve been working on in the background now for quite some time.

The “Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype” Quiz is here!

It’s totally free! And super fun! And I know you’re going to love it.

This quiz will support you to connect to your inner goddess so you can anchor into your unique feminine superpowers, blow up your business and reach your earning potential.

This is the quiz for you if you’re building your business to six figures right now and you want to do that in a way that honours your individual feminine power and energy.

There are 6 possible goddess business archetypes, which, spoiler alert, we are going to talk about today!

So at the end of this episode, head on over to this link to take the quiz and then come and share your results with me on Instagram. I am so excited to find out what you get!

So, as I said, we’re going to be talking about these 6 goddess archetypes today. And if you’re a long time listener of the podcast and you’re like, “Bec, this is sounding familiar, don’t you already have an episode where you talk about these 6 goddess archetypes?”

Let me first say that yes, yes I do. In episode 28 of the podcast – I go into each of these 6 goddess archetypes and how they can support you in business generally.

In this episode I am diving specifically into how you can connect to each of these archetypes when it comes to creating abundance and making money in your business.

Today we are taking it a layer deeper! So let’s dive in shall we…


What is a Goddess Archetype?

Firstly, I think it’s important to talk about what I mean when I say “goddess archetypes” because, if you’re not familiar with them, then this episode might be a little confusing.

When you think of the “Goddess” or “goddess spirituality” – often what will first come to mind are the different Goddesses that you might know…

Goddess Aphrodite, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Brigid, Goddess Freya, and so on.

There’s literally thousands from all over the world. Even if you’re not familiar with a lot of goddesses, you’ll likely be familiar with a few because of what you learnt at school or what you’ve seen in movies. I don’t think I know anyone who wouldn’t know that Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love, for example.

So… we have Goddesses from all over the world with their own unique stories and mythologies.

Goddess archetypes are different

The concept of archetypes was brought into mainstream psychology by Carl Jung. It’s the idea that universal personalities or characters exist in the collective unconscious. That is, we all collectively relate to archetypes and understand them in a similar way.

So if I was to use the “Mother archetype” as an example – you and I will have a similar understanding of what that means.

We will all have a similar image that springs to mind when we think of the “Mother” – she’s nurturing, loving, life giving, caregiving. We all share this image because we’ve been conditioned into a collective understanding of the “Mother” as an archetype.

That’s just one example. There’s many different archetypes – masculine archetypes, feminine archetypes, non-gendered archetypes. 

The 6 that we’re going to dive into today – these are NOT the only archetypes that exist!

These are the six archetypes that form my personal framework, the archetypes that I teach and share with my clients inside the Spiritual Business Mistressmind.

Now the reason I love working with archetypes is because I believe they provide a mechanism for us to understand and awaken energies and powers that already exist within us. To help us reclaim parts of ourselves and our innate power.

When you take the Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype Quiz – you’ll discover where your natural feminine gifts lie and what archetype you’re currently resonating the MOST with right now. You will more naturally embody one of them. Your quiz results will tell you which one.

The beauty of archetypes though is that while you’ll naturally be more inclined to embody one more than others… ALL of these archetypal energies exist within you and you can actively choose to tap into them for different purposes. That’s why I love working with archetypal energy. It’s powerful stuff!

Let’s talk about these 6 archetypes now and how they can support you to create abundance and make money in your business.

Goddess Business Archetype #1: The Sovereign Woman

The Sovereign Woman is the natural born leader, very much in her power. She takes radical self responsibility for herself, her life and her business. The ultimate CEO boss energy.

The Sovereign Woman supports you to make money in your business because she helps you make the decision and follow through with action, no matter what’s going on mindset-wise.

This is what being in your sovereign CEO boss energy is about – separating out the business from the personal. Because there’s always going to be something going on in your life, there’s always going to be days and times when you feel those mindset wobbles. 

Embodying the Sovereign Woman in your business is about taking a step back from that, becoming the observer, recognising “okay, I’ve got all this going on over here, that’s cool, that’s okay, I’m not going to make myself wrong for it”… but I’m also not going to let it hold me back from moving forward.

I’ve made the decision, I’ve got a plan, I’m going to follow through on the action because I don’t have time for all that bullshit to hold me back from what I’m here to do – which is to show up, serve and create an abundant business.

Goddess Business Archetype #2: The Abundant Woman

This is the obvious one for the topic of this podcast episode, because obviously the Abundant Woman IS abundant. She’s abundant in all aspects of her life – love, joy, health and, yes, wealth and money.

This archetype is the master manifestor. You know those people who just always seem to manifest so easily? This is the Abundant Woman at play.

She is magnetic, expansive and tapped into the magic of the Universe. 

That’s what the Abundant Woman helps you to do – to expand your idea of what’s possible for you and create the mindset and energetic shifts you need to call in whatever it is that you desire, including money.

Essentially, if you want to create abundance and manifest more money in your life and business – you want to be embodying the Abundant Woman.

