The podcast where spirituality meets soulful business strategy…
Are You Doing Enough? Signs Your Launch Needs More From You
Have you ever felt like you should be “doing more” in your launch? This is a conversation I often have with my clients during their launches, so in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I want to talk about how to know if you’re doing enough AND what I’d recommend if a client came to me with this question. It’s a really great example of how mindset meets strategy in a launch. Because it’s not one or the other – it’s both.
The Secret To A Simple & Successful Launch
Want to know THE secret to a simple and successful launch? Now when I say “secret” – you and I both know there are no secrets. But if there WAS a secret to simple and successful launches – it would probably be what most people consider to be the boring foundational things. It’s often not sexy but it IS good business.
An Exciting Update & Business Direction For 2025
We’re in the final quarter of the year! Can you believe it? This year has honestly flown BUT there’s still 3 months left – 3 months to get shit done, make shit happen and sail into 2025 feeling SO good about life and business. This week I’ve been deep in planning mode for both myself AND with my clients for what the rest of this year looks like AND into 2025.
How To Trust Your Intuition & Courageously Claim Your Next Level In Business with Charlotte Beswick
When you’re stepping into your next level in business there’s one thing that’ll help you courageously claim it… But it’s not what you might think! No, it’s not a secret strategy – it’s your intuition. So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m joined by Certified Reiki Master, Spiritual Mentor & Mindfulness Practitioner – Charlotte Beswick.
How To Launch A Profitable Group Program In The Current Climate
I wanna talk about the elephant in the room right now – The current economic climate. Because there’s no doubt about it, businesses ARE feeling it right now. Certain industries more than others. And while it's important to acknowledge that, so you can meet the market and do what’s required in order to THRIVE in this climate – it’s also important NOT to let fear be in the driver’s seat of your business. So I want today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast to be very practical and pragmatic. Because there IS plenty of evidence of people selling and having successful launches right now! So how do you make informed, intentional, strategic decisions for your business so that you can launch your group program and ensure that it’s PROFITABLE for you in this current climate? That’s what we’re talking about in today’s episode.
How I Get Shit Done Working Under 15 Hours Per Week
Ever wondered how I get shit done in my business when I work less than 15 hours a week? This is exactly what I was asked recently by one of my Mistressmind clients. And isn’t this the million dollar question? It’s the quintessential – how do I work smarter not harder in my business? And when you’re wanting to SCALE your business, this is the question you need to be asking yourself – How can you leverage your time better?
Behind The Scenes Of How I Run Profitable Group Programs
It’s one thing to know that a group program is your best next step to scale your business…And it’s another to actually make it profitable and sustainable for you as the business owner. So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m peeling back the curtain on my business model and taking you behind the scenes of my business to share how I run profitable group programs.
My Biggest Mindset Lessons After 8 Years In Business
I won’t lie, today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast feels a little more vulnerable, a little more personal…BUT every time I reflect on my business journey I’m reminded just how important mindset is. After 8 years, I can hand on heart say that it’s true when they say that business is one of the biggest personal growth journeys you’ll ever go on. Because it has been a journey!
Balancing Body, Business and Motherhood with Mikayla Banks
Since my youngest son Hugo was born 2 years ago, I’ve made a continued commitment to and investment in my physical health and wellbeing. As a busy mama in business, my physical health is so important – I can’t afford to neglect it so it’s a top priority for me. Today’s guest on the Feminine Fire Podcast helps other mums in business prioritise movement so they can feel their best and build thriving businesses – I’m talking with my dear friend and client Mikayla Banks.
5 Things I’d Do If Launching A Group Program For The First Time In 2024
You’re finally ready to add that transformative group program to your offer suite – the one that’s been hot on your heart for a little while now. You’ve decided it’s time. You’re ready to scale and it’s the perfect next step to take your spiritual business to the next income and impact level. But…launching a group program for the first time can be a little daunting. So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast, I want to make that easier for you. Let’s take the guesswork out of launching your group program and give you some solid next steps and key areas to focus on.
My Secrets To Live Launching Without Burning Out
Here’s a question for you…Does spending 5 months launching sound intense and tiring OR easeful and fun? This was my reality mid-year after wrapping up a big launch season where I’d been in either open cart launch or pre-launch of my programs, back to back, for 5 months. And while yes – it was definitely a big season in the business, launching is also not something that stresses me out, burns me out or exhausts me. And so what I want to share with you today on the Feminine Fire Podcast is how I do it – how I live launch without burning out.
How To Attract Ready To Buy Clients Into Your World Right Now
If there’s one thing that comes up again and again and again as THE biggest challenge that the spiritual business owners in my world are facing – it’s client attraction. Whenever I poll my audience, have conversations with people in DMs, reflect on what’s coming up for clients – it’s this. You want to know how to attract MORE clients – and not just any clients, but READY TO BUY clients. People who are just like, “shut up and take my money.” Let’s talk about how to attract ready to buy clients into your world right now.
What's Working In Launching In 2024
What’s actually working right now in launching in 2024? With so many of my clients in the midst of launching or planning out their next launch, this is a hot topic of conversation in my world. And as someone with a launch model, who launches multiple times per year and has had hundreds of women through my group programs over the last 8+ years (many of whom I support to launch their own courses and programs) – I’ve seen how launching has changed over the years. So today I’m going to share what you need to know about what’s working right now in 2024 when it comes to launching your online courses and group programs.
Scaling A 6-Figure Online Course Business While Working 2 Days A Week with Rachael Rose
As a mama in business, my number one priority is to build a business that supports me to enjoy this season of life to the max. And I love to hear how other women embrace the constant dance between biz-life and mum-life to create incredibly abundant and impactful businesses. On today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast, I’m talking to another incredible mother in business – Rachael Rose. In this chat, Rachael shares how she’s built a 6-figure business all while raising a family, homeschooling her kids and doing it in a way that aligns with her values.
How To Profit First & Actually Make Money In Your Business with Annie Love
I love a good money conversation! And I know in the spiritual business community, money can be a complex subject. But I’m a big believer that if you want to scale an abundant, heart-led, sustainable spiritual business – you need to have a good relationship with money. So today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast is all about money, profit and building a holistic business that truly supports your life – and I’m excited to have this conversation with the wonderful Annie Love.
Behind The Scenes Of My Brand Evolution with My Graphic Designer, Monique Hirsler
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve had a bit of a glow up around here! Over the 8 years I’ve been in business, my brand has gone through several evolutions. But this year I decided to go ALL IN on a full rebrand – the colours, logo, program logos, full website (including copy). You name it – EVERYTHING got a glow up. The process from start to finish was 6 months in the making and I was grateful to have the incredible Monique Hirsler bringing my vision to life.
How To Set Your Business Up For An Abundant Second Half Of 2024
Welcome to the second half of 2024! And if you’re in Australia, a NEW financial year! All the fresh energy and new beginnings happening here this week, which makes it the perfect time to set yourself up for an abundant second half of 2024 – both strategically and energetically. Strategically, this is the time to check in with your goals and solidify your plans for the rest of the year. Energetically, this is your opportunity to reset, anchor back into your vision and step up into the person you want to be in 2024.
Steal My Process: How I Create Transformational Offers That Get Epic Results
Offer creation is a VERY hot topic for me right now. I’m supporting a lot of my clients at the moment with creating and refining their offers, and I've just gone through the process myself of creating my new 1:1 offer Quantum Cash. Something I’ve realised in the online space is that offer creation is often overlooked in favour of the shiny marketing and sales strategies (which are important too!) – BUT it all starts with a really great transformational offer. And not just any kind of offer – I’m talking about an offer that you’re not only excited about delivering but that’s also unique and creates really epic results for your clients.
Launch Review: The Exact Strategy I Used To Attract A Specific Premium Client
I’ve just come to the end of a big launch season in the business. After 2 back to back launches, including both the time spent in pre-launch and open cart – I’ve spent the first 5 months of this year launching! So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m excited today to be diving into my latest launch results and taking you behind the scenes of one strategy in particular that helped me attract a specific premium client into this round of Confident Consistent Cash.
Spiritual Biz Pep Talk: The One Mindset Shift To Skyrocket Your Business Results
Mindset is important in business. In my experience it is the ONE thing that can either make or break you – it either holds you back OR it propels you forward. And I say this with so much love because NO ONE has a perfect mindset. That doesn’t exist. So you’re not doing anything wrong when you experience mindset wobbles. YOU are not wrong for experiencing mindset wobbles. I want you to know and remember that any fear or self doubt is your ego mind keeping you safe. So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m talking about the ONE mindset shift that will help you get unstuck and skyrocket your business results.