Goddess Business Archetype #3: The Grounded Woman

The best way to describe the Grounded Woman is grounded. She is calm and balanced, she helps us set healthy boundaries and create strong foundations for our business.

So when it comes to making money this is the archetype that will support you to create the structures and foundations you need to physically create and HOLD that money…

Things like looking at your product suite and the offers you have in your business and ensuring that it aligns with your income goal…

As well as just simply being a good custodian of your money – for example, are you someone who money comes in and then goes straight out? Or someone who fears spending money so you hold on to it too tightly?

The Grounded Woman will help you clean up all those money leaks. 

Creating abundance is about having a sense of fullness and overflow, and you want to have a solid container to HOLD that money and GROUND that abundance in the here and now.

That’s what the Grounded Woman supports you to do.

Goddess Business Archetype #4: The Sensual Woman

The Sensual Woman is all about pleasure, play and self expression. Her energy is so juicy and delicious. 

This is about business FEELING good – for us, for our clients, for the world. When you’re tapped into your Sensual Woman – it just feels so freakin’ good!

So when it comes to making money, the Sensual Woman is all about it FEELS. If it feels icky or gross or not aligned – you’re not embodying your Sensual Woman.

The Sensual Woman encourages us to ask questions like…

What if making money could feel really really good? 
What if making money could be playful and pleasurable? 
What would that be like?
What possibilities would open up for you there?

When we can bring the Sensual Woman into our money making practices – we are in that space of flow. It’s magnetic because feeling good is magnetic, pleasure and play is magnetic, being tapped into your sacred sensuality IS magnetic. It feels so good to play in that space!

Goddess Business Archetype #5: The Intuitive Woman

The Intuitive Woman is – surprise surprise – intuitive. She is creative, observant and in flow. She is always guided by her inner wisdom and has a deep sense of self trust.

With the Intuitive Woman, creating abundance and making money in your business gets to be intuitive. It gets to be aligned with your higher self.

The Intuitive Woman is all about trusting yourself and your intuition so deeply and making money in a way that feels aligned with your highest vision for your business, anchored into your why, your mission, what you are here to do.

The Intuitive Woman holds you in your highest, reminds you of what’s important, and pulls you and guides you in the direction and path of least resistance. The key is to listen and trust.

Sometimes your intuition doesn’t make sense. That’s okay. The Intuitive Woman supports you to lean in and trust it anyway. To trust in yourself. To trust in your ability to make money and create abundance. To trust in the universe, that you are always divinely guided, that you are always held.

Goddess Business Archetype #6: The Wild Woman

Our sixth and final archetype – the Wild Woman is all about freedom and liberation. She is unapologetic about who she is and what she stands for. Independent, authentic and fearless.

She is a real whirlwind – the risk taker, rule breaker, black sheep, free spirit. The rebel that lives inside all of us.

If you want to break all the rules around what it looks like to make money and create abundance, the Wild Woman is your girl.

You might think you have to do things a certain way, you might have even been told you have to do things a certain way – that your business has to look like ABC or that your sales process has to look like XYZ.

The Wild Woman will tell you that it's all bullshit. You get to make the rules. And then you can break them all if you want to. Break your own damn rules.

Also, when it comes to making money, authenticity is simply the most magnetic energy to be in.

Your soulmate clients want to work with you because you’re YOU. That’s your magic! The Wild Woman helps you to embrace that authenticity, to let your freak flag fly.

If you want to make more money, you want to be the most YOU you can be. Tap into your inner Wild Woman to make it happen!

The Magic Lies In The Embodiment Of These Archetypes

6 very different archetypes, 6 very different energies…but all supportive in their own way in terms of creating abundance in your business.

What’s important to note here is that archetypes in and of themselves are NOT what will help you move the needle forward in your business.

It’s the embodiment of these archetypes and tapping into that power within you that is already there but sometimes we need to more actively step into.

Embrace it. Embody it. That's what will propels you forward.

I like to think of archetypes as a doorway into our inner world. They help us to learn things about ourselves, to uncover the gold that already exists within and then move and act from that place. That's the key.

There’s no forward movement, there’s no outcome if you don’t put anything into practice. Embodying these archetypes is about finding those inner resources to take the actions you need to take to make shit happen in your life and business. There’s literally no point otherwise!

As I wrap up this episode, I am super curious to know…now that I’ve shared these 6 archetypes with you, you might think that you more naturally embody one over all the others. My challenge to you is to go and complete the Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype Quiz and find out if you are correct in your assumption.

And then come and share your results with me! I would LOVE to know. Once you’ve done the quiz, let me know on instagram @bec.cuzzillo – do your results resonate? Do you love goddess archetypes as much as me now? Can you guess what my goddess business archetype is? Come tell me all of the things. I want to chat with you about it.

And don’t forget, if you loved today’s episode, make sure you subscribe and leave me a 5 star written review. This is how I can get this magic out into the ears of more spiritual business owners just like you..


Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype Quiz

Keen to find out which Goddess Archetype you are? Find out with the “Discover Your Goddess Business Archetype” quiz here!


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